Ristamar said:Dude, you're too old... quit bogarting the little kids' treats and go buy some bags of candy at Wal-Mart, ya cheap bastard.
Dyne said:I went trick-or-treating with a bunch of girls. I was really just there for their protection. (Age range 17-20, I'm 17.)
Fixed2BeBroken said:well...were they hot?
JoshuaJSlone 07-27-2004 said:Seriously, though, to me my liberal stances and love for bizarre video games come from a similar place. Whether it's the environment or cel-shading, gay rights or Animal Crossing, my most basic thought is something like "If it seems good and isn't hurting anyone, go for it all the way. Pay no heed to the haters."
Dyne said:Hot! There was absolutely no reason to say no.
Fixed2BeBroken said:if you got laid...then it was worth being a dork for the night...
if you got any of thier numbers, then...still worth it....
if you got nothing but "hey it was fun, later" then....
you lose dork.
=W= said:Am I the only that thinks that saddest part was that he was going to go as Neo?
Pochacco said:Sounds like you dressed up as a NERD.
You're too old man. 15 is too old. 20 is ancient.
Halloween is for the kids.
Willco said:That is pretty pathetic. If you're over 16, you should be at parties, not trick-or-treating. My friends and I bought 200+ hot wings, five pounds of nachos, a shitload of beer and watched Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead II and the Aqua Teen Hunger Force marathon hosted by Angus Scrumm. And all had so much fun that we were depressed this morning that it was over. Plus, some were hungover.
lockii said:People older than 16 can go Trick or Treating, but you MUST go with younger kids and have a semi-decent costume. A 'mugger' isn't a fucking costume, it's weaksauce.
Catalyst said:Since when was I not allowed to do what the fuck I want? Dumbfuck liberals. :lol
Heh, the behavior you guys are showing coincides with the secular pop cultureness, reminscent to Kerry supportersMy F*cking Grandpa said::lol
wow, talk about two-faced...