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I almost crapped my pants yesterday. A horrific experience.

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there is joy in sucking dick
The OPs post is about the perfect story on how a battle with imminent toilet tantrum (tm Seattle Shat Pack) goes. I hate how your body feels the need to anticipate the approach to ones apartment/house by bringing the demon fluid as close to the brink as possible.


Souldriver said:
That has happened to me quite a lot in the past. Hemorrhoids and all. :( It's quite frightening to see the toilet full of blood instead of a nice shit in clear water.

yeah, wtf the shit was GREEN.

Worst shit I ever took, from now on, I don't hold it in. Fuck it, I'll do it outside, rather then face the mix of the reddish hue of blood, with the saturated amounts of green from the shit.


Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Hate to turn this into GAF's bi-monthly poop thread, but does anyone go through poop cycles? For months on end I'll go through a series of cycles in my shit:

1. Hearty bricks that barely need wiping.

2. Ropey, soft-serve turds that are difficult to cut cleanly and usually end up with a small piece stuck in my cornhole.

3. Rabbit turds.


braimuge said:
So let's turn this around. What was the worst (hardest and most painful) shit you ever took?

I remember one time, where my anus was dripping with blood :(
There have been MANY occasions where my shits have been painful. It even hurts when I wipe my ass.

There is always 'some' blood whenever I have a shit. Always.


braimuge said:
So let's turn this around. What was the worst (hardest and most painful) shit you ever took?

I remember one time, where my anus was dripping with blood :(

I used to have that happen to me at school after up-all-night study sessions and lots of coffee drinking. I remember one time at school I apologized to the guy in the stall next to me ahead of time: "dude, just so you know in advance, I am really sorry for this."

haha i love this thread
braimuge said:
So let's turn this around. What was the worst (hardest and most painful) shit you ever took?

I remember one time, where my anus was dripping with blood :(

I remember one time feeling full in my gut... there was something not quite right about it... so I decided to willfully force myself to shit.

The shit itself was a frankensteins monster. It felt like the bottom end of it had a skull. A hard craggy skull. That was the hardest part for me to birth, and once I did that, I felt the aesophegous like muscular rings of my colon contract in sequence to push the squishy end out behind it. Following that was a spluttering -- not unlike the vomiting the main character does in Team America: World Police (but out of my ass). I actually said out loud "What the fuck, that's horrible" - and had to use my tshirt to cover my mouth and nose. As fellow men, you will know that seldom do our own smells offend us. Anyway, there was blood in the toilet bowl that time for me too. I've never forced myself to take a shit since.

For four days in December I shat or puked whenever I ate. I think I may have foodpoisoned myself or something. That was horrible. I had to basically stop eating anything remotely fibrous and drink lots of water to get rid of it.


...hate me...
I had a experience of a similar nature.

I went on a road trip to Spain with a bunch of friends for the new years party (2005-2006) and fuck I really put a lot of effort into not even farting on the van with ladies around and whatnot. I just kept saying I was feeling sick to justify the pain in my face.

After 30 or 40 minutes of this we finally stopped near a WC. Man and what an awful WC it was. I had this great relieving watery shit and then I realised there was no toilet paper. Similarly to what happened to an above poster, I also used a piece of clothing to get the business done. I said goodbye forever to my under shirt and sent a prayer to whoever would found it.

2 hours later, near the frontier, I had to go again, but this time it went smoothly and the bathroom had toilet paper.

And another 2 hours after that when we arrived to the Hotel in Salamanca I shat my last shit in a oh-so-nice bathroom, it felt really good. After that, my system was cleared.
I love these type of stories. I've never really had any incidents, but close ones though. I seem to get stomach aches if I eat fast and then drive in a vehicle afterwards, which result in me flooring it to the nearest bathroom.
The other day on the way to work I had the same sharp pains in my intestines. I was literally screaming at myself to FIGHT THROUGH THE PAIN and DRIVE! Closest parking spot I got was still another 5 minute walk. I kept switching between walking fast and running. I got to work, I made it. Crisis averted. It felt so sweet.


Gold Member
wow i was laughing through the entire story ... great read my friend... great read..

And actually I had a small situation yesterday..

I was at a client's house and the same gassy feelling popped up and i could feel the bubbles in my intestine... be it that I was in a home i felt it would be ok to use their rest room..

Went into the bathroom and as I turn on the light.. i look on the toilet seat.. and there is - I KID you NOT - dried poo stained on the seat... So i turned around and reached for the door and instantly the bubbling started coming again.. And i turned back towards the toilet..

I am now sweating from the idea of getting too close.. Then I remember.. Hold on a second.. I'm an expert in the hover method so it shouldn't be a problem at all.... So i start preparing myself for the Hover method .. and I wearily peer in the toilet to see what my angle of entry will be... and there are clumps of excrement .....IN THE WATER!!.. So now I face the risk of the poo splashing up onto me.. yikes.. So .. defeated i pull my pants up and As i do that to top it ALLL off.. there is a box of vagisil on the vanity.. and it looked like it was recently used o_0...

So yeah.. I held that Motha like it was my last dollar until i got back to the office.. and destroyed the toilet there.


I've had a couple of close calls, but last summer was the worst I can remember. I was playing volleyball at this crappy little bar and suddenly realized I had to go. I went in to the crappy little bathroom with one stall, only to see the toilet was clogged and nearly overflowing. So I just clenched tight and thought I could make it pass. About 10 minutes later, there was no more waiting. I told my friends I would be right back, hopped in my car, and drove 5 minutes to the nearest gas station. I think I was sweating and I made weird eye contact with the clerk as I fast-walked to the bathroom. Same as the OP, I don't think I was actually sitting before it came out. That was probably the biggest feeling of relief I have ever had.

It's so strange that you can usually make it to exactly where you need to when you have to go and not a second longer.


Reminds me of the time when I got diarrhea from food poisoning. It was from the food I ate at a wedding celebration party.

I was in my room, and I felt I had to go. I charge towards the toilet. But alas, I was too late.

I crapped myself. Involuntary shit. I had absolutely no control over it.

I felt like screaming. Needless to say, I threw away those boxers and trousers I was wearing, cleaned my self and was in the shower for at least 1 hour.


:lol that was too funny. When I was little my cousin had to crap but he was holding it in because he was at a birthday party. Somehow he managed to poop out a perfect ball and it rolled down his leg onto the floor. No trail or anything it was pretty funny. I don't even remember if they noticed it at the party.
God I have so many shit horror stories. If I wrote an autobiography it would be called, "Everything I Eat Turns to Diarrhea". Hmm what gem should I share with you first. I guess I will start with a classic that I like to tell friends.

The after prom party my senior year of high school was at a classmate's cottage on the lake. The girl throwing the party lived in a very nice house so I was expecting a lavish lake-side cottage.

When we arrived at the location, I assumed we were simply at the fallout shelter for the main cottage, you know in case the Ruskies strike, but the cinder block mansion was the main estate. Whatever, fuck it, it is prom party who cares where we are, lets get drunk, and so we did.

As one can imagine the party went well into the night. Some highlights include me making my ex-girlfriend cry because I asked for a necklace back that I gave her, justifying it with the following statement, "cheap whores don't deserve fine jewelry" (oh high school relationships, is there anything worse?). The other great moment was when five people were huddled around a keg baffled by the mechanics of tapping said keg. Ne'er before have I tapped a keg, but I pushed some people aside, grabbed the stubborn device and tapped the fuck out of that keg like Wart pulling the sword from the stone, but in reverse.

So it was like 3am I was well drunk, people were slowly passing out, so I decided to go sleep in my friends car. I use the term car loosely because this was a 86' Camaro Z28. It resembles a car much in the same way a child's finger painting resembles the Sistine Chapel. I woke up a few hours later at dawn, to the enchanting sounds of a couple arguing over fuck all. This early morning rousing turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My stomach was immediately rumbling and I knew I was going to have to unleash some unholy beast of a shit asap.

So I made the decision to go to the bathroom while everyone was still passed out. I carefully approached the bomb shelter, making sure not to awaken any possible poop narcs. Inside, bodies were strewn about like a pretentious art installation. Tip-toeing over classmates with an anus brimming full of liquid pain is a precarious and stressful task. At last I arrived at the toilet which mercifully accepted my brew of hate ,evil, and light beer.

As I was finishing up I came to realize that there is no toilet paper. I certainly wasn't about to holler to anyone to look for some, you know since taking a shit in high school is somehow a social faux pas equivalent to endorsing genocide. So I opened up my wallet and briefly pondered the thought of wiping my ass with some dollar bills and a fiver. This fecal fiasco had been taxing enough already, the last thing I needed was to break the bank. I ended up carefully wiping my arse with some old receipts I had in my pocket.

Right as I am about to pull up my pants I realize that there is a second door to the bathroom right in front of me that is about two feet ajar. The combination of dry contacts and a horrid hangover prevented me from ever noticing this obvious gap in my shiter security perimeter. Furthermore, a cute girl from school was passed out just on the other side of the door with her head lined up directly in front of the opening. The entire time I was committing ceramic manslaughter, a girl's face was no more than 5 feet from me. That girl could have awoken to the sight of me sitting spread eagle, a wad of money in one hand and a ball of crumbled receipts in the other. I somehow managed to get through this entire ordeal without anyone, including the girl ever waking up.

I have a couple more good ones but I will post them later as the thread, hopefully, continues on.


radioheadrule83 said:
I remember one time feeling full in my gut... there was something not quite right about it... so I decided to willfully force myself to shit.

The shit itself was a frankensteins monster. It felt like the bottom end of it had a skull. A hard craggy skull. That was the hardest part for me to birth, and once I did that, I felt the aesophegous like muscular rings of my colon contract in sequence to push the squishy end out behind it. Following that was a spluttering -- not unlike the vomiting the main character does in Team America: World Police (but out of my ass). I actually said out loud "What the fuck, that's horrible" - and had to use my tshirt to cover my mouth and nose. As fellow men, you will know that seldom do our own smells offend us. Anyway, there was blood in the toilet bowl that time for me too. I've never forced myself to take a shit since.

For four days in December I shat or puked whenever I ate. I think I may have foodpoisoned myself or something. That was horrible. I had to basically stop eating anything remotely fibrous and drink lots of water to get rid of it.

Fuck. Mine went like this:

4 Days, for four days I had ignored the succesive farts that represented a sign for me that things were getting worse. To the point that the farts themselves began to turn on me, yes, they actually disgusted the shit out of me. On the 5th Day, I knew something had to be done, I remembered the painful night of fear I had exprienced the night before. It was about 8 o'clock now, I'm off on Tuesdays, so I didn't have any other responsibility. It was just me, and that fucker inside of me. I did everything I could to eliminate the fear of knowing what I was going to have to go through.

But it hurt now, it hurt my stomach, it hurt me so much that I began to SMELL the gas of my farts INSIDE MY MOUTH. I knew something HAD to be done. So I said fuck it, went into the bathroom. I sat down, and said "FUUUUUUUUCK" at the first push of pain, but alas, nothing, NOTHING came out. I started to flick my legs out of nervousness. The pain was too much, it had to go, my intestines are hurting. I pushed again, nothing, and again, NOTHING.

I began to fantasize about the possiblity of manual removal, having the doctors inject their hands tor remove it physically. Then I said no, no, nooo. IT HAS TO GO. I pushed and for the life of me I did everything I could, I struggled, and I screamed bloody murder. Then it came, I could feel it inside my anus, but the fucker was taking it's time. MUTHER FUUUUUUUUCk. Pushed it, pushed it, pushed it soo hard my fucking nose started to fucking bleed. It was out, but I felt greaseness in my anus, I wondered what that was. Was it some sort of natural emergency lubricant? I stood up barely, it felt like I was gang raped by 5 grown ass men. I looked back at the fucker, and lo and behold, the fucker was GREEN, there was reddishness all over it, that looked like veins on the kidneys of a freshly slaughtered sheep. The blood did not stop there, the fucker made sure my DNA was spilled all over the walls of the toilet barely missing the seat.

From then on I made sure not to hold my shit in, ever, for nothing. I will shit, whenever it happens.
-viper- said:
I felt like screaming. Needless to say, I threw away those boxers and trousers I was wearing, cleaned my self and was in the shower for at least 1 hour.
Was it a cold shower with you crying in the corner crouched into a fetal position?


Never happened to me. I have a powerful ability to hold crap in. Plus I crap on an irregular basis. Sometimes it's daily, but it used to be only 2x a week, so I have a good sphinchter or whatever.

I did get close one day in middle school though, I could feel it coming out the door when I just clenched with the power of Jesus and all that is holy and put all my weight on my but, and then it retreated back into my intestine.


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
That was hilarious.. I can relate.

I've been on the verge before and ended up fully crapping myself in Elementary School. We were coming back in from a hot day outside in Gym and I distinctly remember having stomach pain. Everyone ran back in so I ran with them even though my stomach was killing me.

I was the last one in and I did one of those side to side motions with my hips while squeezing my but cheek, trying to hold it in as I entered the door. It was too much of a rush to handle and I ended up releasing the first bit in my shorts. I remember some kid complaining about the smell when I sat down too.:lol

Glad that was the last class of the day... ugh.


Not as deep as he thinks
:lol :lol I love the fact that whenever this happens to people, they're always faced with fucking problems/obstacles they wouldn't face previously. Like the whole door being double locked. It makes it that more funny once you're over it.

aoi tsuki

All of these stories are far more epic if you imagine James Lipton reading them.


Far more.


Junior Member
wow, this thread is comic gold. Every story in this thread needs a dramatic reading :lol


“All in all, it hadn’t been a good day. Bad traffic, a malfunctioning computer, incompetent coworkers and a sore back all made me a seething cauldron of rage. But more importantly for this story, it had been over forty-eight hours since I’d last taken a dump. I’d tried to jumpstart the process, beginning my day with a bowl of bowel-cleansing fiber cereal, following it with six cups of coffee at work, and adding a bean-laden lunch at Taco Bell. As I was returning home from work, my insides let me know with subtle rumbles and the emission of the occasional tiny fart that Big Things would be happening soon. Alas, I had to stop at the mall to go Christmas shopping. I completed this task, and as I was walking past the stores on my way back to the car, I noticed a large sale sign proclaiming, “Everything Must Go!”. This was prophetic, for my colon informed me with a sudden violent cramp and a wet, squeaky fart that everything was indeed about to go. I hurried to the mall bathrooms. I surveyed the five stalls, which I have numbered 1 through 5 for your convenience:

1. Occupied.
2. Clean, but Bathroom Protocol forbids its use, as it’s next to the occupied one.
3. Poo on seat.
4. Poo and toilet paper in bowl, unidentifiable liquid splattered on seat.
5. No toilet paper, no stall door, unidentifiable sticky object near base of toilet.

Clearly, it had to be Stall #2. I trudged back, entered, dropped trousers and sat down. I’m normally a fairly Shameful Sh1tter. I wasn’t happy about being next to the occupied stall, but Big Things were afoot.

I was just getting ready to bear down when all of a sudden the sweet sounds of Beethoven came from next door, followed by a fumbling, and then the sound of a voice answering the ringing phone. As usual for a cell phone conversation, the voice was exactly 8 dB louder than it needed to be. Out of Shameful habit, my sphincter slammed shut. The inane conversation went on and on. Mr. Sh1tter was blathering to Mrs. Sh1tter about the sh1tty day he had. I sat there, cramping and miserable, waiting for him to finish. As the loud conversation dragged on, I became angrier and angrier, thinking that I, too, had a crappy day, but I was too polite to yak about in public. My bowels let me know in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t get crapping soon, my day would be getting even crappier.

Finally my anger reached a point that overcame Shamefulness. I no longer cared. I gripped the toilet paper holder with one hand, braced my other hand against the side of the stall, and pushed with all my might. I was rewarded with a fart of colossal magnitude — a cross between the sound of someone ripping a very wet bed sheet in half and of plywood being torn off a wall. The sound gradually transitioned into a heavily modulated low-RPM tone, not unlike someone firing up a Harley. I managed to hit the resonance frequency of the stall, and it shook gently.

Once my *** cheeks stopped flapping in the breeze, three things became apparent: (1) The next-door conversation had ceased; (2) my colon’s continued seizing indicated that there was more to come; and (3) the bathroom was now beset by a horrible, eldritch stench. It was as if a gateway to Hell had been opened. The foul miasma quickly made its way under the stall and began choking my poop-mate. This initial “herald” fart had ended his conversation in mid-sentence.

“Oh my God”, I heard him utter, following it with suppressed sounds of choking, and then, “No, baby, that wasn’t me (cough, gag), you could hear that (gag)??”

Now there was no stopping me. I pushed for all I was worth. I could swear that in the resulting cacophony of rips, squirts, splashes, poots, and blasts, I was actually lifted slightly off the pot. The amount of stuff in me was incredible. It sprayed against the bowl with tremendous force. Later, in surveying the damage, I’d see that liquid poop had actually managed to ricochet out of the bowl and run down the side on to the floor. But for now, all I could do was hang on for the ride.

Next door I could hear him fumbling with the paper dispenser as he desperately tried to finish his task. Little snatches of conversation made themselves heard over my anal symphony: “Gotta go… horrible… throw up… in my mouth… not… make it… tell the kids… love them… oh God…” followed by more sounds of suppressed gagging and retching.

Alas, it is evidently difficult to hold one’s phone and wipe one’s bum at the same time. Just as my high-pressure abuse of the toilet was winding down, I heard a plop and splash from next door, followed by string of swear words and gags. My poop-mate had dropped his phone into the toilet.

There was a lull in my production, and the restroom became deathly quiet. I could envision him standing there, wondering what to do. A final anal announcement came trumpeting from my behind, small chunks plopping noisily into the water. That must have been the last straw. I heard a flush, a fumbling with the lock, and then the stall door was thrown open. I heard him running out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

After a considerable amount of paperwork, I got up and surveyed the damage. I felt bad for the janitor who’d be forced to deal with this, but I knew that flushing was not an option. No toilet in the world could handle that unholy mess. Flushing would only lead to a floor flooded with filth.

As I left, I glanced into the next-door stall. Nothing remained in the bowl. Had he flushed his phone, or had he plucked it out and left the bathroom with nasty unwashed hands? The world will never know.

I exited the bathroom, momentarily proud and Shameless, looking around for a face glaring at me. But I saw no one. I suspect that somehow my supernatural elimination has managed to transfer my Shamefulness to my anonymous poop-mate. I think it’ll be a long time before he can bring himself to poop in public — and I doubt he’ll ever again answer his cell phone in the loo. And this, my friends, is why you should never talk on your phone in the bathroom.”

:lol :lol :lol

Only GAF knows how to make me laugh till I'm in stitches. And yeah, never hold your shit for no good reason. Anal fissure is not fun. If your bowel movement is painful, that's not normal.

A++ thread. Would read again.
While I was not in danger of crapping my pants, I had a Devil's turd that had refused to fully come out in almost three days. Today, I engaged war.

Man, did that fucker hurt!

EDIT: Hell, I'm still sore.


The last time I almost shit myself was at a soccer game. It was fucking rainy and muddy and there was no bathroom for at least 500 ft from the field. I sure as hell didn't want to come off and sit the bench just to take a dump, so I shat myself and hid it by sliding in mud and being smart about the excretion. Nobody noticed. It felt great and was a grand success. Age: 14


Rayo said:
The last time I almost shit myself was at a soccer game. It was fucking rainy and muddy and there was no bathroom for at least 500 ft from the field. I sure as hell didn't want to come off and sit the bench just to take a dump, so I shat myself and hid it by sliding in mud and being smart about the excretion. Nobody noticed. It felt great and was a grand success. Age: 14

Genius, simply extraordinary.


Held a painful shit in while getting a rimjob for nearly 20 minutes. What should have been awesome became terrifying.
braimuge said:
So let's turn this around. What was the worst (hardest and most painful) shit you ever took?

I remember one time, where my anus was dripping with blood :(

I recently had surgery for a hernia and was laid up for a few days on a pretty heavy dosage of vicodin. As some of you prescription drug abusers may be aware, one of the side effects of vicodin is constipation—and one of the side effects of hernia surgery is that you aren’t allowed to strain to take shit. I thought about all of this when I was given the medication, but I was in such excruciating pain that I couldn’t imagine constipation would be an enemy as foul as the agony I was in. My surgery was on a Monday morning and around Wednesday I started to think about the fact that I hadn’t shit since the Sunday night preceding my surgery. I was a bit concerned—but figured it would come as nature intended, and I wasn’t in any discomfort so I just assumed I didn’t have any poop to shoot.

Then Thursday came and went, but my colon remained quiet. My concern started to turn to worry since the initial pain of surgery was fading and I sure didn’t want to re-injure myself in an epic struggle on the can. But, since I still didn’t even feel like I needed to poop, I figured it would be ok.

Finally, Friday rolled around and I started to feel a familiar heaviness in my guts. I had a mini-celebration as I walked into the bathroom because I wasn’t familiar with constipation and assumed everything would just roll out and I’d be ok.

I was wrong. When I sat down, the most of a push I could muster was a gentle, but constant relaxation-to-contraction cycle that was providing no results. I switched that to a straight and constant easy push—the problem there being that as soon as I relaxed, there was a pain which felt like the poop was retreating back inside of whatever taliban cave it was condemned to. I went through this cycle for about three quarters of an hour before I gave up. Upon standing I felt the most uncomfortable sensation in my colon that I can remember—I’ve never been so aware of the shit-tube immediately inside of my asshole and hope to never be again. It felt like I was walking around with a brick weighing down my colon, trying to inch itself out.

I called my girlfriend and desperately begged her to buy me prunes and prune juice and milk of magnesia because I NEEDED THIS LEVIATHAN OUT. It wasn’t “painful”--it was just incredibly, unbelievably “uncomfortable.”

Once my girlfriend arrived, I loaded up on the items that I had requested and took a long walk around my apartment complex (all of this while in agony from my recent surgery) to try to convince my groundhog that we didn’t need another six weeks of winter. A couple hours later I started to feel a VERY unpleasant but familiar rumbling in my recently sutured shut abdominal cavity.

I once again took my position on the toilet and went back to the routine of just gentle pushing. What felt like an eternity later (probably only 5 or 10 minutes), I started to feel a “goatse”-esque opening of my asshole. I continued to gently push and it continued to slowly stretch, pull and expand my wonderful and tiny asshole—until finally it felt like it was relenting. So I kept on pushing and the beast kept on sliding. More pushing, more sliding. Eventually I felt the familiar retracting tug of your body reluctantly giving up the tail of a turd it considers an integral part of its living, breathing self.

I sighed very heavily, proud papa and exhausted mother all in the same instant. When I got up the stamina to clean myself, stand and turn around to see what I had delivered I was delighted and horrified to see the most prolific shit I can imagine. This thing was a knotted and tangled mass that resembled a maple twist donut with a head on the front of it the size of a grown man’s fist. I wanted to take a picture, but I was shaking so much with exhaustion and elation that I was worried I’d drop my phone into the toilet and the beast would claim a new victim, in addition to the tender anus it so recently destroyed.

Edit: TLDR--

Surgery and Vicodin =


I once took a dump which was pretty much the largest thing I ever took, in terms of both girth and length. I remember as I started to feel it slide out my ass there was a slight pinch and the feeling just remained. I remember thinking "What the fuck? Most turds take just under a second to come out my ass. This one had to have taken about 2.5. I remember being so astounded by this that I specifically stood up to look into the toilet. Half of it had clearly submerged into the hole at the bottom and the other half came pretty close to breaking water.

Since that turd alone constituted the entirety of my crap (save a small after drop) I wiped my ass two or three times and looked into the toilet as I flushed still marvelling at the giant turd. But the toilet didn't flush. The toilet paper didn't even move, and the water level rose. I couldn't believe it. A single turd had single-handedly clogged the fucking toilet. Even the coarsing water jet of the flushing toilet did not break it. I got the plunger and had to break it up. I don't know if I could ever take a dump like that ever again.


Rayo said:
The last time I almost shit myself was at a soccer game. It was fucking rainy and muddy and there was no bathroom for at least 500 ft from the field. I sure as hell didn't want to come off and sit the bench just to take a dump, so I shat myself and hid it by sliding in mud and being smart about the excretion. Nobody noticed. It felt great and was a grand success. Age: 14

So which is it :D


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
The worst is actually passing out on the can. I've had almost my entire family do it due to our weak stomachs.. I've come close but not yet.

Worst was food poisoning. Never have I erupted so much out either end before at the same time. No wonder people fall victim to it, it was hard to keep anything down to stay hydrated.

Timedog said:
I attempted the dramatic reading.


This reminds me of my I havent crapped in 3 days thread.



kozmo7 said:
The worst is actually passing out on the can. I've had almost my entire family do it due to our weak stomachs.. I've come close but not yet.

Worst was food poisoning. Never have I erupted so much out either end before at the same time. No wonder people fall victim to it, it was hard to keep anything down to stay hydrated.



Hell yeah, do every single story :lol :lol :lol
The same exact thing happened to me this week. I was in class and all the sudden the feeling of mud butt came on. The class had 45 minutes left and I had no idea what to do. I mean I didn't want to run out of the class room and embarrass myself in front of my friends so I waited for this girl who I swear is one of the girls from the hills to leave class and I just got up about a minute later and walked out. Luckily, the toilets were right next to classroom and everyone was in class so I got to take the shit in peace. God I feel bad for whoever came in after me. That shit STANK.


When I was 19 I shit my car. Me and my friends were playing soccer like we normally did during the summer, when I realized I had to take a dump. I ignored it, and kept on playing. So now we are an hour in and its going worse, my ass is screaming at me I have to take a shit but I ignore it. Eventually it just becomes unbearable, and I quickly think of a way to get out of there and back home to do the deed. I quickly tell my friends I have a doctor's appointment and quickly, speed walk/the awkward walk you do when you been holding a shit back for awhile to my car. Almost didn't make it to the walk, but I prevailed. So I get in my car and start driving, now there is one light between the field and my house so I know if I can make the light I am in the clear. I see the light in the distance...its green! I quickly hurry but then my whole world crashes down. The light turns yellow, and then red. With that I feel it coming, I try to fight it off with a fart, but the shit wouldn't have it. I shat my car

So now I'm coming home, with shit in my shorts. First time I shit myself since I was 5, forgot how mushy shit is. Anyways I finally get home, but I start to panic. What if I get up and all the shit falls out of my shorts? I decided the only solution was to pull my pants outward in front so the back is close as possible to my ass so nothing can fall out. With that I waddled to my front door. I knew my parents were home but I was hoping I could sneak into the bathroom without anyone noticing. Alas, that plan failed the minute I opened the door. There in the other room with direct sight to the front door were my parents. I waddled in holding my shorts out and my parents just stare at me. We have a stare off for a few seconds before my dad finally breaks the silence and asks, "Ok, whats wrong?" I burst into laughter and somehow exclaimed, "I shit myself." He and my mom just look at me for a second before telling me to go to the bathroom. And so I did, and found out I had to shit some more! The shorts and boxers were later destroyed and my car got a nice cleaning.
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