Just as I expected! I am getting it then. Why not just sell your PS4 anyway and pool that towards one of these? It is just simply a matter of re-installing and redownloading your stuff when you log in to PSN, right?
But I've had it since forever! And there's too many options, I wouldn't know which one to get anyways... That Noire one looks legit, though.
you get to keep everyone...eventually...the first games really take their time to actually give you your party members. If you bought the DLC, Plutia is pretty OP.
K. Thank you. Yeah, I bought it when it was on sale when first released, so it came with all the DLC (Playing on PC). Man, I hate Neptunia and God Eater... Well, I love it, but my wallet am cry.
I just dug up some of my stuff that's been in boxes since the move. The Nendo# 378+BD Vol.7 bundle, Rebirth1 & 2 LE for Vita, LE PS3 versions of the first 3 games, JP version of Noire LE game with nendo-petit of Noire, both badges/pins set from NISA, every piece of art NISA had, framed (used my own frame, because F*** paying additional $75 for their frame, lol), every art book, JP and otherwise, all the manga, the Neptunia plush from NISA. Only thing I don't have is the BluRays (except 7, obv.) and I just ordered the US LE BD's off Funimation. I'm sure there's more...
I'm not even gonna go there with my God Eater shit...