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Human Mad Cow May Be More Widespread

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Doth Togo


Human Mad Cow May Be More Widespread

Thu Aug 5, 8:31 PM ET

By EMMA ROSS, AP Medical Writer

LONDON - Scientists have found evidence suggesting that the human form of mad cow disease might be infecting a wider group of people than seen so far and that some may develop a milder form of the illness.

Since variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (news - web sites) was first identified in 1996, little has been learned about it. Until now, the fatal brain-wasting disease was found only in people who have a certain genetic profile.

But research published this week in The Lancet medical journal reported the infection in a person with a more common genetic makeup and with no symptoms of the illness.

That means more people than previously believed could be incubating the disease, thought to come from eating processed beef products from cattle infected with mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy. It also raises the possibility that some people may get only a mild infection, as opposed to the fatal disease.

Scientists don't know how many people are infected with the human form of mad cow disease. Projections vary wildly — from just 10 more cases in the future to hundreds of thousands — because so many factors that play into the disease remain a mystery and because there have been so few cases to study.

Experts don't know how long the incubation period is; whether everybody is equally vulnerable; exactly how the disease spreads and whether it can be easily passed on before symptoms develop. There is no test to diagnose it, no treatment and no cure.

The latest finding means that forecasts need to be radically revised because they were based on the assumption that the disease only affects people with a particular genetic profile found in about 35 percent of Caucasians, said James Ironside, director of Britain's national Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance unit, which did the study.

In new research, an autopsy found the disease in a person whose genetic signature is shared by about 50 percent of Caucasians.

Ironside said, "I think we have to go back and redo all the calculations based on this case."

So far, 147 people in Britain, and another 10 elsewhere, are known to have contracted the disease. Five are still alive.

The illness occurs when normal proteins found in the brain, known as prions, change shape and prompt adjacent healthy prions to do the same. When enough prions are altered, they deposit a plaque on the brain and surround the mark with spongy holes, killing the victim.

The latest discovery was made during an autopsy of an elderly person who died of an unrelated cause but who had received a blood transfusion five years earlier from a donor who later died of the human form of mad cow disease.

Strangely, the infection was found only in the spleen, but not in the brain or other places the disease typically turns up. It is unknown whether the disease might eventually have killed this person after a longer incubation period or whether the infection was milder and may have done no harm.

Dr. Kumanan Wilson, a blood safety expert at Toronto General Hospital in Canada, said the finding is a vindication of policies by some countries that have taken steps to protect against what was previously a theoretical risk of spreading the disease through blood transfusions. During the HIV (news - web sites) epidemic, the blood supply wasn't protected until HIV began spreading through transfusions.

"By acting in advance of complete certainty, policy makers have potentially protected against vCJD emerging as a new large-scale blood-borne epidemic," said Wilson, who was not connected with the study.

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John Titor ownage.

Doth Togo

More John Titor ownage.

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HOST: For the last few weeks, we've been getting a flood of email with links about the Olympic Games. In 2001, John stated very plainly that the Olympic Games would be canceled after 2004.

Phone Outage Hits Athens, Olympic Sites

ATHENS, Greece - Nearly 50,000 telephones at Olympic sites and parts of Athens went dead for more than 10 hours Thursday, officials said.

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=554&u=/ap/20040729/ap_on_sp_ol/oly_phones_ dead_1&printer=1

Homemade Bomb Explodes Outside Athens

THENS, Greece - A homemade bomb exploded Wednesday near an electrical substation outside the Greek capital, causing damage but no injuries, officials said.

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=518&u=/ap/20040804/ap_on_re_eu/greece_ explosion_1&printer=1


HOST: John S. send this link!

"I remember reading something about how China goes ahead an annexes Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas. I also recall from the posts a lot of things about western stability collapsing and civil war being in full throttle by --when? 2008."

China Warns of Military Clash with Taiwan by 2008

BEIJING (Reuters) - Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian risks war with China if he pushes for a new constitution by 2008, but can guarantee security if he recognizes the island as part of China, the China Daily on Friday quoted a top official as saying.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=721&e=1&u=/nm/20040730/wl_nm/china _taiwan_dc


GAF's Bob Woodward
I haven't eaten any meat in years, but this still freaks me out, as I was eating beef right through the eighties and most of the nineties. I'm not in the UK, but close enough for discomfort..

Doth Togo


Software glitch brings Y2K deja vu
By David Becker, CNET News.com
Monday, December 22 2003 9:21 AM

Software running on thousands of computers worldwide will become inoperable in a few weeks because of an obscure date-related glitch, and developers are rushing to create and apply patches.

Sound familiar?

Software maker PTC, a specialist in product lifecycle management applications for engineers and product designers, has rekindled memories of the Year 2000 bug, or Y2K, as it scrambles to patch a glitch that will render most of its products inoperable after Jan. 10.

The flaw was discovered late last week, and PTC engineers have been working around the clock since then to create and test patches, PTC spokesman Joe Gavaghan said. Two patches that address some of the company's most widespread products were released early Friday, and fixes for other applications are on the way.

The flaw involves the way the programs handle date entries, Gavaghan said. To be able to recognize dates, PTC programmers had to set a date for infinity. They chose 2 billion seconds since 1970--when the Unix operating system was developed and Year Zero for many Unix applications.

That number brings PTC software up to Jan. 10. After that, the software will be unable to recognize dates and will no longer operate.

"It's not something where they would lose data," Gavaghan said. "The software just stops working."

Unix itself uses a similar method to resolve dates, but developers chose an infinity value of 4 billion seconds, the maximum a 32-bit system can process. That means that most Unix programs will continue to operate until 2038.

PTC was alerted to the flaw last week by a customer who was unable to use the software to process work with future dates, Gavaghan said. Upon investigating, PTC engineers discovered that the flaw was widespread, affecting most of the company's 35,000 customers worldwide who use PTC products such as Pro/Engineer, Pro/Intralink and Windchill.

"It goes back to release 20 (from 1997) of our Pro/Engineer product," Gavaghan said. "It then just continued with our successive products as well as some of the software used to install our products."

While customers credited PTC for promptly and candidly alerting them of the problem, several were not too happy with timing, which threatens to interrupt extended holiday breaks with trips to the office to test and install patches.

"Like many people, I wanted to have the next two weeks off for the holidays," said Brian Kirsch, a network administrator for a small Wisconsin company that uses PTC products. "That leaves five days to ensure that our systems will be working after the 10th. While we don't have many seats of the software, I cannot understand how a serious bug like this can be carried through five major product releases."

Gavaghan said PTC regretted any inconvenience to customers but was working as quickly as possible to create patches and ensure that they are easy and quick to install.

"It's such a simple flaw; we don't believe it requires extensive testing to deploy the patches," he said. "It should take only a couple of minutes for most customers."

Gavaghan said the patches will reset the infinity value to 4 billion seconds, buying current PTC products another few decades of life. Subsequent releases will eliminate date dependency, he said.


Gold Member


If Bush is re-elected, Titor's war will start to flare up next year as him being re-elected will cause the distress over the election that Titor described.


I hope Titor is right, honestly. The civil war and WWIII will suck hardcore (that's putting it very lightly), but the future he described where people focus more on community sounds wonderful.


Gold Member
Mason said:
I hope Titor is right, honestly. The civil war and WWIII will suck hardcore (that's putting it very lightly), but the future he described where people focus more on community sounds wonderful.

Well, if it starts head for a rural area. Lay low, build a bomb shelter, and get ready for 3:45 AM EST on March 12, 2015 as that is the date and time Titor says WWIII begins/ends.
ManaByte said:
Well, if it starts head for a rural area. Lay low, build a bomb shelter, and get ready for 3:45 AM EST on March 12, 2015 as that is the date and time Titor says WWIII begins/ends.

But, you could always run towards the center of a major city and not really have to worry about dying really slowly of starvation and radiation sickness.


Gold Member
ConfusingJazz said:
But, you could always run towards the center of a major city and not really have to worry about dying really slowly of starvation and radiation sickness.

That's why you put years worth of food and water in the bunker :) Avoid the instant death from blast.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mason said:
I hope Titor is right, honestly. The civil war and WWIII will suck hardcore (that's putting it very lightly), but the future he described where people focus more on community sounds wonderful.

Me too. Global cataclysm is what this world needs.


Doth Togo said:
Unix itself uses a similar method to resolve dates, but developers chose an infinity value of 4 billion seconds, the maximum a 32-bit system can process. That means that most Unix programs will continue to operate until 2038.
I assume this is Titor related, but how? I'm sure the Unix geeks will figure a way out of this, if they haven't already. Heck, Unix may not even be around in 2038. You never know with the computer industry.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MASB said:
I assume this is Titor related, but how? I'm sure the Unix geeks will figure a way out of this, if they haven't already. Heck, Unix may not even be around in 2038. You never know with the computer industry.

His crazy story required him to find a working old IBM(iirc) unix comp, which he couldn't find in the future because of the time thing. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the comp was somehow connected to his time machine.
I just heard an interview with the guy who ran the John Titor website on the Art Bell show (or whoever was subbing for him) and they were talking about the civil war that will begin soon and the World War that begins in 2038. But they said that occured because of some y2k problem and that this guy traveled back in time and fixed the y2k problem so that it never happened. At thhat point I turned that shit off and listened to the Padres highlights.
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