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Hyper Street Fighter II: Lazy Milking


I call it lazy milking to it because IMO it lacks some features I expected.

-There is no way to save your setup.
-You cannot select the stage when playing on versus.
-When playing on arcade you have to beat all the crapload of characters, even if they were not present in the game of the character you are using.
For instance, let's say I select Ryu from SF II Championship Edition. I have to fight characters such as Cammy or Fei-Long even though they were not present on that version, and I have to fight them without supers.
One thing is the versus...another the arcade one...

It's not that I have paid full price for it (30€) but come on...It's the 15th Aniversary...I expected sth better.
I hope 3rd Strike arrives here with the extras of the jpn version.

On the other hand the port is pixel/arcade perfect. It's nice to see the game in its full glory. You can select between three soundtracks (CPS1/CPS2/Arranged) and the arranged one is very good.
Hope you enjoy it soon with SF Collection.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So they removed the SF2 animated movie from the European release I take it?

Yeah, the arcade mode is lame; what Ouromov is saying is that it's just Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but you can pick any version of the characters to play with; the CPU is stuck in SSF2T mode.

I still enjoy this game a lot though, and it didn't feel like a rip off being around $35 (import) when I got it last year. I'd rather play this version than the other SF2 games.

Take Out: SF2 collection 2 isn't "perfect." :) Plus when the game comes out in the U.S., it's going to be bundled with SF3, for $40. That's a great deal.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Lyte Edge said:
So they removed the SF2 animated movie from the European release I take it?

Yeah, the arcade mode is lame; what Ouromov is saying is that it's just Super Street Fighter II Turbo, but you can pick any version of the characters to play with; the CPU is stuck in SSF2T mode.

I still enjoy this game a lot though, and it didn't feel like a rip off being around $35 (import) when I got it last year. I'd rather play this version than the other SF2 games.

Take Out: SF2 collection 2 isn't "perfect." :) Plus when the game comes out in the U.S., it's going to be bundled with SF3, for $40. That's a great deal.

Better deal than you think, its actually only going to be $29.99. I would pay that much just for an arcade perfect port of Street Fighter III: Third Strike for my PS2, let alone all those SFII extras and the animated movie.
Take Out: SF2 collection 2 isn't "perfect." Plus when the game comes out in the U.S., it's going to be bundled with SF3, for $40. That's a great deal.

I really don't care dude.

First, I've purchased way to many home incarnations of Street Fighter 2 to fucking care anymore. Oh, so some pixels are off or something because Capcom are incompetent tits. Whatever. The game play is intact, and that's fine with me.

Street Fighter 3 would have been nice, three years ago. I've gone without for so long I just don't care if I ever play SF3 ever again.

Then there's the exclusion of on-line play in the PS2 release.

Either Capcom will re-release it down the road with on-line play, or they're just hell bent on sodomizing PS2 gamers. I just find it horribly atrocious that Capcom would commemorate the 15th anniversary of the series with a hackneyed PS2 release.

On-line play is crucial for one on one, or competitive games. You can complain about lag, or how on-line play just isn't as good as playing at the arcades. Well, not everyone lives in Sunnyvale or Japan, so we'll have to make due with the next best thing - on-line play.

No on-line play = No sale.


What I would like to see is a Alpha/Zero compilation...They can bundle 5 games (Zero/Zero2/Zero 2 Dash/Zero 3/Zero 3 Upper) in the same way...

evil ways

ourumov said:
What I would like to see is a Alpha/Zero compilation...They can bundle 5 games (Zero/Zero2/Zero 2 Dash/Zero 3/Zero 3 Upper) in the same way...

I'd buy that, especially for a sexy $39.99 price, but only if they are direct Arcade translations and not PSX ports, though I'd love to see Dee Jay, Guile and T-Hawk in Alpha 3.


how does this version compare to my Saturn Capcom Generation 5 and PlayStation Capcom Generation 5 / Street Fighter Collection 2 ?

is the resolution the same as CPS1/CPS2 ?


ourumov said:
What I would like to see is a Alpha/Zero compilation...They can bundle 5 games (Zero/Zero2/Zero 2 Dash/Zero 3/Zero 3 Upper) in the same way...

The 20th anniversary will be here before you know it.


I think it's the same resolution...It has been recently ported from the CPS2 game....Anyways I wouldn't mind buying it if you own SF Collections.
I bought it because it was cheap and I needed 2p-action for my PS2. :)


The Take Out Bandit said:
Well, not everyone lives in Sunnyvale or Japan

I live in Sunnyvale! About a 2 minute walk from Golfland. It's pretty hardcore there yo, I want to practise at home before trying it out again but SF3 for Xbox won't come out soon enough >_<

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ourumov said:
I think it's the same resolution...It has been recently ported from the CPS2 game....Anyways I wouldn't mind buying it if you own SF Collections.
I bought it because it was cheap and I needed 2p-action for my PS2. :)

Actually, the CPS2 game was ported from the PS2 game. :) Hyper hit the PS2 in Japan last December, and the CPS2 in feb., IIRC. The resolution is not blurry, but I'm not sure if it's exactly like the arcade or not. What's cool is that you can also choose the arcade SSF2/SSF2T versions of the characters by holding down start when picking your game type(you hear a chime, and now characters like Chun-Li can hold their Supers in just like the arcade), so pretty much every version of the characters is available:

SF2' Champion Edition
SF2' Hyper Fighting
Super Street Fighter II Arcade (hold start on "SSF2" type)
Super Street Fighter II Home
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Arcade (hold start on "SSF2T" type)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Home

Import version of the game has the entire SF2: The Animated Movie from 1994, but obviously without subtitles, and the quality is VHS, unfortunately. The Chun-Li shower scene was also taken out entirely, rather than just have parts removed like the American release had.

And it may be $30 for both in the States, but I'll be shelling out $70+ for the Japanese SF3. Gotta get the limited edition. ^_^; I'll buy the Xbox release later on though.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It still amazes me to this day that Capcom got away with so many versions of SFII...

IMO in arcades, it really didn't matter. At home, there were three SNES releases, one PCE release, two Genesis releases, and one 3D0 release, back when SF2 was king. Not TOO much of an overkill for a game that was so massively popular. It's all the rereleased collections that just felt like complete milking to me...basically, any SF2 game released after 1995, like the two PSX games, the Gameboy game, DC release, Saturn releases, GBA release, etc.


I don't think collections are TOO bad, such as this PS2 game, especially when its being bundled. RE fans didn't get it quite as nicely. ;)


GigaDrive said:
how does this version compare to my Saturn Capcom Generation 5 and PlayStation Capcom Generation 5 / Street Fighter Collection 2 ?

is the resolution the same as CPS1/CPS2 ?
It lacks the rage-inducing slowdown that defiled Saturn SF Collection's version of SSF2T. (Never played the PSX version.) So that's good.

What's not good is that the graphics mode is interlaced, so the graphics look pretty bad to me ... far worse than the properly low-res Saturn games. But again, at least there's no slowdown. :|

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I don't think collections are TOO bad, such as this PS2 game, especially when its being bundled. RE fans didn't get it quite as nicely. ;)

Yeah, if anything, RE2 and RE3 for the GC should have been bundled together for $40; not sold individually for that price. :p

But RE2 and RE3 should have gotten full-on remakes; ditto for Code: Veronica.


I agree about the pricing of the RE titles. RE2 and RE3 could easily fit on one disc and then charge $30. It would have sold much better. I'm not sure about a CODE: Veronica remake though; a remake certainly couldn't be pre-rendered, but then we have the RE4 engine for that. :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I agree about the pricing of the RE titles. RE2 and RE3 could easily fit on one disc and then charge $30. It would have sold much better. I'm not sure about a CODE: Veronica remake though; a remake certainly couldn't be pre-rendered, but then we have the RE4 engine for that. :D

It could have been prerendered....let's face it, the way the game played out, those might as well have been static backgrounds anyway. :) But all that work wouldn't be worth it for Capcom. Just increasing the character model detail would have been enough for me.
Capcom gets a lot of heat for releasing multiple versions of SF2 across different consoles over 4 years, but Tecmo gets away with releasing seven different versions of Dead or Alive 2 across the Dreamcast and PS2 and the different territories... all in the year 2000.


As pre-rendered as CV could have been, the game's unique because of the use of the flashlight, and the boss fights would be MUCH harder. Not to mention that two of the boss fights require first person shooting. Then again, if Capcom were to remake RE2, RE3 and RECVX, the RE4 engine would be the way to go. ;)


SiegfriedFM said:
Capcom gets a lot of heat for releasing multiple versions of SF2 across different consoles over 4 years, but Tecmo gets away with releasing seven different versions of Dead or Alive 2 across the Dreamcast and PS2 and the different territories... all in the year 2000.

Mind elaborating? Sounds intriguing.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
IIRC, DOA2 had the following releases all within the same year, clearly taking the milk king crown from Capcom, who at least released its updates a year apart from each other. I'm going off memory, so this could be wrong as far as what release got what new addition:

In order of release:

DOA2 (Arcade)
DOA2 Millenium (Arcade)(Zack gets new outfit, some tweaks)
DOA2 (Dreamcast USA)
DOA2 (Dreamcast Europe)(Zack gets Shadowman outfit)
DOA2 (PS2 Japan)(Three new stages, some new outfits)
DOA2 (DC Japan)(Missing new stages from PS2 version, but gets two new stages of its own based on DOA1. More new outfits. New cinemas. Bayman added[?].)
DOA2 LE (DC Japan)(Same as above, but with the "Digital Venus" CG gallery)
DOA2 Hardcore (PS2 USA)(More new stage additions, more new oufits [Tina's red outfit censored], adds in stages from Japanese DC release, as well as cinemas from the DC release redone for the newer stages)
DOA2 Hard*Core (PS2 Japan)(A few MORE outfits [Tina uncensored], turbo speed select, new intro, new in-game cinemas.)

That's a total of NINE DOA2 releases. And with Ultimate coming, there's going to have been *10* versions of the game released....with the biggest difference being the number of outfits each character has. :p That's also why I can't believe Itagaki is making DOA2 again. DOA Ultimate should have had DOA3, with all the stages from DOA2...that would have been perfect.


I certainly hope that Ultimate's DOA2 is compiled from every version i.e. all costumes, all stages, along with the improved graphics.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I certainly hope that Ultimate's DOA2 is compiled from every version i.e. all costumes, all stages, along with the improved graphics.

It looks like Ultimate is getting new costumes and a new stage or two, actually. :) Since Hard*Core had everything, I'd expect that to be what the Xbox version is based on.


0G M3mbeR
A better question is can we amass a list of every single capcom made Street fighter games in all territories and systems. That list would be massive :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
NotMSRP said:
Where did you get your info on the various DOA2 versions and their changes? Gamefaqs suck.

First-hand knowledge. I played most of those DOA2 games, and the ones I didn't (Millenium, DOA2 Europe), I just remember from people talking about them on the internet.


NotMSRP said:
Where did you get your info on the various DOA2 versions and their changes? Gamefaqs suck.

The FAQs or the boards?

If you say anything pertaining to the FAQs I get to rip you apart. ;)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Kiryogi, Tina's red leather "wrestlethong" outfit had stockings added to the USA release to make it seem less risque.

anotheriori said:
~$70 for Limited SF3... WHERE?!?

Japan. :p I should be arriving there when the game comes out.


I'm pretty sure DOA2 for DC came out after Hardcore. I think Hardcore was the first to have Bayman and Tengu playable. DOA 2 LE for DC came out after Hardcore. Unless there is DOA 2 LE and just regular DOA 2 for Japanese DC.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Anyanka said:
I'm pretty sure DOA2 for DC came out after Hardcore. I think Hardcore was the first to have Bayman and Tengu playable. DOA 2 LE for DC came out after Hardcore. Unless there is DOA 2 LE and just regular DOA 2 for Japanese DC.

No, the Japanese DOA2 DC definiutely came out before DOA2 Hardcore did. The LE was also released at the same time, but thanks for reminding me of that...the LE had the digital venus gallery in it, so that's another entry. :)


A better question is can we amass a list of every single capcom made Street fighter games in all territories and systems. That list would be massive

that list would have to include the 99.9% arcade-exact Street Fighter II Champion Edition on the Sharp X68000 ^__^


Yeah, you're right about regular DOA2 DC coming out before Hardcore. But I'm still pretty sure Hardcore/LE had Tengu and Bayman playable first. I know for sure the Hardcore print ads hyped "The return of Bayman". Though I suppose it could just mean for America.

Speaking of that, it was funny how the print ads for DOA2 mentioned Tekken.

And as for DOA1, if you mean which is best I'd go with PSX. Two new characters beats out better graphics.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
anotheriori said:
man that sucks, something like 100+ to get 3S Limited imported :(

I just checked...it looks like it will cost closer to $80-$85, but that's still better than $100+...


I can always pick it up for you Anotheriori.... Assuming it fits in my suitcase nicely, I can get it to you when I come back.


Using the post office would also cost money since it`s an international send and probably a bit heavy ;p.

I get back at the end of this month.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I really don't care dude.

First, I've purchased way to many home incarnations of Street Fighter 2 to fucking care anymore. Oh, so some pixels are off or something because Capcom are incompetent tits. Whatever. The game play is intact, and that's fine with me.

Street Fighter 3 would have been nice, three years ago. I've gone without for so long I just don't care if I ever play SF3 ever again.

Then there's the exclusion of on-line play in the PS2 release.

Either Capcom will re-release it down the road with on-line play, or they're just hell bent on sodomizing PS2 gamers. I just find it horribly atrocious that Capcom would commemorate the 15th anniversary of the series with a hackneyed PS2 release.

On-line play is crucial for one on one, or competitive games. You can complain about lag, or how on-line play just isn't as good as playing at the arcades. Well, not everyone lives in Sunnyvale or Japan, so we'll have to make due with the next best thing - on-line play.

No on-line play = No sale.

Buy an Xbox.
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