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Hybrid |OT| Choose This Day Who You Will Serve


Not really getting a good impression of the game to be honest. I have green bars and everybody including myself are rubberbanding and lagging all over the place. Not sure why it costs 15bucks when it's clearly in a unplayable state. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Also matchmaking is not good and confusing. Gameplay appears to seem solid outside the Preyon. Also this dead thread and lack of intrest for the game says something about the games future to me.

The game was stable from 3am to 5am PST and then servers tanked due to too many players, so no one is going to buy a game they can't play. Since 11am no one has been able to even download the game.

But don't buy if if you don't want it.


This thread is dead because I am too busy having fun with Hybrid and slapping around Preyons, who seem to have a longer start up than I remember from the Beta.

That said, I'll probably sit it out until people can start actually downloading the game/trial.
Not really getting a good impression of the game to be honest. I have green bars and everybody including myself are rubberbanding and lagging all over the place. Not sure why it costs 15bucks when it's clearly in a unplayable state. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Also matchmaking is not good and confusing. Gameplay appears to seem solid outside the Preyon. Also this dead thread and lack of intrest for the game says something about the games future to me.

I'm still not exactly sure what your agenda is with this game, but it's clear you have one.

Earlier you were telling us how unbalanced the game was, and then you later backed off those statements.

Now you're proclaiming the game's leaderboard totals a sign of the game's poor sales, when the game hasn't been on sale for most of the day. That sure does seem like an intelligent observation!

Why don't you just spare us any further analysis of this game and move on to another thread you feel like trolling. Thank You.


5th Cell Twitter just said everything is fixed now, but it might take a couple of hours to show back up on the dash.

Card Boy

I'm still not exactly sure what your agenda is with this game, but it's clear you have one.

Earlier you were telling us how unbalanced the game was, and then you later backed off those statements.

Now you're proclaiming the game's leaderboard totals a sign of the game's poor sales, when the game hasn't been on sale for most of the day. That sure does seem like an intelligent observation!

Why don't you just spare us any further analysis of this game and move on to another thread you feel like trolling. Thank You.

I don't have an agenda, i was hyping the shit out of this game before it came out and trying my best to love it.

So i take it you have a viral marketing defence force agenda?


Hopefully the game runs a little more smoothly for you now that they seem to be finished with all of the maintenance.


Trucker Sexologist
I'm still not exactly sure what your agenda is with this game, but it's clear you have one.

Earlier you were telling us how unbalanced the game was, and then you later backed off those statements.

Now you're proclaiming the game's leaderboard totals a sign of the game's poor sales, when the game hasn't been on sale for most of the day. That sure does seem like an intelligent observation!

Why don't you just spare us any further analysis of this game and move on to another thread you feel like trolling. Thank You.
It's not really trolling if it's his honest opinion.

As for lack of interest, a lot of XBLA fans see it as a platform where they can go to escape from multiplayer focused shooters. I think that might be the source of some of the tension. Maybe people will warm up to it eventually.
It's not really trolling if it's his honest opinion.

As for lack of interest, a lot of XBLA fans see it as a platform where they can go to escape from multiplayer focused shooters. I think that might be the source of some of the tension. Maybe people will warm up to it eventually.

Sure, it was an opinion when he said the game wasn't balanced after playing it for 30 minutes.

He then went on to offer his opinion that the game was selling poorly based on the leaderboards, even though he knows the game was only on the store for a few hours this morning.

Silly opinions are fair game for criticism.


So, the game has no single player?


I was going to buy it, but I don't have xbl gold and I don't want to pay for online when I rarely play online.


As I said on twitter. Great game, I hope Hybrid 2 has adverbs. Oh and the drone hack grenade leads to so funny moments.


Just spent the last few hours playing, ended on level 16 I think. It was a ton of fun. Doesn't feel too different from the beta, even if a ton of things were slightly tweaked. Really liking the cache level a lot with all the side walls. So far I've enjoyed all the other modes and maps, though I haven't played Crazy Kings yet. Match making really didn't seem much faster than the beta if at all, which is a shame. Maybe it's just time of day or something, because I got a few quick ones, but not many. Tomorrow's my day off, but my fiance goes to work for about 8 hours... so I'll probably spend a lot of time vegging to this.

I had one 22-3 round on my third or fourth game that I never topped, and one round of Overlord where two people dropped out at around level 10. Managed to win 3 v. 1 with 16-5, it was exciting.

Having so much fun.


Loving teleport.

Yeah teleport+shotgun was one of my four main builds during the beta. It's a lot of fun. It's gonna be a while before I level up enough for it though. I think it was like.. level 40 or so.

Nori Chan

Variant Variant!

Love the gold helmet swag too. Determined to get to elite 5 in this game :D

Also got the 3 grenade kill achievement in my first couple matches. I suggest everyone who's going out for achievements to do this one immediately as people will learn about how incoming grenades look like and obviously not be dumb enough to cluster fuck in one cover. Although it could be easier in KOH. I did mine in TDM lol
Variant Variant!

Love the gold helmet swag too. Determined to get to elite 5 in this game :D

Also got the 3 grenade kill achievement in my first couple matches. I suggest everyone who's going out for achievements to do this one immediately as people will learn about how incoming grenades look like and obviously not be dumb enough to cluster fuck in one cover. Although it could be easier in KOH. I did mine in TDM lol

...I can't believe a fellow CoD GAF clan buddy would go Variant. WE ARE NO LONGER SPEAKING.



Is there like no-one from Australia playing because I keep getting matched with Japanese and American players and consequently it lags like a bitch. I've enjoyed what I've seen and played so far but through gritted teeth of unbearable matches. Oh yeah, shotguns rule.

Card Boy

Is there like no-one from Australia playing because I keep getting matched with Japanese and American players and consequently it lags like a bitch. I've enjoyed what I've seen and played so far but through gritted teeth of unbearable matches. Oh yeah, shotguns rule.

I'm going wait till i get some more MS Points from Fishpond before purchasing. Also destroying Australia and New Zealand is wack as shit.
So I took a break from playing other games earlier and decided to give Hybrid another go. I'm not sure how it happened, but the game just clicked for me that time. It doesn't feel overwhelming anymore, I feel more comfortable with abilities and killstreaks, and I'm overall really digging the game now. Glad that everything worked out in the end despite a rough launch. I'm glad I bought it.


Yeah this game is fun as hell now that it finally works again. Pretty sure Variant is getting GB pretty soon. :)
Isn't the teleport effect visible? I'm sure I caught someone using it cause the screen had an odd looking wobbly effect that was getting closer, I thought wait a sec, RETREAT!
Man, I apparently forgot how to not suck. I started off strong, staying at about a 1.5 k/d with lot's of assists, but my last game I just got worked.

I think that was in part because I was playing around with siphon/MG combo, not my favorite.

I'm liking the new maps, there's no obvious stinkers like defense array so far, that's a good thing :).

Went variant this time, electricpirate if anyone wants to add me!


I don't mind it. It's fun.

The game type/mission selection/region take over thing is a tad confusing. Also, I wish we could play without the stalker/warbringer/preyon.

But the actual gameplay and controls feel great. Grenades work very well. Some of the best I've used.


When I first read about the controls with movement on the face buttons I thought that this won't be any fun. After playing two matches now on the trial I can safely say that my crow has just been served. Great game!

Edit: Any chance of a later PC port?
Have we Variants taken that western region in Canada yet?

Variants have taken western CA and alaska, but have lost the lead :(. I was working on what I believe is maine, nearly got there!

Oh hey, precision weapons now have more precise reticules and better aiming, this makes them far more satisfying to use. N3 burst and battle rifle are BEASTLY.


I'm really enjoying a few of the new maps a lot more than the old beta maps (which I also liked). Mostly been playing TDM, despite trying for some other modes. I might have to start choosing something besides "no preference".

Well, pretty much every high level player I run into is using teleport+shotgun. That was fun while it lasted.

Yeah, this is a technique that creams newer players, but you'll stomp teleporters once you get used to it. I think the teleport delay is a fraction longer than it was in the beta too, but I could be wrong. If you see somebody teleport, you can take them out before they even appear and have a chance to fire a shot. Just fire at the little vortex where they're appearing from. If you're having to reload your gun when teleport is used, in the middle of tossing a grenade, or just caught off guard, hit B to retreat to the previous cover... they won't be able to teleport anymore so you can just take them down like anybody else. Like they Preyon, it's annoying as fuck at first. Once you learn to watch for it then it's not so bad.

Man, I apparently forgot how to not suck. I started off strong, staying at about a 1.5 k/d with lot's of assists, but my last game I just got worked.

Haha yeah my playing has been pretty iffy. I'm at a solid 1.8 or so now, but I started off really strong. I think I was just fighting some people who were brand new to the game... Once I started bumping into more experienced players I started getting ringed by playing sloppy and rushing too much. I'm starting to level out now as I play more. I've been using this chance to check out all the other early guns I never used last time as well. I literally just found out you could *choose* what you gun you want to unlock after my last game (level 18 or something). I kept unlocking the next one in the sequence haha. That's nice to know now.

I REALLY want to get this but I have to save all my money for PAX D:

Trade something in at GS and buy a points card :)

Edit: Any chance of a later PC port?

Jackson said there's a possibility if the XBLA version does well, so I really hope it finds itself a strong base.


is there a list/pictures of all the maps somewhere?

it seems cool but the maps in the giantbomb quicklook looked fairly boring


is there a list/pictures of all the maps somewhere?

it seems cool but the maps in the giantbomb quicklook looked fairly boring

Not that I'm aware, as I looked for something like that when making the OP a few days ago. Something could be out there now, though. However, playing the demo will be your best bet for getting a tour of the game really, especially since no content is locked and you can try most of the maps in 60 minutes. I'll admit the maps are a bit uninspired visually, but it's the cover placement that really makes them interesting, and since the combat has a really unique feel, it's probably something you'll just have to try in order for it to click.
I just tried Shotgun teleport against decent players...

It wasn't pretty. I got worked to hell and back. Granted I may have been doing it wrong but it's so easy to just fly a way when a guy teleports at you, there are two big tells and about a full second and a half of bright blue circles to let you know it's happening.

I see more utility in using it to get around tough situations. Like if you can see a spot with an angle on two guys, teleport to it, and take your shots instead of trying to go up the gut with a shotgun.

Grenades and Radar are my favorite abilities by a mile though.

Anyone else get impatient and buy a little gold to get the weapons they want? I was getting annoyed not having a battle rifle.

Did the double barrell shotgun get a major nerf from the beta? I remember it being beastly, now it's "eh"


I see more utility in using it to get around tough situations. Like if you can see a spot with an angle on two guys, teleport to it, and take your shots instead of trying to go up the gut with a shotgun.

Yeah, I try to only use it if I think I've sneaked up on the enemy, if they're busy shooting somewhere else, or if a grenade has just landed near them and they're flipping to dodge. Well, ideally I try to only use it only in openings on that, but I still make stupid gambles sometimes :p


Third time tonight it's gone off and back on after about 5 minutes. Each time it makes you listen to the damn tutorial again
Servers were okay for me this morning, but the 5th cell twitter doesn't indicate that they've been fixed yet, so I'm guessing the low load kept them in check.

I had such an intense game on whatever defense array is called this time around. After starting off with a nasty 7 kill streak for an early preyon, I kind of hit a wall. Then the game got to about 25-25 and everything slowed down. Both teams were extremely cautious, posting up in the corner, and the overhang. At one point we get a break, one of their guys teleports at me, and our guy teleports at them, I manage to flee, and knock down the teleporting guy, our our guy trades kills. Witht this opening, I bust ass into the middle, and drop my warbringer as a distraction, then I bump out to the side ledge at the no pass wall, and around to their spawn. I come out behind them, with a perfectly clear shot I knock out two more, and the third heads right into the killzone. Such a satisfying way to end the game, it was like playing chicken chess.

Tactics is now my favorite game mode, i came into a round where our team was down 0-2, and we came back to win it 4-3. It was on drydock, so I focussed on taking the route away from the bomb. By the end they figured out where I was going, but I had a warbringer, preyon and stocker queued up, so I tore through the guy in my lane, came around back, and put a sticky grenade on the side ways cover where they both were aiming. Brutal. I almost had a bomb plant too, but I let myself get too eager to plant and stopped shooting, and I got killed. I ended up 14-2, and picked up the achievement for killing all three dudes while I was last man alive. I so wish this game had a render to video option :(

Hopefully the server issues are fixed tonight, I kind of want to stay up all night wrecking paladins.
It's weird to see them struggle with server issues like this. It's not like multiplayer gaming on the Xbox 360 is a new thing for Microsoft.
It's weird to see them struggle with server issues like this. It's not like multiplayer gaming on the Xbox 360 is a new thing for Microsoft.
That's what I've been thinking. Games come out nearly every week with multiplayer online, and while there are certainly issues once in a while, it's strange to see such a major fuck-up on a relatively prominent Summer of Arcade title.
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