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Hyper Street Fighter II: Lazy Milking


TToB has a irrational hatred for Xbox, so that isn't happening.

I laugh at him as I wait for online enabled SF Collection on Xbox!
MoxManiac said:
TToB has a irrational hatred for Xbox, so that isn't happening.

I laugh at him as I wait for online enabled SF Collection on Xbox!
It'd be awesome if they put each individual SF game on Xbox Live Arcade...


The Take Out Bandit said:
Further cementing Nintendo's non-portable consoles as a place to not go if you enjoy Street Fighter titles. ^_^

Hope you enjoy playing all those online street fighter titles on Sony's Playstation 2... oh that's right there aren't any (at least not in the US). Buy an Xbox you cry baby.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Further cementing Nintendo's non-portable consoles as a place to not go if you enjoy Street Fighter titles. ^_^
Nintendo hasn't been the destination for Street Fighter in about a decade, so I'm not sure why you'd need to make that point.

You have to admit that SFA2 for the SNES came right outta left field though, and was pretty good considering the hardware.
Shoryuken said:
Buy an Xbox you cry baby.

1. Not now. Not ever.

2. Couldn't afford one if I were so inclined. Unless I want to move back into the parents closet.

Nintendo hasn't been the destination for Street Fighter in about a decade, so I'm not sure why you'd need to make that point.

Thank you Mr. Yamauchi! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!


Alpha 2 SNES is an incredible achievement...Actually I think it was released on US after the N64 came...
I wonder how it had been if released for N64 under a 64 MB cart....

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ourumov said:
Alpha 2 SNES is an incredible achievement...Actually I think it was released on US after the N64 came...
I wonder how it had been if released for N64 under a 64 MB cart....

"Incredible achievement?" That choppy mess of a game, complete with loading times? :p Naw, they should have either made it for N64, or made Alpha 1 for the SNES instead.


Back on 1998 when all of you had your PSXs/Saturns I was playing Alpha 2 on the SNES ! I enjoyed it a lot.
I think it's a great work considering SNES capabilities. The sound is the biggest flaw but space was a problem.
ourumov said:
Back on 1998 when all of you had your PSXs/Saturns I was playing Alpha 2 on the SNES ! I enjoyed it a lot.
I think it's a great work considering SNES capabilities. The sound is the biggest flaw but space was a problem.
Agreed. Considering that it was on the SNES it was well done, and definitely lessened my jealousy about not having a PS or Saturn...


My father rented Alpha 2 for the SNES back when it first came out(pre-Saturn. We were both big into Street Fighter and fighters in general back then. I miss those days...). We played it for weeks, and... Just kind of forgot to take it back.

$60 late fee. Heh.

The SNES port was... Surprising, to say the least. Lots of animation frames were cut, sure, and that horrible load time at the beginning of matches("Fight!"... <10 second load here>... And then the MIDI-like music starts up), but it was still Alpha 2. :p

Can't say I wasn't pleased when I finally got my Saturn though. ;)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ourumov said:
Back on 1998 when all of you had your PSXs/Saturns I was playing Alpha 2 on the SNES ! I enjoyed it a lot.
I think it's a great work considering SNES capabilities. The sound is the biggest flaw but space was a problem.

It had many game play flaws (in fact, I believe a FAQ was made about all the glitches, since you could do stuff that you weren't supposed to!), and the load times being in a cartridge game sucked. I had the game myself; it's technically impressive in some ways to be sure, but just...no. I'd rather stick with SSF2 for Street Fighter on the SNES.

I have to say though...thinking about this game just makes the GBA port of Street Fighter Alpha 3 even more impressive. :)


It's strange...back when I first rented Alpha 2 I didn't notice the loading times, the incredibly slow speed(shifting to turbo doesn't make a lick of a difference) or this shit-tastic animation. The only "negative" I noticed was the disgustingly horrible music. :p After trying this thing on ZSNES I wonder how the hell I didn't notice the loading times.
hey shouta when you get back we should play some CvS2 heh, check out my new S groove team!

Back on 1998 when all of you had your PSXs/Saturns I was playing Alpha 2 on the SNES ! I enjoyed it a lot.
I think it's a great work considering SNES capabilities. The sound is the biggest flaw but space was a problem.
... I think.. I was playing X-men vs Street Fighter for Saturn about that time :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
anotheriori said:
... I think.. I was playing X-men vs Street Fighter for Saturn about that time :D

Yup. And Vampire Savior for the Saturn came out that year as well. Marvel Vs. Capcom hit arcades, and SFZ3 for PSX at the end of 1998, plus KOF '98 and Real Bout 2 for the Neo. Awesome year for 2D fighters...

...and thinking about it, I want to say that Alpha 2 for SNES was fall of '97?
Wasn't Alpha 2 on the SNES like in... 1996? I definitely had my Saturn by 1998, because I was playing X-Men vs. SF freshman year of college. And I got the PS2 with SFA2 in 1997, right before FFVII came out.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Kobun Heat said:
Wasn't Alpha 2 on the SNES like in... 1996? I definitely had my Saturn by 1998, because I was playing X-Men vs. SF freshman year of college. And I got the PS2 with SFA2 in 1997, right before FFVII came out.

No, because Alpha 2 hit arcades in '96. :) The SNES port came out much later on after the Saturn and PSX versions had been released.


It came out in 1996. I just looked at the title screen copyright.

And I don't care how impressive it is considering the hardware, the game is just awful. It reminds me of UMK3 for 16 bit systems.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Kobun Heat said:
Yeah, November 1996.

12/19/96 according to Gamefaqs.

I remember it being longer than that after the PSX and Saturn releases (imports were during summer '96). Huh.
well if theres no online playing for the ps2 i'll just stick to playing the 15th anny at the arcade across the street from my old junior college...only bad thing is computer is tough and guile is the best character to play against the comp....otherwise its zanghief on sf2turbo style


I`d be down for some CvS2 when I get back. I haven`t played that thing in ages and it`d be nice to get a few matches going in it even if I do suxxors.
I'll be picking this up for the Xbox since don't have a version of Super on any system. I have plent of Turbo and World Warriors as well as one version of SF3 on the DC but now Super. Plus having it all together at that price is a great deal in my opinion.


Tag of Excellence
Thanks to fan support for the SFII series, Blanka was finally able to go on vacation with all the royalties he's accumulated.


Alpha 2 was released the same week Mario 64 hit the stores along with the N64...That's the reason why it sold so poorly.
Anyways despite loading times and sound flaws I enjoy it because it LOOKS like Alpha 2. They tried to recreate everything with more or less luck but they tried. Charlie's level features the gigantic Harrier sprite that moves, Sagat secondary stage features 5+ layers of paralax, Rolento stage has the moving background like it had the Arcade one...
There are some inacuracies such as the non-moving ship on Rose stage or the non-reflective water on Gen's level...But Alpha 2 looks like an Alpha 2 game.
The frames were cut down a lot but when you don't have money for a PSX this is enough for you !

Alpha 3 on GBA is a different matter. There are not all the stages, the music sucks and the low GBA res makes details such as faces look like ass. The worst of everything is that all this was because CAPCOM didn't get a bigger cart (Crawfish actually). Back in those days I entered into Capcom forums asking for an Alpha 2 port instead of an Alpha 3. IMO it could have been a much better game for the GBA.


In the frame department is good. Frame animation is almost there...
But the game sounds like a GB game...The button layout is also limited due to GBA 4 buttons so it also affects gameplay...Finally, as I claimed, the low res makes faces look a bit weird...
I would like to play it on GBPLAYER to see how it looks on a TV but I remember Alpha 2 wowing me a lot back to when I played it.


Interesting perspective. I've heard many people say it was comparible to the DC version. But I never thought that to be possible...


Fighting game fans always look to frame animation when comparing games. Alpha 3 GBA is supposed to have better animation than Alpha 3 PSX.
It's a pity since this game was shaping very good. I have E3 videos of it showing stages that didn't appear such as the Chun Li one where a lot people is doing Tai-Chi in the background.
Anyways I bought it for my collection of Street Fighter Zero 3.
GBA SFA3 isn't even close to DC SFA3
DC sprites much bigger
DC is probably arcade perfect (although people say Saturn Version is best, closes timing for custom combos)
DC better music
DC Versus Dramatic Mode 2 on 1
your right tho ourumov, it all comes down to sprite size (if they are shrunk at all) and frames.
People saying that psx version of certain games were good enough didn't directly compare them to their arcade counterparts because they lose alot, luckily you still get the most of the gameplay.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ouromov, I really hope you're not saying SFA2 SNES is a better port compared to SFA3 GBA. That's WAY off base.

Interesting perspective. I've heard many people say it was comparible to the DC version. But I never thought that to be possible...

It's not comparable to the DC version, no, but it actually DOES have more animations in some characters than the PSX version did. The GBA also maintains the 2-on-1 dramatic battle, which is pretty impressive, and while it may not have all the backgrounds, it actually has MORE characters than the original, with the additions of Maki, Eagle, and Yun. It's an awesome portable fighting game, and Crawfish did an amazing job given the space they had in that GBA cart. If they had gotten 16mb cart like they wanted, I really wonder just how close the port could have been. The music is GBA quality, not GB quality, and all the characters have some voice samples (with a few sharing them, like Ryu/Dan and Ken/Sakura...they just change the tone to make it sound different). And finally, all six buttons are there; you just have to hit L+B or R+A, much like with SSF2T GBA. It works fine once you get used to it.

Music and sprite size shouldn't even be discussed, though; it's Gameboy, so obviously the music won't be as good, and the screen size is much smaller to begin with. I wouldn't recommend playing the game on the Gameboy Player, though...that would be pretty fugly.

SFA3 GBA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SFA2 SNES. Fact. Made even more impressive in that Capcom did the SNES version themselves (IIRC), and Crawfish did the GBA port. They even took the extra time they had inbetween the Japanese and U.S. releases, and added in two more backgrounds for the U.S. release with the extra space that they got from replacing the Japanese text with English text. One of the guys that worked on the game used to post all sorts of info like this about the game on the Gamefaqs message board before release.


The SNES version of Alpha 2 was coded by Nintendo in a 90%...I enjoy more playing SFA 2 on SNES than SFA3 on GBA...But that's just me...
Perhaps if I was using the GBPLAYER+NON-GC controller I would change my mind.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ourumov said:
The SNES version of Alpha 2 was coded by Nintendo in a 90%...I enjoy more playing SFA 2 on SNES than SFA3 on GBA...But that's just me...
Perhaps if I was using the GBPLAYER+NON-GC controller I would change my mind.


I only play SFA3 GBA when I'm on the go...that's what it's for. Alpha 3 plays a lot smoother than the SNES Alpha 2 though, so there's no way I'd bother with that, and the bottom line is that I'd be playing Alpha 2 on my modded Xbox or Saturn over SNES any day. Go back and play Alpha 2 SNES now and see if it's not quite as good as you remember it being...it's choppy and filled with load times.


Actually I re-played it yesterday. I visited a friend who is an xbot and the first thing I wanted to see was SNES emu + SFZ2.
Load times ? Sure...
Choppy ? Well, there are tons of cut-frames but I wouldn't call it choppy.
Speed ? In the options menu you can select TURBO and it plays like SFZ2 arcade in terms of speed.

There is not a single SFZ 2 home version that I like 100%. The Saturn one had the music from SFZ2 Dash, The PSX one is supposed to load a lot, and the SNES has the problems comented.
I have to play the PSX one, it's the only one I haven't touched.

I'll take some screenshots later.


I am not stupid. I know there are CPS2 emus on XBOX and I also know that the SFZ2 Arcade versions are better than the SNES ones (if they weren't, SNES would have slapped SS and PSX on the face).
I just wanted to try the SNES emu and I selected that game.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Those are also early screens of the GBA game before it was released. The final version looks a little better. Wow, Alpha 2 SNES looks worse than I remember it. Someone post some CPS2 screens!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Wait a sec...lets back up.

What are the new additions to 3rd Strike exactly??

The only diff is supposedly arcade perfect port w/ most likely better picture quality then dc version, and based on 3rd Strike Version 1 that had unblockables and stuff.


WTF are all you talking about ??? 3rd Strike ??? When do we started talking about Street Fighter 3 ????

The GBA game is Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper which is based on the Dreamcast Version of the game plus the addition of the following characters:


Yun is a SF III character but that's all.

BTW, I was comparing SFA2 SNES to SFA3 GBA...It's not fair to compare the SNES one to the arcade one....

Edit: I turned the page...I completelly forgot the original point of the thread.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The comparison to the arcade is to show what's missing from the screen in the SNES version...

...and what's remained intact in the GBA version. ;)
I got Alpha 2 for SNES in Christmas '96, it was the best I could do when I was too poor to buy the new systems. The flicker was annoying and the music was horrible, but it was an AMAZING achievment. It actually had the alternate Chun-Li and the hidden lightning stage, as well as every full ending. The amount of compression needed to fit all that into 32 megabits was what caused most of the glitches.

The comparison to the arcade is to show what's missing from the screen in the SNES version...

...and what's remained intact in the GBA version.

Did you notice that the SNES screens were bigger and more detailed?
Neutron Night said:
I got Alpha 2 for SNES in Christmas '96, it was the best I could do when I was too poor to buy the new systems. The flicker was annoying and the music was horrible, but it was an AMAZING achievment. It actually had the alternate Chun-Li and the hidden lightning stage, as well as every full ending. The amount of compression needed to fit all that into 32 megabits was what caused most of the glitches.

Did you notice that the SNES screens were bigger and more detailed?
Thats a given since your comparing a handheld to console and I believe the cart size of the GBA is smaller. hrm, i wonder how SSF2T Revival compares to SSFT on SNES aside from the supers and sound effects.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
anotheriori said:
Thats a given since your comparing a handheld to console and I believe the cart size of the GBA is smaller. hrm, i wonder how SSF2T Revival compares to SSFT on SNES aside from the supers and sound effects.

This is what I don't understand about Revival. It looks like Capcom used the same sprites from the SNES version, so all the charfacters are missing their backwards walking animations, then added all the Turbo-only moves and supers, instead of just porting all the sprites right from Turbo. Akuma, who of course wasn't in SSF2, has all his animation intact.
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