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I are serious fox (post pics of funny animals)


Stitch said:

This schoolgirl has enormous breasts.


Sapiens said:
This schoolgirl has enormous breasts.
In Japan, they get away with drawing underage girls as sexual objects if they draw them looking like little girls but with bumps on their chest so they don't get in trouble...genius really.


Ember128 said:
FUCK oh god. Don't click that link. Put a NSFW warning man. AGH.
Hey don't blame me dude! You should have seen what was coming when he
put the bolt against the horse's head.
Medalion said:
In Japan, they get away with drawing underage girls as sexual objects if they draw them looking like little girls but with bumps on their chest so they don't get in trouble...genius really.

Or draw underage girls with little to no breasts and call them teenagers to adults. Double genius.

DrForester said:
Oh oh. Hide everyone.


Holy shit. That's amazing. :lol


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
DonMigs85 said:
AUGH now I'll have nightmares.
the poor skinless dog blinked

It's one of very few movies that have made me cry. Like, how can people do such things to animals?

and :lol @ the 'not a single fuck was given' pic


I have a picture of a squirrel sprawled out on its belly on my walkway infront of my house.

I thought it was dead so I opened my door and it quickly got up and stared at the door after I closed it. 5 minutes later it went back and sprawled out again like it was getting a tan. I have a picture on my phone but its not really clear unless you see it close up on my phone. I didn't know squirrels did that.
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