Team Andromeda
My point wasn't that they went 3rd party and sold them the next day.
NFL 2K wasn't the only game they were making. A major 3rd party publisher would have said, okay EA is taking Madden exclusive? I'll put out NCAA and make it a better football game and I'll put out NBA exclusively.
And as we know NBA 2K became the predominant basketball game on the market. Again you're highlighting the difference between Sega and T2. T2 wanted to be a bigger 3rd party publisher and they saw Visual Concepts and the 2K brand as a way to do that.
As someone who was around at the time, yes Shenmue would have sold gangbusters on PS2, everyone knows that. What hit games did Sega put on the PS2? They put their best games on the two systems that were selling the worst... Sonic Adventure went to Gamecube and wouldn't come to PlayStation until PS3. They put Shenmue on Xbox. The smaller games they put on PS2 sold better than the bigger games they put on GameCube and xbox...
Before the NFL deal, SEGA was making a big push with Visual Concepts and with its Sports brand and pushing its SNAP online service the NFL deal changed all that with SEGA selling off both
Take-Two deserve credit for looking to push the Basketball side but they dropped everything else Visual Concepts had a hand in but it was the EA deal with NFL that made SEGA look to sell off VC.
I doubt Shenmue 2 would have sold better on the PS2 and SEGA looked to put Virtual Fighter 4 on the PS2 along sequels to Shinobi Phantasy Star Online, Sega Rally, and Sakura Wars and they all hardly set the sales charts alive, Hell Shenmue 1 sold better than either of the 1st two Yakuza games on the PS2 and it took the Satakore version of Yakuza 1/2 in Japan before we started to see really good sales
It was pretty sad to see a port of Sonic Adv 2 on the GameCube sell better than many of their Xbox, GameGube PS2 game