I was at a local gig for a friends band, during the soundcheck I wasn't happy with the mix and suggested, foolishly, to the engineer that he maybe could turn the guitars up a bit.
He looked at me as if I'd just asked him to rape his own mother, twice... and then spat out:
"If you think you can do it better, then fucking do it."
and much to the sheer horror of the band, proceeded to get his coat and left the mixing desk and went to the bar, refusing to do the sound and just sat drinking & laughing at me..
I had
very little sound experience from a few recording sessions, but was
well in the shit and out of my depth. and struggled through the set and pretty much wrecked my friends gig due to the worst sound/mix imaginable.
Having learnt my lesson, myself and the engineer bizarrely became friends and he started training me up, 1 year later I was sharing the venue with him as he wanted to cut his workload down. I eventually took his place as the resident engineer when he went off on tour work. (Pretty much part-time as a hobby, with IT work in the day paying my rent.)
After a while I tired of the dayjob so much that I packed it in, and went full time with the sound work.
One day, some poor schmuck is going to come to a gig and suggest I turn up his friends guitar, and god help him if I'm not going to give him the same hell & sweats I got that night. (Actually this "friend of the band" problem is pretty common, and severely looked down upon by most engineers, & rightly so too