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i am so f'n lost. computer problems - win xp, keyboard detected but not functional

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alright guys, i seriously have no clue as to what's going on.

windows will detect that i have a keyboard plugged in, and it can even sense when caps lock and the like is active - but i get no response when i try to type. in fact, none of the buttons are responsive.

now here's the weird part - the keyboard works in the BIOS. I thought my keyboard was going out, so I borrowed a friend's PS/2 KB (the one I was having issues with was USB) - and the problem persists.

even weirder is that the keyboard sometimes works, briefly, after a few restarts - enough for me to get my password in - sometimes it dies there, sometimes it'll last another 20 minutes or so. wtf is going on?


This is a sign that your life is about to end in a very gruesome, yet oddly comical manner. Please send me all your valuables and videogames.
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