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How've you been spending your holiday?

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We've been barbequing for a few hours now and I've just been running around with my dog in the yard listening to the stereo. It's pretty hot outside so I'm taking a little break before I fill up on more hotdogs :D (I ALWAYS eat more hotdogs than any other food on the 4th).

How have you been spending your holiday? (and happy 4th, btw :))


I put down Katamari Damacy after only playing a couple of hours and basically forgot I even had it. I rediscovered it yesterday and I've been romping through it in 1 hour chunks ever since. Barbecue in a couple of hours, though!


I worked all night... drinking beer & smoking cigs now waiting for fireworks tonight... bout it for me....


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
barbequing(doing it for my parents since I'm the worlds greatest Barbeguer, self taught I might add), drinking and watching the Twilight zone Marathon....


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Craming like hell in reviewing Signals and Systems I. I did it last fall and #2 starts tomorrow.

We're talking like 30 hours of homework a week not including test study time.

The professor wrote the book and he's ruthless. Here's the grade distribution from the ECE315 summer class:


I managed an A last Fall but it wasn't easy at all. Now it's condensed 4:1 in time.


I'm working today from 8:30 to 5:30 then dragging the kid to some fireworks which he's never seen before. Most likely leaving early due to his impending terror.


I've been running out on my porch with my cane yelling at all of the punk kids and their fireworks.
ditto. the noise law goes into effect at 11PM, they were setting fireworks off until 2AM. mother-fuckers, I'm trying to get my baby to sleep and you're not helping!
I've taken it upon myself to complete thief:gold thief2 and thief:Deady Shadows on expert.

right now I've just started the Lost City mission in thief gold. Incidently its the only one of the 3 games I've never finished.

of course my holiday is 3months long so I have the time


Going to watch this in a little bit:

And since Fireworks are very illegal in San Diego (thank you fire storms), probably going to play this later:

evil ways

I had an $800 tax return check burning a hole in my bank account for a few weeks now so I went shopping by myself. They recently opened this hobby/import shop just outside the mall, so I decided to go in and check it out. Bunch of anime stuff, import games, music, movies, porn and then I saw these 2 staring at me from a shelf:


Soul of Chogokin Die-cast Mazinger Z - $69.99


Medicom Real Action Hero MGS3 Snake 1 of 1000 - $148.99

Then went to Suncoast to check out some DVD's and got these:



$10.99 each

Then went to EB, no DS + free Mario 64 deal either, so I bought one of these to replace my old, fat ass PS2:


Went and bought some hot dogs & beef patties with their respective buns, and some of those shoestring potato chips, got home, and in a stealthlike manner I stashed my loot and now I await for the food to be served.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Being lazy. Stayed up until 7am(!) this morning playing games...I finally started playing some of the PC games I've had sitting here for months. Installed Herectic Kingdoms. It sucked, so I played Half-Life 2 and installed Far Cry. Half-Life 2 is amazing; I can't believe I waited this long to play it, The mods I tried weren't very good and took forever to load, si deleted those. Far Cry seems so generic in comparison to HL2, but I love the tropical setting, and it's nice to shoot down humans for once instead of weird monsters like it seems every other FPS has.

Today I slept in until 12:30pm, got up, went downstairs and found that some of the family was over for a barbecue, so I talked to them for a little while then went back to my previously-scheduled laziness. I couldn't eat yet (I'm on a diet; two weight loss shakes a day and then dinner), so I didn't hang around them too long to watch them eat. Now I'm back on my PC; just finished some more Far Cry and I think I've had enough of that for the day. Not sure what else I'm going to do, but I don't feel like doing much. I need to finish cleaning/reorganizing around here, but I'm sure I won't today. :) Maybe some more gaming later.
Finishing up Nickel & Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America so I can start reading some of these other books before the library due date.

Stopped by my parents place to make sure everything was in order while they're away visiting the side of the family I'll violently murder once I decide life is no longer worth living in that fine, fine Nothern Southern state.

While there I invited myself to a bowl of bran / corn flakes.

Maybe later I'll fashion a grill from wire coat hangers and barbecue some Maruchan Instant Lunch. :X

For now it's back to sitting in my underpants near the fan and reading. YAY!


Just been to Belgium spent some time with my girlfriend, had an amazing time -- now I'm finishing up some work and I'm arranging my move to Belgium.
Went and spent money....
Wife works today so I had nothing to do.

Got Bloodrayne 2 for $10 at Circuit City

Went to Toy R Us and dropped $50 on a in scale ring for my WWE Classics figures.
This thing is a beast. 2 feet by 2 feet, metal ringpsots, cloth ring canvas, foam and cloth turnbuckles... droool.


Not a bad investment for my huge collection.


Hates quality gaming
ManaByte said:
And since Fireworks are very illegal in San Diego (thank you fire storms), probably going to play this later:
Good man.
Gonna sit on the porch and have some beer & fireworks in a minute, then it's Futari no Fantavision for me & the gf.

evil ways

Outcast2004 said:
Went and spent money....
Wife works today so I had nothing to do.

Got Bloodrayne 2 for $10 at Circuit City

Went to Toy R Us and dropped $50 on a in scale ring for my WWE Classics figures.
This thing is a beast. 2 feet by 2 feet, metal ringpsots, cloth ring canvas, foam and cloth turnbuckles... droool.


Not a bad investment for my huge collection.

Until the ring posts bend the plastic holders, breaking them and the posts and ropes fall apart.

If you haven't opened it do yourself a favor and take it back, unless of course you don't mind covering all the sides in super glue and/or electrical tape.


I've been drinking Coke and playing Forza. Once the sun goes down, I'll start playing the copy of Psychonauts I rented by trading in DTR PSP for $22 in credit. I can't play it yet because I'm getting too many reflections off of my LCD monitor, and the game is very dark. I can't see shit.


Hang out with Steve.
Painting, mostly. Painted the dining room (3 colors) and the breakfast nook (2 colors). Had new washer & dryer delivered Saturday night. Painted trim on stairs (up & down), also painted a railing for the basement stairs & installed. Installed a new cable outlet in the bedroom, including routing the cable through the basement. Gotta go up & sand the joint compound, then once that's nice & smooth it's time to paint that area again. Also in the process of moving everything out of the ground floor (including the master bedroom) in preparation for new floors, the installation of which starts this coming Friday and continues for the next 8 days (with Sunday and Wednesday off). Before that happens, the master bath continues its demolition with the removal of the vanity & sinks and the closet doors, in preparation for the new floor. Gotta go get the new pedestal sinks, faucets, a cabinet, mirrors, lighting, and accessories, so all that can be installed ASAP once the bathroom floor's done.

Also some time this week I'm expecting the counter installation folks to call & set up an appointment to install the new kitchen countertop.

Can't wait until all this home improvement stuff is done. Another 6-8 weeks, I think, including waiting for new dining room furniture and a new computer desk...
evil ways said:
Until the ring posts bend the plastic holders, breaking them and the posts and ropes fall apart.

If you haven't opened it do yourself a favor and take it back, unless of course you don't mind covering all the sides in super glue and/or electrical tape.

Already did the super gluing... all is well now. I'll have to take a pic or 2 of the collection. Now the trick is keeping the cat out of the ring.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I spent Friday through Sunday playing volleyball and basketball, drinking, partying, BBQs, chilling in pools and hot tubs, watching movies, etc.

Today was my dull day. I cleaned my apartment and went to dinner with my dad and my brother.

Great fucking weekend though. So much fun.



Finished watching ID4 on DVD and it's on AMC now. Funny that Fox is still too chicken to show it.

Also playing a bunch of WoW and getting stuff ready for Comic Con next week.


:lol My entire street had a firework show. It seemed like every other house was in the street setting off fireworks.


I had coffee with my ex-girlfriend which was nice, although I hadn't been to a Starbucks in some time, so that was a bit of a throwback to older days. Drove back to Austin, escaped a speeding ticket by dumb luck, cleaned my entire apartment from top to bottom, and then wound back up at a coffee shop reading programming books. I'm not a holiday guy, and certainly not one who feels the least bit patriotic the way the political scene has been going the last few years.


Hang out with Steve.
Wanted to make a comment about 4th of July TV coverage, since my wife & I didn't have time to make it out to one in person.

We watched Washington DC's coverage, which ran from 8PM to 9:30 on PBS. It was broadcast in high-def, but Adelphia doesn't have PBS in HD, so, oh well. Anyway, let's sum it up. Before it got dark, we had the washed-up Beach Boys singing out of tune & off key. Guess it's harder to hit those high notes when you're older. The Ojays were on, and they kinda sucked as well. Then there's that Irish tenor who's becoming a citizen of the US next year, and what did he sing? Selections from "Man of La Mancha". WTF? Oh I don't remember who the host was, but talk about cheesy. Later, Jimmy Smits showed up, and introduced the National Symphony and a US Army trumpet corps, who played.... "Battle of the Heroes" from Revenge of the Sith. Nice music, but, um, ok... Finally Gloria Estefan took the stage. I always like her, but the fireworks had started by then, and they showed more of her than the fireworks. And the fireworks show was taking place beyond the Washington monument -- yet the concert and all the cameras were in front of the Capitol, over a mile away. To top it off, they ended coverage BEFORE THE FIREWORKS were done.

So we flipped over to NBC, which showed New York's spectacle in HD. That was FANTASTIC. Just a band playing stuff like Gershwin, Cohen, Sousa, and fireworks set up in around 6 locations along the river, all synchronized to each other and to the music. It was AWESOME. No inane commentary, no long lingering shots at a performer (though they showed the same people in the crowd over & over). Makes me wish I'd been there, and in fact, if they do it like that every year, I wouldn't mind making the trip up next year.

Anyway, DC has a few things to learn about putting on a 4th show -- perhaps they should take a page from NYC.
I watched the Tour de France coverage while waiting for my rommates to get ready. At 1:00, we went swimming at my friend's parent's neighbor's house (they were out of town) where I forgot to wear sunblock and got a decent sunburn. After we were done swimming we picked up some food and cooked out. Then we waited around for another friend to show up so we could have our milk drinking contest (finish a gallon of milk in an hour). He actually finished, drank the last pint in the final seconds and then threw up 5 seconds later. I only made it through 2/3 of a gallon and didn't throw up. I spent the next hour recovering and then we drove off to catch the fireworks. That's about it.
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