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HS Basketball Coach suspened for winning a game 161-2

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This kind of attitude is what results in so many young adults going out into the world thinking they are some special butterfly before being hit by cold hard reality, the way how I see it the coach did them a favour in showing them how much they sick and that this game is probably not for them.
This kind of attitude is what results in so many young adults going out into the world thinking they are some special butterfly before being hit by cold hard reality, the way how I see it the coach did them a favour in showing them how much they sick and that this game is probably not for them.


Sometimes you're the Apollo Creed to an Ivan Drago.


I would look at the opportunity to get my team to practice against a real other team, to solidify plays and their shots in a real situation. Not his fault the other team fucking sucks. Coddling much?

Sometimes it's just common sense and decency. As a competitor I wouldn't have felt great about beating the shit out of some team far beneath my skill level. It's not competition at that point.


I would look at the opportunity to get my team to practice against a real other team, to solidify plays and their shots in a real situation. Not his fault the other team fucking sucks. Coddling much?

Sure run your offence but let the other team bring the ball up the court and take shots. Makes the game go by faster too. There's literally no way to score that much unless you're taking the ball away from the other team as soon as they get possession.


they had 1 point in the first half, so those were 2 free throws... 0 field goals.

The winning team should have taken nothing but half court shots in the 2nd half... or given the other team one of their players, you know, 6 on 4.

if i were on the losing team i'd actually be more upset about that then running up the score.


This kind of attitude is what results in so many young adults going out into the world thinking they are some special butterfly before being hit by cold hard reality, the way how I see it the coach did them a favour in showing them how much they sick and that this game is probably not for them.

Well, the reality is that the world isn't actually divided into winners and losers, and you don't have to be good at a sport to carry it with you as both forms of enjoyment and exercise. I'm sorry you view the world so dualistically.


love on your sleeve
After playing pressure d for the whole first half and scoring over 100 points in 16 minutes...

They only scored 1 point even after Arroyo turned down their defense. Regardless, both coaches talked before the game and knew what was going on.

Anderson told Landon Negri of the Orange County Register that he met with opposing coach Dale Chung before the game to discuss the situation. He was trying to balance getting his team prepared for league play with avoiding an embarrassing scenario.

"This was our last game before we started league, and we were going to come out playing hard," he said. "I wanted to let him know there was no harm intended, and that if he had any ideas or concerns just to let me know. We were going to play a half of basketball, at least... And he seemed fine with that."


what they should've done is score like 5 points and play lockdown defense and keep away offense all game.

That would have been way more impressive. It's like playing Pokemon's campaign, you gotta challenge yourself.
Well, the reality is that the world isn't actually divided into winners and losers, and you don't have to be good at a sport to carry it with you as both forms of enjoyment and exercise. I'm sorry you view the world so dualistically.
No one is saying they cant enjoy playing the sport just dont do so competitively.I dont think they are loser just because they suck st this particular sport but I also dont believe in cuddling people into thinking they are better than they actually are at something I see that as more damaging personally.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Honestly, I feel bad, and the coach probably should have stopped the FCP after being 20 points up or whatever, and just resumed it if the other team caught back up.

But at the same time, is it more disrespectful to not play at your best level of ability and expecting your opponents to do the same? There's a weird line, there.


Chie is the worst waifu
A guy once said "You play to win the game"

It doesn't matter if it is by one point or one hundred.

And I've been on the receiving end of lopsided games.

Neo C.

Honestly, I would do the same. Pull the starters out but let the bank play press. It's a good opportunity to practice it.


Super Sleuth
What do people suggest he should have done differently? Not even play a single half?

They still destroyed them with their bench on the second half, no full court press, and delaying shots. What more do you want?

This isn't a case of hockey or football where it could be dangerous for the other team to play against someone so much better.
I feel like people complaining about running up the score is an american thing. My first yr of uni when we played a team we tried scoring as much as we could. We beat a team 107 - 0 and played most of the second half with backups but we still tried our hardest to score as much I even got a couple of TDs and it was like my second game ever.


What a bunch of cuddling babies," there there you tried to play here is your pacifier and participation ribbon". Guy even put in his third string what more do you want? Him to put in his players on your team maybe just have a scrim. between his players? Since it would seem that your team could learn a tactic or two watching a good team.


I've regularly seen 20-0 or thereabouts scorelines playing sunday football (uk), being on the receiving end of a few and thankfully dishing them out.


hahaha that bad ass. they should be praising that coach and the team. the other team should buy them pizza for being so bad and wasting their time


Chie is the worst waifu
I feel like people complaining about running up the score is an american thing. My first yr of uni when we played a team we tried scoring as much as we could. We beat a team 107 - 0 and played most of the second half with backups but we still tried our hardest to score as much I even got a couple of TDs and it was like my second game ever.

I'm American and I hate the "running up the score" sentiment.

THERE'S NO SUCH THING. It's a silly mentality to have.

Don't want the other team to score? STOP THEM. If you can't, too bad.


This isn't a case of hockey or football where it could be dangerous for the other team to play against someone so much better.

In hockey it's dangerous for both teams because the losing team will only take so much. Your super stars are going to dangle one to many times and some one is going to take their head off. Then it will just escalate. I assumed even in basketball guys are going to start taking cheap shots with elbows and things like that? With a score like that I'm surprised the parents weren't brawling. I guess with it that lopsided there is no emotion in the game.


Idk man in youth sports you don't do that. It's not even about coddling the losers it's about teaching the winners not to be dicks.


I've regularly seen 20-0 or thereabouts scorelines playing sunday football (uk), being on the receiving end of a few and thankfully dishing them out.

Yeah, if they run that score up that much, usually knees are going to be taken out.

I still blame the high school sports association for this, if they knew it was going to be this bad, they have to cancel the game.


No one is saying they cant enjoy playing the sport just dont do so competitively.I dont think they are loser just because they suck st this particular sport but I also dont believe in cuddling people into thinking they are better than they actually are at something I see that as more damaging personally.

You said, "showing them how much they [suck] and that this game is probably not for them".

This is high school. Not professionals, and not even college. They are children. Because a child "sucks" at a sport it does not follow that it is "not for them".

The point of children's sports is to teach them teamwork, sportsmanship and to give them practical exercise skills they can take into adulthood. All of the adults who oversee them have a responsibility to make sure these values are reinforced. That includes the parents, refs and the coaches. So yes, this implies that the winning team's coach as a duty towards the losing team's players.

Furthermore, no one is saying they are "butterflies" or that they should be "cuddled". That is a cliche you are repeating based on the false idea that everyone is a winner or a loser.

D i Z

I love how the other coach who clearly couldn't motivate his own team to play points finger at him. 2 points. Seriously.

These aren't kids in the way people are spinning this. These are students who are looking for the next step. College. You wouldn't tell a math major to not do whatever you could to stand out and draw attention for your college bid. That shit is ridiculous.

Again. Two points. Sort your shit out Coach Chung. Or better yet, retire so that someone competent can lead that squad out of being a national joke.


You said, "showing them how much they [suck] and that this game is probably not for them".

This is high school. Not professionals, and not even college. They are children. Because a child "sucks" at a sport it does not follow that it is "not for them".

The point of children's sports is to teach them teamwork, sportsmanship and to give them practical exercise skills they can take into adulthood. All of the adults who oversee them have a responsibility to make sure these values are reinforced. That includes the parents, refs and the coaches. So yes, this implies that the winning team's coach as a duty towards the losing team's players.

Furthermore, no one is saying they are "butterflies" or that they should be "cuddled". That is a cliche you are repeating, and not only that is based on the false idea that everyone is a winner or a loser.

the point of sports is to win
Damn what a beast of a team. He shouldn't have been suspended btw. It's the other school's fault for sending their unprepared team to the slaughterhouse.
Curious how this matchup even occurred in the first place. These two teams clearly aren't in the same league, and I can't imagine the losing team's efforts no matter how hard they tried made the experience a positive one for the winning team.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Should have just ended the game, let the other team know they're so awful they don't even belong in the game.


the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

you can reinforce those ideals and whoop ass, they're not mutually exclusive

play to win or go home, practice is for cuddling and baby talk
the point of sports is to win

Some people - especially those who lose a lot - would disagree. They don't even know.

the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

competition is competition. the biggest tool you can carry out of youth sports is that you should compete to win.


the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

maybe in PE. if you're on a high school sports team? you'd like to at least be competitive

Curious how this matchup even occurred in the first place. These two teams clearly aren't in the same league, and I can't imagine the losing team's efforts no matter how hard they tried made the experience a positive one for the winning team.

has always been my experience that there are always like 2-3 bottom feeder teams in these high school leagues. even when i played high school tennis...you knew which teams would probably make it to state playoffs before the season even started based on reputation. the coaches were aware of this. this is pretty extreme though which is why its a news story.

D i Z

the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

These aren't kindergarten children. They are pre-college kids. You play to win. Period.


the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

im sure youd like to think that and people want kids to take that away but it really is just about winning.


I hate this coddling attitude. In real life, nobody is going to stop people from beating you down (figuratively) in life. I've had people cheat in business and it's hurt me. I've been scammed by a company that got off clean by lying in court. I've been promised things by bosses that never came through even after I did everything they asked. Nobody was there to suspend my boss. Nobody was there to fix the disappointment.

Knowing how to deal with loss and disappointment is an important part of being a functional adult. Sports are a great way to teach kids that sometimes you're better, sometimes someone else is better. Sometimes you're not anywhere near the level of those around you. That's ok. You can be better at other things or in different ways. You can't always be as good as everybody at everything. Maximize what you're good at, deal with or work around the areas where you're weak.

Screw this soft mentality. If my kid's team was losing 100-0, I would want him to finish the game, and I would want him to lose graciously and look forward to the next one.


Idk man in youth sports you don't do that. It's not even about coddling the losers it's about teaching the winners not to be dicks.

I don't see any way playing to the best of your ability is being a dick. If the coach had led his players in a round of "look at how bad you people are at basketball" after every basket, yeah, that's being a dick.

Curious how this matchup even occurred in the first place. These two teams clearly aren't in the same league, and I can't imagine the losing team's efforts no matter how hard they tried made the experience a positive one for the winning team.

Yeah I didn't get that either. They mention how the team had stomped others in games before that, so it seems like there was some weird league stuff going on overall. These players were clearly outmatching everyone they went up against.
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