Damn. Kurapika is fucked...He can't until the queen uses that power!
Damn. Kurapika is fucked...He can't until the queen uses that power!
Damn. Kurapika is fucked...
It took me a long time of just staring at it but it's a far away shot of the whale ship. You can even see the smile on the front of the ship.
Ah, you're right. What a weird inclusion.
He can't until the queen uses that power!
Kurapika granted her his dolphin thing so she has temporary nen abilities, and is able to see the beasts while the dolphin is attached to her , I assume
I'm sure an opportunity will come up soon. I expect Kurapika will speak very deliberately so the Queen knows when to use it and on what.
Same. And then I realized he has to keep it active too. Fuck. Just knowing that it is slowly draining your life like that...I was like, "turn that shit off" the moment I realized he still had ET engaged.
Bara talks so much shit before Bisky caves his fucking skull in with her fist. That's one of my favorite scenes, Bisky's VA does such a good job during the transformation.
Is she voiced by a Joestar? I actually just preferred a slight deepening over just her all of a sudden having a males voice.
As did I. It seemed to have more life to it. Bisky dropping truth bombs while she's transforming was cool, loved the gradual change in her voice mid transformation as well. It gave it more of a visceral feel to me.I like how they handled that scene better in the 2011 anime.
As did I. It seemed to have more life to it. Bisky dropping truth bombs while she's transforming was cool, loved the gradual change in her voice mid transformation as well. It gave it more of a visceral feel to me.
I have only seen slight bits and pieces. I tried watching the 99 series after the 2011 series and couldn't. I think it was HxH fatigue and something just felt off about it as well.I haven't seen them but I don't think the original anime stuff after the York New arc was all that well liked from what I've heard.
I don't know, something fishy about Shimano.
Ging is so clean shaven in the 99 anime pictures. In the 2011 one's he's a unshaven bum.I prefer the Hunter Exam arc in the 99 version because it doesn't start out as the happy go lucky kids show but has a much more somber and even darker tone. A prime example Mito's whole outlook and reactions to anything Ging. In the 2011 she's apprehensive and worried but in the 99 she is straight up pissed and hateful, and not unexpected as Ging is the biggest asshole out there.
Ep 84 is so god damn fucked up. Just carved a dudes head open and used him as a barely living Nen encyclopedia.
There's another image with the pig-ant carrying a cleaver and severed limbs in a bucket with piles of naked people in the background, but I don't think I should show that here XD
Holy fucking shit this is worse than the fucking anime!!!! Killua's face after he gets beaten up be beefcake Bisky is amazing. Adding Interest will always be fucking hilarious. Gon's just standing their getting his ass kicked by a mathematical exposition dump.There's another image with the pig-ant carrying a cleaver and severed limbs in a bucket with piles of naked people in the background, but I don't think I should show that here XD
Every time I see a poster bitch about the Chimera Ant Art I'm like:I've heard that there are actually some people who don't like Chimera Ant. I guess that's technically possible, but it seems like an insane perspective.
If I were to break down HxH arcs into tiers, it would be:
S-Rank: A story that stands out across all mediums = Chimera Ant.
A-Rank: Stories that surpass most found in animation = Yorknew, Chairman Election
B-Rank: Stories that are on par with what you'd expect from a strong animated series = Hunter Exam, Heaven's Tower, Zoldyck Family and Greed Island.
I expect the remaining arcs will be A-Rank due to the political intrigue, cool powers and detestable villains. Nothing, however, will surpass Chimera Ant. It was a pure, flawless, 100% subversion of genre, and I don't think Togashi will ever attempt to do anything like it again.
Without the Chimera Ant arc (especially without it in animated-form), I cannot proclaim Hunter x Hunter to be one of my all-time favorite contributions to media. Period.
HxH would not be the same show without Chimera Ant arc, it just wouldn't have the same tone or impact to it, the characters wouldn't be the same, there would be less high's, less gut punches, I just can't imagine the show or manga without that arc.Without the Chimera Ant arc (especially without it in animated-form), I cannot proclaim Hunter x Hunter to be one of my all-time favorite contributions to media. Period.
Fucking Gon doesn't even know what Meruem looks like. That's not even a complaint since he was never meant to fight Meruem. That would have never made sense.Chimera Ant arc is easily the best thing Togashi has ever done, and I believe the best arc in any shounen manga ever. The ending especially was just perfect.
Chimera Ant arc is easily the best thing Togashi has ever done, and I believe the best arc in any shounen manga ever. The ending especially was just perfect.
Chapter Black does villain similar to main character trope, but not him too fucking well. Sensui is a villain that probably would go over a persons head on first watch, but when you watch it again and do some thinking he's great.I think Chapter Black is right there from his YYH days but I do agree that the CA arc is absolutely phenomenal. This might not top that, but as a fan of politics fiction I have high hopes.
cuz like you know this is a kids show...
I'd argue that the manga is worse...
You see that monster having fun with her guts.
I guess it's brutal anyway...
I have a feeling that the HxH adaptation streamlined it a bit. I've only dealt with the arc animated and loved it so you should be fine...minus certain segments that people like to complain about.I'm hoping I like the Chimera Ant arc more when I see it animated. When I was reading the manga there were certain parts that I found that it felt too long. Maybe it was because I was shotgunning the series and reading so much of it so quickly.
Didn't dislike it but I'm definitely not as excited about it as other people are.
I need this shit in my veins now.Those 366 spoilersFUCK!Oh shit. Things are going down very soon. We got assassins scheming, Tserriednich is apparently a Nen genius, more scheming, Bansho, Hanzo and Melody... oh and Chrollo looking pissed!