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I are serious fox (post pics of funny animals)


Melchiah said:

Swear to me!!!


Kinyou said:
Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown nose.

Is it a tumor?


The generic name means "bladder-bearer" in Greek, from the peculiar inflatable bladder on the head of the adult male – this bladder hangs between his eyes and down over his upper lip in the deflated state. In addition, he can inflate a large balloon-like sac from one of his nostrils. This is done by shutting one nostril valve and inflating a membrane which then protrudes from the other nostril.

The bulge

The bulge develops when the seal is four years old. The male can blow up this bulge, so that it is the size of its head.

Pics: http://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&s...&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi


The caring owl
Pics inside

I am from South Africa and about 4 years ago made friends with a spotted eagle owl that showed up on our farm (most probably it was rehabilitated by someone). The owl got injured and I kept it inside for a couple of months until it was well again. During this time our one old cat found out that no other cats are allowed in my study where I kept the owl and she moved in. I allowed this because she has never in her life caught a bird or mouse and was not interested in the owl at all.

During this period the owl got used to her and they regularly ate steak out of my hand together. Once the owl was OK again I let it out, but it now comes and sleeps inside during the day, hunting freely at night. At the moment I have another injured owl that he adopted and feeds regularly (about 2 rats an evening).

The other night I was working late in my study when the owl came in with a rat. I presumed that he were going to feed it to the injured owl, but much to my surprise he flew towards the cat that was sitting on the sofa and tried offering the rat to her. Fortunately I was lucky enough to be able to take a couple of pictures which I include here.

Not only does he bring food for the cat, but also for another owl, and the guy's wife.
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