I’m coining a new term right now, “tryno”.
A tryno is a person who shares common interests with you and insists you try X, Y, Z but when you actually try to get them to try something they don’t. For example, my brother “bro you need to read this comic it’s fucking amazing”. Me, “ok, I read it and I enjoyed it, but based off of reading that I think you may enjoy reading this comic too. Try it and let me know.”
Radio silence. Never bothers, never even tries it. Week later insists I try something else. I have met so many people like this and it’s driving me nuts. I’m about to tell the next person to try something to go fuck themselves. God damn trynos.
A tryno is a person who shares common interests with you and insists you try X, Y, Z but when you actually try to get them to try something they don’t. For example, my brother “bro you need to read this comic it’s fucking amazing”. Me, “ok, I read it and I enjoyed it, but based off of reading that I think you may enjoy reading this comic too. Try it and let me know.”
Radio silence. Never bothers, never even tries it. Week later insists I try something else. I have met so many people like this and it’s driving me nuts. I’m about to tell the next person to try something to go fuck themselves. God damn trynos.