I had four. I had one pulled when it became impacted and infected. Because of the unique circumstances at the time they were only willing to pull what was necessary, and could only do so with EMLA cream, nothing more powerful. So it got yanked with me awake. Really painful, but doable. I was about to call Uncle when it was over, thank god!
I went back and had the other three done as soon as the unique circumstances allowed. I went under for that. I had really deep roots, and they had to break my lower jaw in one place to get one out. I ended up with permanent nerve damage and loss of sensation on one side of my face/lip (deep roots touching nerve - risk in waiting till your older to get them pulled). Most of the sensation did fortunately return, but for a month or so I was always biting it when chewing, and spilling drinks. Now there are just spots that feel a bit out of the ordinary to touch. I have one area on my chin that's extra sensitive to hot and cold, and one area on my lip that is extra sensitive to pain. Other than that I have full sensation back now.
You're young right? It should be a piece of cake. When the surgeon was talking risks with me and said nerve damage I said "Wait, tell me more about that one. That's just my luck" and of course, it was.