My "weekend" has consisted of literally 40 hours of studying organic chemistry between friday afternoon and right now, and I have another 25-30 hours to do in the next few days-- and I'm
still unprepared for Thursday's exam, considering the type exams this guy gives.
True story: My recitation teacher this past week (a woman who's one year away from her Ph.D in organic chemistry) and I were talking in her office, and she goes to me "yeah, some of his questions are hard, even for me-- you really have to think about them; sometimes I can't finish the exams he gives (to
us, undergrads) in the time he allots." I was like "WTF!?" This woman will be a professor in a little over a year, and she's telling us that she has trouble with this guy's undergrad orgo 1 exams. That's just ridiculous.
This other guy in my physics class (who has organic chem with me also) told me that his friend just finished up his master's degree in organic chem this past June, and he showed him one of our professor's old exams, and the guy just said "this is insane" and was floored over the difficulty of the exam. And this is somebody who has his master's in the very same field; the course I'm taking is my (and the other students') FIRST exposure to organic chem.
The material itself is not hard at all, but the sorts of questions this guy asks are WAY beyond what is in the book (which is a graduate level textbook being used for an undergrad course, btw- go figure; even still, it's a JOKE compared to his exams), or even what we cover in class. I swear to God, one day I'm gonna scan in one of his old exams, and make a thread calling all the people who are in/have taken organic chem, and they are going to be dumbfounded....
So I guess you could say I'm tad stressed...yeah. And then I get to do this all over again from thusday to monday for my monday physics exam (why do you torture me, Hooke's Law?
). Yay! : /