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Hyper Street Fighter II: Lazy Milking

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Alpha 3's the better port in comparison to Alpha 2; it isn't choppy, and it's actually plenty playable NOW. Anyone still wanting to play the SNES Alpha 2 when you can easily get the arcade version, or even better, Zero 2 Alpha, emulated, or play the Saturn/PSX versions, is missing...something. :) End of story.

anotheriori said:
lame, didn't the snes used the same walking animation for forward and backward?


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
NotMSRP said:
Can someone make a summary of which version is best for each game?

You mean every version of SF2, the Alpha series, and SF3? That could take a little while. :)

Each version of SF2 had its own stengths and weaknesses back in the 16-bit days; a lot of people would probably just say SNES, but the Genesis versions always played a little better and ran faster overall. The PCE SF2' Champion Edition is also said by many to be the best of the ports back then. I always felt that the SNES version looked and sounded the best, but that the Genesis version was closer to the arcade version overall (and also sounded closer, despite the muffled voices), and had everything intact that was missing from the SNES version (sounds, intro, etc.) Super Street Fighter II was definitely better on the Genesis as well, it had a little more voice (the announcer), and an extra star of turbo speed, plus a group battle mode IIRC.

With the 32-bit ports, the Saturn versions always played and looked better (the PSX ports had missing animation), but the sound quality wasn't as good until the 4MB RAM cart was released. Even some of the DC releases, like SFA3, look and play a bit better on the Saturn.
SF2 series: too many to choose from, one that gets the most play today and still has tournament following:

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (last version in arcades)
with the double pack in the US (Hyper SSF2T in Japan) its basically this game with older version of characters, why use older characters? because they were cheaper and most likely got toned down in the latest version, they did this instead of giving you all the SF2 games. Best Version Availible: Dreamcast or Anniversary Pack

Street Fighter Alpha Series:
While theres somewhat a small cult following for SFA2 (aka Street Fighter Zero 2 in Japan), the best one is SFA3 most characters still played now days. Best Version Availible: Saturn then Dreamcast SFA3U

Street Fighter 3 Series:
Some people still like SF3 2nd Impact because of various reasons, (parrying timing more strict then 3rd Strike) the latest 3rd Strike is the best. Version 1 (unlike DC version) has unblockables and other stuff that apparently tournament/high level players liked so they left those in rather then using a fixed version. Best Version Availible: Anniversary Pack then Dreamcast 3rd Strike

Marvel Series:
Marvel vs Capcom 2, theres just so much variety compared to the old ones and with the discovery of newer bugs the game has alot to learn. Best Version Availible: Dreamcast

CvS Series (plays different from Marvel Series):
CvS2 good old school w/ newschool elements fighting game though some my not want to learn the subsystems like parrying, just defending, a groove etc. Best Version Availible: PS2 then Dreamcast


the 16-Bit home console versions of SF2 (SNES, PCE, Genesis) paled in comparison to the cps-1 arcade versions. I cannot bare to look at them or listen to them anymore, with the exception of the music in Genesis SF2 Special Champion Edition.

I'm happy with my Dreamcast SSF2T and Saturn Capcom Generation 5, and of course my ROMZ :)


[post picture of girl's head spin; gahiddy's avatar]

I found out at a Gamecrazy that you get figures, Ryu & Chun Li as shown on a flyer, as a preorder bonus for the SF2 AE.


Alpha 3's the better port in comparison to Alpha 2; it isn't choppy, and it's actually plenty playable NOW. Anyone still wanting to play the SNES Alpha 2 when you can easily get the arcade version, or even better, Zero 2 Alpha, emulated, or play the Saturn/PSX versions, is missing...something. End of story.
I have never said Alpha 3 is a worse job than Alpha 2. Just two things:

1. Resolution Impact on faces.
2. Whole Experience due to GBA button-layout.

I was about to buy the CPS2 game last year for about 150€ but at the end I refused...It was the border line...

Can someone make a summary of which version is best for each game?
There is a huge problem with SFZ2 and it is, as I commented, that the best available version, the Saturn one, has the music from Street Fighter Zero 2 Dash PSX instead the classic SFZ2 tunes.
So the choose of the best one will be motivated by choosing between music or graphics/load times.
I have never played the PSX version so I can't further comment on this.

And about SFZ3 there are similar problems. The best available version graphically is the SS one, it features extra animation on characters such as Vega and T.Hawk. Besides, the resolution is nearer to the original. Two problems:
-Sound. You can compare it to SFZ3 DC and notice how the sound is worse quality...SS never had the best sound available...due to a problem with codecs licenses.
-Versus Select Stage. You cannot select stage when playing on versus and this sucks.
-Slowdown. There is slowdown at certain moments. There is a small bit of slowdown when doing certain suppers. It's barelly noticeable but there is it there.
-Load Times. Almost zero but slightly superior to the DC ones. It's not like Marvel vs Street Fighter where there was instant load. Imagine the DC version with loads a .25seconds larger.
How do I know it ? My obssession with SFZ3 games surpasses the natural. I have all them and have compared them to death.
I pretty much agree with the rest.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
anotheriori said:
CvS Series (plays different from Marvel Series):
CvS2 good old school w/ newschool elements fighting game though some my not want to learn the subsystems like parrying, just defending, a groove etc. Best Version Availible: PS2 then Dreamcast

never tried the PS2 version, what advantages did it have over the DC?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
There is a huge problem with SFZ2 and it is, as I commented, that the best available version, the Saturn one, has the music from Street Fighter Zero 2 Dash PSX instead the classic SFZ2 tunes.

That's not exactly what I'd call a "huge problem." It doesn't have any effect on the game whatsoever. I agree with you that the SFZ2 arcade music is better, but it's something most people (as in anyone other than SF freaks like us) won't care about or even notice, for that matter.

So the choose of the best one will be motivated by choosing between music or graphics/load times.
I have never played the PSX version so I can't further comment on this.

The Saturn versions are, without a doubt, the best versions of SFA2 and SFA2'available on a home console. The only thing that the PSX version has over it is better sound quality, and it has to be something memory-related, since the muffled voices become clear when doing same character vs. same character, much like how the missing animations are restored in same character vs. same character matches in the PSX games. Load times are pretty much the same on both systems; between 6-10 seconds each. PSX versions are missing frames, and IIRC also have slightly smaller sprites. In the original SFA2, the PSX version was also missing Evil Ryu, but he was added back into SFA2' (which is in the Street Fighter Collection)

But the best way to play Street Fighter Alpha 2 nowadays is emulated. You'll get everything; all the animation and perfect sound quality, and even better, you can go one step further than the home versions: Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha is fully playable. This update to the game was what the home versions of SFA2' were SUPPOSED to be; many of the features were added to the home versions (and Cammy was added to the versus mode), but the biggest difference is that Zero 2 Alpha features a Dramatic Battle mode similar to the ones ones in SFA3. :) I play the game on my modded Xbox all the time, and haven't touched the Saturn version in years now.

-Sound. You can compare it to SFZ3 DC and notice how the sound is worse quality...SS never had the best sound available...due to a problem with codecs licenses.

With the 4MB RAM card, there's no more muffled voices. Yes, the sound quality isn't as good as the DC, but it's hardly noticeable.

-Load Times. Almost zero but slightly superior to the DC ones. It's not like Marvel vs Street Fighter where there was instant load. Imagine the DC version with loads a .25seconds larger.

The DC version's load times are only 2-3 seconds long, and the Saturn version has load times of around 6-7 per battle. It's a pretty big difference in this area. The DC version also has a different resolution, so it's regarded as being a LOT uglier. :) But it does have 3 player dramatic battle play, which can be pretty fun.

How do I know it ? My obssession with SFZ3 games surpasses the natural. I have all them and have compared them to death.
I pretty much agree with the rest.

Me too. :) I wish I could drop this habit, actually...I'm about to go and buy the PS2 SF3 Limited Edition for $80+, even though I won't touch it once the XBox version comes out.


I want to know if this allows you to do the wacky stuff on those hyper chip modded arcade setups? Like filling the screen with fireballs and Tiger Knees?


Evil Ryu isn't in arcade SFZ2 either.

The PSX A2 seems brighter and more colorful than Saturn to me. Saturn sprites are larger though. They look small on PSX.
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