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How would I go about perfecting my English?

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bobafett said:
have you lived in a english speaking country or learned the language in Jordania?

I lived in Jordan all my life, only travel on holidays and mostly to Russia (where they don't speak English).

Ecrofirt said:
I think it's fairly obvious that you're of above average intellegence.

Thank you :)

What do you do for a living?


I'm unemployeed, in fact I never had a job in my life, ever.

In other words: Lazy Bastard.


I also HIGHLY recommend 1984, probably my favorite book.

I just finished reading Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, and I really enjoyed it. One of the funniest books I've ever read. Give it a try!


nitewulf said:
oh, u must read other novels by vonnegut as well. he is too much. breakfast of champions, jailbird etc.

Yeah, most of the "Trafalmadorian" plotline really cracked me up, especially the alien habitat he lived in--I'll definitely check out his other novels.


Ill Saint said:
Study Philosophy.
Yes, yes. The most famous philosophers are always fantastic writers. Since taking some courses, I can articulate myself much better. My vocab isn't necessarily any bigger, but I happen to use a greater variety of words in speech without thinking. Most of all, I can express myself extremely well now. It's made a huge, huge difference.

So yeah, I'd strongly suggest that. Philosophy is great for other things, of course. Your perspective on life should change some, even if you're not directly affected.

"Perfecting" your English is a weird thing to say, though. Do you mean to the point where it sounds fluent?
Socreges said:
"Perfecting" your English is a weird thing to say, though. Do you mean to the point where it sounds fluent?

Heh, the first line of my initial post was "I know that sounds like a weird title for a thread" but I removed it before posting.

I mean improving my written English to become completely flawless.
I second the recommendation of reading Adams - much like Twain, he's an expert at using simple words in JUST the right order to great and intensely amusing affect. O'Henry and Vonnegut are also good suggestions. As long as we're suggesting humorists, Dave Barry is great. I bet you'd get a kick out of Dave Barry Does Japan in particular, being a gamer.

Basically, I think you should focus on reading stuff that's not too hard vocabulary wise, but working at a high level in terms of style, wit, and structure. Not having to look words up all the time will help free your mind to focus on the WAY the words are being used - the higher level language skills beyond simply "what does word X 'mean'"?
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