What kind of savings is this? Does she also contribute to a retirement account? Are you in the US?
The only problem with those is that in the event of an emergency you can't actually access them. Eg you get fired, the money still has to stay there since your wife can't take the money out.
Honestly, seems weird and not something I've ever heard of. I am also assuming this is coming with a (high) cost, so you are just better opening your own accounts.
Basically an emergency fund is 3-6 months of cash that you can access at any time. You take your monthly expenses and x it by a number between 3-6. You should be able to get that money at any time.
Now I put my emergency fund into a few different accounts. Some of it is in an offset account for my mortgage (Australia only account) and the other is in Stocks. In the event something was to happen I could access either of those accounts and get the cash in less then a week. Because really there isn't many scenarios where you would need a large sum of money right away. Plus I have a cc anyways.
So those three "savings funds" don't give you that ability to get that money whenever you please. Unless I am reading it wrong, maybe #1 does.
Thanks Darren for the answer, we are aiming for at least 3 months of income as our emergency fund, we have almost a month of income saved(this should cover a month and a little more of expenses)
-We don't have credit card debt, the CC debt is paid every month without fail.
-We are in Mexico, she contributes a part to her retirement account(known here as "afore") I don't because I'm currently employeed in a diferent scheme so I don't put money in my afore. Hopefully this month this will change and I will get contributions again
-Since we don't have ready access to the money of those savings of my wife, we pretend those don't exist, so when we think of how much we have we ignore those
Hope all explains a little more of our situation, it seems that the afore works a little different than the retirement accounts in the US, I think I will make a different post asking some advice about it later