This thread is making me want to read HxH despite my trepidation over the art...
The art in the volumes is fine. Much better than the scribbles that Togashi would have to put out in Jump.
This thread is making me want to read HxH despite my trepidation over the art...
Did we watch/read the same thing?.Kurapika after having just learnt Nen is now able to kill a Troupe member, capture their leader and remove his Nen after 'wishing' for the power to beat them. Gon wishes to beat Neferpitou making that fight pointless. One of the characters remarks that Gon in that form is on the same level as Meruem. How does that even seem fair or well-written. Those come with drawbacks which are minor and in Gon's case resolved like nothing matters. Due to this system Kurapika can basically just kill all of the Troupe off-screen like they're regular enemies. Gon now has no Nen and is a boring character due the effects of this system.
That kind of flies in the face of what Kubo claims his life was like during Bleach's run. Namely a life of fun and happiness. I remember there was a huge deal made about the stuff he posts on twitter. He wasn't even gloating either, he just posts about nightclubs and wearing sunglasses indoors on a daily basis, and other such non-Bleach related stuff in his life.
Did we watch/read the same thing?.Kurapika after having just learnt Nen is now able to kill a Troupe member, capture their leader and remove his Nen after 'wishing' for the power to beat them. Gon wishes to beat Neferpitou making that fight pointless. One of the characters remarks that Gon in that form is on the same level as Meruem. How does that even seem fair or well-written. Those come with drawbacks which are minor and in Gon's case resolved like nothing matters. Due to this system Kurapika can basically just kill all of the Troupe off-screen like they're regular enemies. Gon now has no Nen and is a boring character due the effects of this system.
Kurapika literally can't do shit against anyone who isn't the Troupe, if he does,
he dies. Gon used nen to age himself to the point where he would be his strongest,
and it essentially killed him for doing so. These aren't super powers, Gon can never do that again, and Kurapika will continue to do nothing. It's all very limited.
Kurapika literally can't do shit against anyone who isn't the Troupe, if he does,
he dies. Gon used nen to age himself to the point where he would be his strongest,
and it essentially killed him for doing so. These aren't super powers, Gon can never do that again, and Kurapika will continue to do nothing. It's all very limited.
Did we watch/read the same thing?.Kurapika after having just learnt Nen is now able to kill a Troupe member, capture their leader and remove his Nen after 'wishing' for the power to beat them. Gon wishes to beat Neferpitou making that fight pointless. One of the characters remarks that Gon in that form is on the same level as Meruem. How does that even seem fair or well-written. Those come with drawbacks which are minor and in Gon's case resolved like nothing matters. Due to this system Kurapika can basically just kill all of the Troupe off-screen like they're regular enemies. Gon now has no Nen and is a boring character due the effects of this system.
These were fixed in the vol releases, I'm sure you can find a ton of QUALITY moments in the anime.
Kurapika literally can't do shit against anyone who isn't the Troupe, if he does,
he dies. Gon used nen to age himself to the point where he would be his strongest,
and it essentially killed him for doing so. These aren't super powers, Gon can never do that again, and Kurapika will continue to do nothing. It's all very limited.
Kurapika is basically only truly useful against the Phantom Troupe. It works because it shows that he is reeeeeealllly pressed to kill them all, and is willing to do whatever it takes. Outside of that, he has to use his head if he hopes to win against other enemies. Hell, that's how a lot of the fights in HxH go; you gotta be prepared, even if you're insanely strong.
Gon wishing to beat Pitou is such a reductive way to phrase it, but okay. To me it was basically an Anti-Super Saiyan moment, where he's throwing away all his potential out of pure hatred for Pitou. It's really heart-breaking to watch/read as it was happening. As for him being on the same level of Meurem, how is that poorly written exactly? It's not like he fought Meurem himself? Hell Meurem in the end wasn't able to be brought down through brute force; he got poisoned and died a sadass death with that Shogi girl, whereas pretty much any other shounen would've probably found some BS way for Gon to fight and defeat him.
Gon not having Nen sucks, but at the same time I appreciate that about the series, where it doesn't hesitate to sideline its main character, instead deciding to focus now on what Kurapika is up to.
looking at that weekly manga artist schedule thing
okay, fine, but you're telling me it's an all or nothing proposition?
it's better to have literal years with no content rather than just release pieces of the story on a monthly basis rather than weekly?
everything I hear about how the manga industry works sounds stupid as fuck
eeeeh Kurapika's still pretty strong against non-Spiders. The chain Jail is the only Spider-exclusive chain we know of, that means he can still use Emperor Time, still heal himself, and use Judgement Chain on anyone. I disagree with pretty much everything purpleblastoise said, but Kurapika being a bit OPis not one of them.
The one with Gon waving wasn't fixed in the volume release.
(Same Chapter)
Kurapika doing what he did is like Sasuke killing Itachi the first time they meet. The Phantom Troupe are K's sworn enemies who killed his tribe. It shouldn't be so easy.
So why can't he simply pen the script while a trusted layout/penciler/inker handle the art to his spec? It would take on a more American comics approach but who cares?
He tailored his Nen ability just to fight them, specifically to fight them. Even still he needed prep and emperor time to fight Uvo, probably the easiest of the Spiders to work with due to his straight forward powerset.
So why can't he simply pen the script while a trusted layout/penciler/inker handle the art to his spec? It would take on a more American comics approach but who cares?
Kurapika doing what he did is like Sasuke killing Itachi the first time they meet again. The Phantom Troupe are K's sworn enemies who killed his tribe. It shouldn't be so easy.
I mean one does need a Phd in Nen so it makes sense. He could truly fuck his head up and blunder into Jojo part 5 randomly.I'm guessing you are missing the subtleties to Nen. This all makes sense in the world of HxH. Just being strong or having an over powered ability rarely is what wins a fight.
Based on what? What has he done since to show that? We saw him block some bullets, which anyone who's passed the Hunter Exam is strong enough to do, and his chain can determine if people are lying, but we haven't seen any post Spider fights with him
I mean one does need a Phd in Nen so it makes sense. He could truly fuck his head up and blunder into Jojo part 5 randomly.
So why can't he simply pen the script while a trusted layout/penciler/inker handle the art to his spec? It would take on a more American comics approach but who cares?
I have to imagine it's ego.
I mean one does need a Phd in Nen so it makes sense. He could truly fuck his head up and blunder into Jojo part 5 randomly.
Jojo went downhill after Part 2 anyway.
Exactly. One must work their way through Jojo's Bullshit Adventure in chronological order to steal their mental mind. Diving in too quick will fuck you up. I love both for the power sets though, truly the best battle shonens.
Jojo went downhill after Part 2 anyway.
Jojo went downhill after Part 2 anyway.
But Togashi can just get his wife to draw it, it'll look a bit shoujo but it's better than nothing.Is it wrong of me to want the authors of long running manga like this that often go on hiatuses such as Hunter x Hunter & Berserk to just tell their assistants where the story is supposed to go & let them draw it?
It begins to almost feel like a George R.R. Martin situation. At some point, you just start to rationalize that there's a huge possibility he's never going to write that book, but at least with his series, there's a TV show that will convey an ending for the story. Honestly, if the Hunter x Hunter anime were still running & the anime ended up getting to the planned ending for the manga before the manga did, I would be just fine with that.
Google gave me theseAnyone have these really depressing "mangaka comments" Togashi would leave in WSJ?
It took Berserk 10 years to get off a boat
Google gave me these
Holy shit lol.
Kurapika doing what he did is like Sasuke killing Itachi the first time they meet again. The Phantom Troupe are K's sworn enemies who killed his tribe. It shouldn't be so easy.
If all that matters is where the story is supposed to go why aren't you reading wikipedia articles instead of watching /reading?Is it wrong of me to want the authors of long running manga like this that often go on hiatuses such as Hunter x Hunter & Berserk to just tell their assistants where the story is supposed to go & let them draw it?
It begins to almost feel like a George R.R. Martin situation. At some point, you just start to rationalize that there's a huge possibility he's never going to write that book, but at least with his series, there's a TV show that will convey an ending for the story. Honestly, if the Hunter x Hunter anime were still running & the anime ended up getting to the planned ending for the manga before the manga did, I would be just fine with that.
Google gave me these
Google gave me these
I'm dumb, should've used this instead lol: