But this increase in value is largely illusory, as it roughly tracks with inflation over a longer time scale. A couple of spikes caused by speculatory bubbles does not provide evidence that the value of gold has historically increased over time, on the contrary, outside of those bubble periods, the market value of gold in inflation adjusted dollars has remained remarkably stable as far back as we can go.
Even without adjusting for inflation, just put a historical chart of gold prices next to a historical chart of the S&P 500 or the DJIA. They don't look anything close to the same:
One of these things is not like the other.[/QUOTE]
I don't think many of us on here started investing in pre 2000s, so whatever happened then is not very relevant to us, especially in recent times as governments around the world have punched the printing press game into overdrive.
If you look at the inflation adjusted chart in your link, assuming you werent able to catch the bottom in both markets, from early 2000s onwards both have made similar gains in magnitude to date. Anyways, that's beside the point. The point is, none of us can fully predict what will happen 10, 20 years down the line and what assets will perform better than others. Whether or not something is volatile or how well it performs doesn't change the original definition of the word. But for the purpose of this thread, gold as an asset can simply be seen as a part a strategy behind a diversified portfolio, just like real estate can be. I'm not advocating anyone in here in particular to dump all their money in one thing or another, I just questioned your idea that buying PMs is not a valid form of investment.
Note: I don't own any physical gold nor am I likely to!