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How to "NOT" show avatars?

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I've selected the option to not disply them but that seems worthless. All the others work though (signatures are disabled as selected as well as images in a thread).

Any insight into this would be helpful.
Basically the way vb3 works is that it wants to host everyones avatar. This would increase GAF's server usage. So these forums have a hack that allows people to have avatars that they host. So the option to turn off avatars only turns of those hosted by the server and since there are none, nothing happens
get opera --> disable images.

the bad is that you see no images. the good is you don't have to look at the annoyingly huge animated avatars like solidsnake has.


It shouldn't be that difficult to write something to disable avatars. There must be a vb3 expert on this forum.

This would be a great option if it worked.


I made a post about having trouble browsing at work with certain threads not opening, and the only guess anyone could make as to why would be the avatars. I use Firefox, so I rather tediously Adblocked every avatar I could find in about 10 threads and lo and behold now I have no problems at all with any threads not opening. Using wildcards for the free image sites helped make it a lot easier, but the downside is that I bet I'll miss seeing some special smilies or linked images in threads but oh well.
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