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Human beings as currency. How many would you spend?

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From the darkest depths of space, a behemoth of a spaceship enters orbit of our small planet. Our pitiful scans reveal its technology is so advanced, it may as well be magic: a living machine, bigger on the inside, with a hull made of hard light and bulkheads grown from fluidic dark matter.

From one of the vessel’s energy strings, a message broadcasts across the entire planet. Every audio and visual device broadcasts, even those without power and long since broken.
As the static clears, billions of people see this friendly face.


That’s right. Dr. Pleb, supreme scientist of the six multiverses, inventor of thought-gravity and regular chess-partner with the cosmos consciousness, wants to purchase some human beings.

Here is the deal: The good Doctor will sell the peoples of the planet Earth various specifications in exchange for set numbers of healthy human beings. The human beings must:

  • not be cloned
  • not be terminally ill or close to death from old age
  • not be current inhabitants of our penal system.
  • must be named specifically at the time of payment. The humans will be chosen by the people of Earth and not Dr. Pleb.

Dr. Pleb informs us that he will not disclose what will happen to these human beings, they will simply be transported to his vessel and never seen again. They may live, they may die, they may be sent to a place of bliss, they may be tortured for all time, there will be no information provided on what will happen to them. Dr. Pleb also assures us that no matter what technological advances we purchase, we will still never be able to recover these people.

The list is broadcast. Dr. Pleb emphasises that if we do not purchase a specification, it is astronomically unlikely that the human race will ever be able to achieve such inventions on its own.

The Shopping List

The Plebian molecular fusion generator (schematics)

This generator will provide a thousand times more output than the combined current energy generation facilities on the earth, cleanly, and powered by one cup full of water per year. The expected lifespan of the device is a thousand years.

This package is for the schematics of the device, including the techniques to produce and refine all of the needed materials from half a tonne of Earth sand.

Cost: 1000 Human Beings.

The Plebian Immunity Vaccine (schematics)

This vaccine will render human beings completely immune to all diseases and sickness. Any current disease or sickness will be cured within seconds of injection. There are no side effects.

This package includes the schematics of the vaccine and instructions on how to easily manufacture it with current Earth technology.

Cost: 1000 Human Beings.

The Plebian Environment Repairing Nanite Swarm (schematics)

This self-repairing self-replacing cloud of nanites will swim through the air of the planet, repairing the damage caused by humans. The ozone layer will be restored, sea acidity will be tempered, pollutants will be neutralised and the ice caps will restore to normal. The swam can be activated and deactivated from a simply control station that will be included in the package.

Cost: 1000 Human Beings

The Plebian Sexual Experiences Amplifier (schematics)

This is a pill about the size of an aspirin that when taken, will amplify the pleasures of sexual and erotic experience in a range, ten thousand to a million times what they are now. The pill will lead to blinding orgasms leaving you and your partner writing in a billion ecstasies for hours. The pill also makes sure that the human heart and brain does not explode as they would do if a human were to experience even a thousandth of such intense pleasure. The effect of the pill lasts for about six hours.

This package includes the recipe for the pill, easily manufactured from current Earth materials.

Cost: 3000 Human Beings

The Plebian Internal Nanite Crew (schematics)

This package includes an injectable swarm of nanites that will inhabit your body. At your will they can painlessly make adjustments to your physical appearance. Want a more defined body? Want to be slimmer? Bigger boobs/penis? Want to control your hairline? Want clearer skin? Want to change your hair, skin and eye colour?

This package includes the schematics for a nanite assembly machine, easily manufactured from Earth metals and polymers. The machine will inject a swarm into a human painlessly allowing him or her to reap the benefits immediately.

Cost: 3000 Human Beings

The Plebian Holodeck (schematics)

Dr. Pleb has watched our transmissions and is amused by the Star Trek holodeck. He will provide us with the schematics to build them so that they are refined from steel and plastic, easily producible, able to be installed in any spare room that is at least 2 meters squared, and uses the same amount of power as an electric light bulb.

The holodeck will function exactly as it does in the show.

Cost: 5000 Human Beings

The Plebian Time Observer (schematics)

This device allows the tuning in of any place in Earth's past and present. The device allows any moment in history to be observed. The consequences of such a device are staggering, the entire history of humanity can be observed, crimes will always be witnessed, the historical truth will always be known. The device is compatible with the Holodeck technology.

This package includes all the schematics and refinement technologies and is easily buildable from one hundred kilograms of Earth sand.

Cost: 4000 Human Beings

The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router (schematics)

There are an infinite number of Earths out there, with an infinite number of internets. The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router is a simple device that collects to a standard PC through a faster-than-light speed input. The router allows the browsing of the internets in every universe. Want to buy digital downloads of games that don't exist in this reality? No problem, there are an infinite number of them waiting for you. Want to watch a streaming version of any film with a completely different cast playing the roles? No problem, just log into Netflix in one of the other universes. Want to play the demo of Half Life 3, or connect your Wii to the Nintendo Store that has Miyamoto's seminal Super Mario Bros. 4? No problem.

The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router also connects to a financial hub located on one of the infinite Earths that allows you to purchase content from any reality transmitting your funds through the hub to the reality with the shop or service.

The package includes schematics for the router, easily mass produced with Earth materials.

Cost: 10,000 Human Beings

The Plebian Faster than Light Drive (schematics)

This drive will allow any spacecraft we construct to safely travel to other solar systems in minutes. The drive is powered on one cup of water per year.

This package includes the schematics of the device, including the techniques to refine all of the needed materials from a single tonne of Earth sand.

Cost: 10,000 Human Beings

The Plebian Artifical Afterlife generator (schematics)

This package includes two components:

(1) The schematics for a microchip transmitter that can be easily mass produced and inserted into the back of the skull with no ill effects

(2) The schematics for a generator that when activated, will create a small permanent pocket universe in orbit of the planet, about the size of the moon.

At the moment a human dies, the microchip transmitter will transmit the entire human consciousness from the body to the pocket universe, in which they will be able to exist for as long as they like in a state of bliss. The human "souls" in the pocket universe will be able to watch their loved ones below, be able to browse the ever changing internet, interact with each other and recreate any experience they wish. They can however, never return to the "living" world.

This package includes the schematics of the device, including the techniques to refine all of the needed materials from ten tonnes of Earth sand.

Cost: 250,000 Human Beings

The Plebian Enhanced Artificial Afterlife Generator (schematics)

This device is an enhanced version of the Plebian Artificial Afterlife Generator. It retains all of the functionality of the inferior model plus two enhancements.

(1) The machine will now work on pets.

(2) The machine generates a time-transcending nanoswarm of invisible microscopic machines. They travel back in time inserting an invisible microchip transmitter into the skull of every human being who ever lived, and at the moment of their death, transmitting their consciousness into the Artificial Afterlife orbiting Earth. This can be set with a filter if desired, so that "evil" people are not included in the process. With this device activated, every human being who has ever lived and will ever live, will go to artificial heaven.

Cost: 400,000 human beings

The Plebian Solar System shield (schematics)

The universe has some pretty nasty species in it. There are many races in the darkest corners of the cosmos that will feed off our tortures, consume our fear like a drug and regard us as unplayed instruments in an orchestra of agony. These creatures have techniques to prevent death, allowing our pain to continue as long as they are amused, a time that might outlast even the universe itself.

The Plebian Solar System shield is a device about the size of the Eiffel Tower that can be constructed on The Moon. It is entirely powered by the Moon's gravity. When activated, the device will project a protective shield around the entire solar system that is impenetrable to any creatures that inhabit this universe.

This package includes the schematics of the device, including the techniques to procude and refine all of the needed materials from couple of tonnes of Earth soil.

Cost: 500,000 human beings

The Plebian Terraformation Torpedo (schematics)

This torpedo will transform any planet or moon into an environment like Earth. The torpedo will generate a breathable atmosphere, identical gravity, comfortable temperature and if needed a small orbiting self-sustaining sun to deliver heat and night/day cycles.

The schematics include all needed instructions and refinement techniques, and can be manufactured with two tonnes of common Earth materials.

Cost: 400,000 human beings

The pricelist – short version

The Plebian molecular fusion generator = 1000 human beings
The Plebian Immunity Vaccine = 1000 human beings
The Plebian Environment Repairing Nanite Swarm = 1000 human beings
The Plebian Sexual Sexual Amplifier = 3000 human beings
The Plebian Internal Nanite Crew = 3000 human beings
The Plebian Holodeck = 5000 human beings
The Plebian Time Observer = 4000 human beings
The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router = 10,000 human beings
The Plebian Faster than Light Drive = 10,000 human beings
The Plebian Artifical Afterlife generator = 250,000 human beings
The Plebian Enhanced Artificial Afterlife Generator = 400,000 human beings
The Plebian Solar System shield = 500,000 human beings
The Plebian Terraformation Torpedo = 400,000 human beings.

THE LOT = 1,500,000 human beings (normally 1,588,000 so you are getting a 88,000 people discount.)

The choice

Dr. Pleb has presented his offer. He will now leave and give the planet a year to make up its choice. When he returns in a year he will expect one of these scenarios:

  • The people of Earth have turned down his offer and ask him to leave. He will do so peacefully and never return. The humans trust their ability to survive in the universe without this technology
  • The people of Earth have decided to buy some of the technology, and have the expected number of named humans ready as payment to be transported to Dr. Pleb’s vessel.
  • The people of Earth have decided to buy all of Dr. Pleb’s technology for the cost of one and a half million human beings,

What do you do?

Do you tell Dr. Pleb to leave and never return, knowing what his technology could do for the future of mankind?

Do you purchase his technology, and if so how do you choose which human beings become “payment”? Remember that anyone ill or in prison is disqualified.

Do you buy any of the schematics, and if so which ones?

Do you think that if humans expand and continue to advance, we will need any of these technologies to survive?

If a democratic vote was done all over the world, for people to choose whether to tell Dr. Pleb to leave or sell him the human beings, what would be the outcome?


Why the fuck is useless shit like the holodeck more expensive than what is essentially a perpetual motion machine?


Just posting to let everyone know I did not bother reading the OP. These Dr. Pleb things need to be shorter.
Mama, I would so buy a sci-fi book written around the premise of your OP.

I'd say buy the lot. Just get the combined governments of Earth make a huge planetary raffle to pick up the names of the 1,500,000 people.

How fast/slow does the terraformation torpedo work?


I buy all of them.

Candidates: Politicians, lawyers, and people on government assistance for more than six months. It's their turn to contribute to society.
Obviously it's worth it to buy pretty much all of those things (sex enhancer, internal nanite, and holodeck are debatable).

The real question is, how do we select people for the deal? I say, gather up ex-cons from every country. Now, if that is going through a loophole in the deal, we can ask for volunteers. Many people are willing to die for their country, so they should be willing to die for something that actually matters.
SteelAttack said:
Mama, I would so buy a sci-fi book written around the premise of your OP.

I'd say buy the lot. Just get the combined governments of Earth make a huge planetary raffle to pick up the names of the 1,500,000 people.

How fast/slow does the terraformation torpedo work?

How many republican voters are there? If we combine them with berlusconi voters we should be surely able to buy everything those marvelous aliens are willing to offer us... Maybe we can add in some NPD and FPÖ voters to sweeten the deal.


FutureZombie said:
Obviously it's worth it to buy pretty much all of those things (sex enhancer is debatable).

The real question is, how do we select people for the deal? I say, gather up ex-cons from every country. Now, if that is going through a loophole in the deal, we can ask for volunteers. Many people are willing to die for their country, so they should be willing to die for something that actually matters.

Pretty much all of these would destroy humanity in the long run though.
Mama Robotnik, I am constantly amazed by your boundless imagination. With that said, wouldn't some of these specifications allow us to get the humans we paid back afterwards? For example, with the Afterlife Nanite generator that gets everyone at any point in time, we could just put the afterlife switches onto everyone we were going to sacrifice to Dr. Pleb and then just get them back.
Enco said:

Pretty much all of these would destroy humanity in the long run though.

Why? We have an endless amount of planets to live on now. Plus, if we die, it's not a huge deal because we have eternal bliss.


People in prison are ok? That solves problems for everyone.

Edit: "not be current inhabitants of our penal system" - maybe I should learn how to read.


He'd come back to an annihilated planet after the various wars fought to corral 1.5 million people for payment.


besada said:
He'd come back to an annihilated planet after the various wars fought to corral 1.5 million people for payment.
That's only a fraction of the number of people corralled during the Holocaust. Surely the planet would be ok.

RustyNails said:
Fuck Dr Pleb. I'm not even going to give him one goddamn human. What an asshole. Human bros before plebian bullshit.

You say that, but don't the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Or the One?


Everything is moe to me
i'd buy everything but these two:
The Plebian Sexual Sexual Amplifier = 3000 human beings
The Plebian Enhanced Artificial Afterlife Generator = 400,000 human beings
The Plebian Internal Nanite Crew (schematics)

This package includes an injectable swarm of nanites that will inhabit your body. At your will they can painlessly make adjustments to your physical appearance. Want a more defined body? Want to be slimmer? Bigger boobs/penis? Want to control your hairline? Want clearer skin? Want to change your hair, skin and eye colour?

It would be fascinating to see what everyone would look like. I wonder how different we would all look. Or is there a very uniform appearance that most people would take on?


Pandaman said:
i'd buy everything but these two:
The Plebian Sexual Sexual Amplifier = 3000 human beings
The Plebian Enhanced Artificial Afterlife Generator = 400,000 human beings
So many people are so desperate for an afterlife, and you would begrudge them their ultimate desire?
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