OK, I will explain the 4 levels of internet drunkeness. I've experienced these first hand.
In ascending order.
1. Tipsy. You've been drinking a bit and made a thread titled "I am drunk" which maybe should of said "I've had a few drinks". You're drunk enough that you're chatty, but not drunk enough to create more typos than normal.
2. You're now drunk. You've had enough to drink so nowtypos are becomming more frequent, but you still have enough composure to spot them and correct them. Telling a #1 and #2 person apart is very difficult.
3. You're even drunker. Concentrating on the keyboard is taking more brainpower than you care to use. More typos are appearing, but at this point you don't give a damn. Your post has quite a few typos, but is still easily readable.
4. You're wasted (Prey you never get this far, I've only seen it once). Typing is no longer a problem, atleast to you. You type at rapid pace, pretty confident in yourself that you're hitting a letter fairly close by the one you meant. Though reading what you've written and the replies to your post require too much concentration and become impossible. Instead of reading the entire reply, you read the first two words and come up with your own conclusion as to what they said. You won't be able to read the thread until a long session of puking and hangover.