I think we will exist as a species without this tech for a long long long long long time. But it's not about how long we are around as a species, it's about what we manage to accomplish in that time.
I think we would get a shitton more done, and possibly find a way to stave off the "cold death" off the universe that will eventually kill us all off, and figure out so much more about the universe, with access to this tech.
Mama Robotnik said:
I really thought that most people would tell Dr. Pleb to shove it.
Here's an additonal question - for those who are satisfied that Dr. Pleb's schematics are more than worth the asking price - how much would be too much?
I mean, say if we were offered the lot for X amount of humans, how much would be too high in your opinion?
Anything less than 6 billion people and I would gladly take this deal. I even get to decide who goes, that makes it even better. Friends, family, cool people like Steve Jobs and attractive girls stay, everyone else goes.
If it has to be more arbitrary than that, I would just tell him to take everyone over 35 except for my parents and Stephen Colbert.
Like I said, this would be an infinitely better thread if you forced everyone to pick five and only five of the above listed technologies so that we actually some variety in the answers.
Given that self imposed restriction, I would probably pick these five..
The Plebian Enhanced Artificial Afterlife Generator - Piece of mind
The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router - Information & Scientific Progress
The Plebian Faster than Light Drive - Adventure & Variety in life
The Plebian Immunity Vaccine - Invulnerability
The Plebian Solar System shield - Safety
Or if Dr. Pleb forced people to vote on and pick one and only one of these technologies.
If forced to make that decision, I would argue that
The Plebian Multiverse Internet Router is easily the most logical and most valuable technology being offered up here.
This is the one technology that has the most potential to advance our scientific knowledge and understanding rapidly, hell we might well find a space ebay where Dr. Pleb's technology is being auctioned off for cheaper.
Also, making sex about a thousand times more pleasurable than crack cocaine seems like a quick and easy way to bring all human productivity to a complete halt.