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I <3 U, Otogi 2

Otogi 2 I love you
You are very pretty
Otogi 2 talk dirty to me

Ninja Gaiden lacks your style
You beat Devil May Cry by a country mile
And Rygar seems like a stinking pile
Otogi 2 I love you


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

:lol That's the best they could do?! At least try to sell some copies by making the boxes look distinguishable... Geesh!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
is this out now?

is the game different then the first? i really found the first to be cool for 5 min, then really really dull and repetitive. is the second any better?


I looked for it at TRU for the 3-2 deal and they didn't have it. I will definitely get Otogi 2 whether it's this month or the next.
It's much improved over the first. Six completely different characters to play as, less frustrating stage layouts, and even better graphics/animation. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shit your pants. It's Shinobi on steroids.


hyperbolically metafictive
i so wanted this, but toys r us were sold out. they had a big misleading stack of empty display copies too. i ended up with paper mario instead. drohne am crying.

i should go back later this week and see if they've restocked.


It doesn't include part one, no. I think the confusion stems from a promotion in Japan where you could buy Otogi 2 and get the original game for free (because nobody buys Xbox games over there).

Otogi 2 is phenomenally goddamn beautiful, but I kept wanting missions more complex than "run around this level and kill all these things." If you just wanna kill shit, though, it's some good-lookin' killing. Great character design, too. I'm torn between the cute gal with the gigantic scythe and the floating tree-man with the massive Buddhist icon.

run around this level and kill all these things."

Do we really need silly DMC-style puzzles, though? That's about the only knock I can level at Ninja Gaiden -- the stupid "fetch X and stick it in Y" puzzles got in the way of killin' shit.

It does KILLIN' so very well, with some very atypical enemy designs. That early level where you chase the paper ghost things around while they summon headless scythe-wielding dudes was just an orgy of purely technical destruction.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
WarPig said:
It doesn't include part one, no. I think the confusion stems from a promotion in Japan where you could buy Otogi 2 and get the original game for free (because nobody buys Xbox games over there).

Otogi 2 is phenomenally goddamn beautiful, but I kept wanting missions more complex than "run around this level and kill all these things." If you just wanna kill shit, though, it's some good-lookin' killing. Great character design, too. I'm torn between the cute gal with the gigantic scythe and the floating tree-man with the massive Buddhist icon.


hey i'm not sure how much you played of otogi 2 but there are plenty of mission goals that aren't just run around and kill these things variety. :)


Maybe I just need to be in a more destructive state of mind. I remember my reaction to some of the levels being "You built all of this for me, and I'm just supposed to wreck it?"

In a different mood, I would have thought "They built all this for me, and I'm gonna wreck the hell out of it!"

Che: True, there's, like, "light up these four crystals, then kill everything."

Slamming a boss into a beautfully ornate stone shrine and watching it crumble around him is one of the few things so VERY right about the anime visual ethic.


ElyrionX said:
Is there still the goddamn magic meter time-limit bullshit in Otogi 2?

Some levels are timed, and you often get bonuses for clearing a level within a certain time limit, but there isn't a time limit on every stage, no.

Edit: What, there actually is a time limit? Must be a really generous one, because I chased those fucking paper ghosts around for what seemed like forever sometimes...



WarPig said:
Edit: What, there actually is a time limit? Must be a really generous one, because I chased those fucking paper ghosts around for what seemed like forever sometimes...
It's a timer as in it drains your life and/or magic or whatever it is. I haven't figured the new HUD out yet.

Edit: And you probably kept running into life/magic refillers. I have to strictly disagree with Drink, though -- I never even noticed it ticking down in part 1, but I've ran out of time a couple of times in 2.

I was loving this, then I realized the levels were mostly variations on levels in the original game and that big spider boss just made me stop playing for now. I want to get back into it, but I just can't. :(

Also, what's up with the Havoc stuff? I've tried the one where you smash arches and the one where you're supposed to kill 100 of those overgrown eagles, and I just can't pull it off. Am I on too low a level with my characters?
I killed the 100 eagle demons. You kill a bunch, then run back to the entrance way to kill those passive demons for mana to prolong your time, then go back and kill over 100, then run back to where you came from, using the remaining passive demons to rechage along the way.

Musashi Wins!

I just want to be part of any thread celebrating this genius game of destruction. It's so beautiful. I want to cry but instead I'll SMASH PRECIOUS THINGS. Action GOTY.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I annhilated the first game, and plan to do the same with the sequel somewtime in the future.

does this game have a subset of hidden goals that require a faq to figure out how to unlock the coolest stuff? Every level in otogi 1 had some awesome rewards but the game kept the challenges to earn them invisible(get a 750+ hit combo, kill everything in 2 minutes, etc...) Is this game upfront with this stuff now?

Oh and in terms of beating things to death, Otogi is like action gaming for the Kirby crowd, simple thrills with lots of fancy art. It's the sort of thing you cool off with after a heated session of NG or DMC, hardly the replacement.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I think it's just "so far over your head, it hit the barn, killed 6 chickens, got caught in some drainage sludge, and is now a reformed catholic...yada, yada" (stupid Qt3 humor)

Your agenda remains flawed, but the persistence is commendable.


MrAngryFace said:
I killed the 100 eagle demons. You kill a bunch, then run back to the entrance way to kill those passive demons for mana to prolong your time, then go back and kill over 100, then run back to where you came from, using the remaining passive demons to rechage along the way.
Yeah, I tried that but couldn't do it anyway. Oh, well.

What I like about the game is pretty well embodied in that level, actually. When you zap around in mid-air and kill eagles left and right, and it all just turns into this huge light and particle show. It almost feels kinda like Rez.. with ninjas!
Either that, or you just like the same Devil Trigger launcher combo or aerial combo ad nauseum spread throughout the same five enemies and four boss fights, mixed up with tiny arbitrary missions and a terrible camera.

At the VERY least Otogi 2 has an identical level of depth, and where it lacks in a few combo finishers and weapons/tranformations it compensates with larger levels, more characters/enemies/bosses, and better overall variety. DMC is a shallow, dumb game whose only claim to fame is that some very specific combo timings and camera wackiness during the run-of-the-mill boss encounters tack on an exclusive level of difficulty. You like DMC because you're good at it, but that doesn't make it a top-notch genre entry.

Ninja Gaiden, on the other hand, *is* a significantly deeper game mechanically than Otogi 2 -- I won't deny that, but I like Otogi 2's weird over-the-top sense of style so much more.

That said, my initital comments are a bit disingenuous -- Otogi and Otogi 2 are more like Shinobi than any of the three games mentioned above.
Drinky Crow said:
Ninja Gaiden, on the other hand, *is* a significantly deeper game mechanically than Otogi 2 -- I won't deny that, but I like Otogi 2's weird over-the-top sense of style so much more.

That's the one thing I noticed after playing the demo. Otogi 2 seemed shallow but very pretty :)


Tsuna is my hero.

I loved Ninja Gaiden, but I think that Otogi easier to pick up and play. Gaiden broke my fingers sometimes.
Hayabusa and Raikoh are sharpened nipples of bliss on the teats of the body ninja. enjoy together for endless substance and exhilarating style.


chespace said:
skip away, sir.

Ditto. I played Otogi 2 without playing the original Otogi, and while it didn't make any great amount of sense, I got no impression that playing the first game would have improved my comprehension or enjoyment in any way. Otogi 2 isn't a game you play to follow a story so much as a game you play to soak in the atmosphere. Any sort of narrative is at least a tertiary concern.

By the way, Drinky is right about Devil May Cry and everyone else is wrong. The first one could be this generation's finest example of fooling all of the people some of the time.

for its time. Now that Itagaki has pooped on it, and its "stylish action" formula has been bettered by more credible designers and art directors, it's a B-grade relic.

KAMIYA MAY CRY. Capcom's where Sega was three years ago: its "rockstar" producers/directors/designers just can't seem to keep it together. In fact, I'd say the parallels betwen Naka/Mikami (good concept guys, can't make a truly playable game), and Kamiya/Suzuki (good with mechanics, can't tie a game together unless the concept's dirt simple) are kinda interesting, if a little bit specious. How not to be a Sega: throw the bums out and let the new kids direct. They're less mired in nostalgia and personal design conceits, anyhow.
Well, I broke down and bought Otogi 2 today, even though I bought four other games this week. I couldn't help it, it's so pretty and shiny.


I'm tired of these choose-a-game-that-is-underappreciated-and-
Makura said:
I'm tired of these choose-a-game-that-is-underappreciated-and-

You mean you're tired of Drinky and MAF threads? :p


So is the camera less flimsy now? And are the controls more responsive? I considered them to be somewhat slow in the first game.
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