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I can't believe I'm asking this but...what are the cream of the crop GC titles?


With my impending GC purchase as soon as I can lay my hands on a Metroid Prime GC bundle, I figure I may actually decide to make this system more than a Metroid box. Greatest hits, new, old, I'm out of the GC loop. I'm not looking to get too many games as GC will be low on the totem poll in terms of amount of time spent using it. Actually, I'd probably prefer something a bit more obscure. To make this easier, here is a small list of things I'm already interested in:

1)No sports games. I'll have those on Xbox. No third party games either unless they are exclusive as GC is usually the weakest link in multiplatform titles.

2) You don't have to suggest Metroid Prime or Prime 2: Echoes. These two games are the reasons I'm grabbing a GC (SORRY DRINKY). I'm also buying: RE4, Skies of Arcadia Legends, and Paper Mario 2 so you don't have to bring those up.

3)I'd actually like to keep this to games that are actually out. Super Monkey Ball is pretty fun game, especially when drunk. But I hear its better than Monkey Ball 2? Haven't played SMB2 yet....

4) Nintendo first party titles. Lay the skinny on me. I'm actually contemplating buying Super Mario Sunshine, but I don't know if I'll like SHINE GET. I have a friend who swears Luigis Mansion is a great game (Haven't played it), but that can't be true???

Finally, this isn't a trick thread. I'm curious to see what is considered good and not good. Unfortunately I do not have time to rent a ton of games to see for myself so I shall be relying on the opinions of Nintendo fans in this case. I know this is a scary thought, DON'T LET ME DOWN.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Most of 'em are right behind Spidey...



F-Zero GX, Pikmin, Super Mario Sunshine, Tales of Symphonia and Viewtiful Joe would be the top picks for me. All are among the best in their genres on any platform I'd say.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Basically, get all the well-rated GC exclusive titles that fit your criteria.

I don't think there's a multi-platform GC title that ended up best on the GC.


DaCocoBrova said:
I don't think there's a multi-platform GC title that ended up best on the GC.
Sonic Heroes? Soul Calibur 2, Prince of Persia and several others are arguable too...


Queen of Denmark
Off the top of my head, here are a few from my collection that I really enjoy (note that I would definitely mention MP if you weren't already getting it):

- REMake (I know you said you're getting RE4, but this is an excellent game, too)
- Viewtiful Joe (yeah, it's technically multiplatform, but you can buy it now)
- F-Zero GX (only if you love a good challenge)
- Eternal Darkness (gets lots of hate around here, but I think it's a neat game)
- Metal Gear Solid: TTS (same as above -- I personally think it's a solid remake)
- Zelda Collector's Disc (track it down, it's SO worth it)
- Super Mario Sunshine (not as good as Mario 64, but still a damn fine game)
- Zelda: The Wind Waker (again, not as good as OoT, but still a damn fine game)
- Pikmin (really grows on you -- while I played it, it was the only thing I thought about)
- Star Wars: RS II
- Star Wars: RS III (ground portions are mostly crap, but the flying missions are just as good as the other games)
- SSB:M (almost forgot this one! Great for the multiplayer, and the single-player is entertaining while it lasts)

There are plenty more, but those should keep you busy for a while.


Here's 10:

(You've already mentioned SMB and SMB2 -- SMB2 has the better single-player, IMO)
Pikmin 2 (comes out 08/30)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Luigi's Mansion
Beach Spikers (very underrated and also cheap)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Eternal Darkness
SW: RSII: Rogue Leader
SW: RSIII: Rebel Strike

EDIT: Also, wasn't the GC version of TimeSplitters 2 the best?


It really is a great game, though short. Great blend of what made old school games great and what makes games these days great. Nice graphics, wonderful effects, clever use of the vacuum. Well worth the $20 you'll spend on it. I have the urge to play it once every year or so. I don't see it getting old.

OOT refined. Amazing amount of interactivity, fun combat, living and charming world, and a good zelda game behind it all. Translating the charts and digging up the pieces is the only tedius part of the game, but if you use a guide or know what you're doing it will be very short. Great sidequests and diversions too, like combat dungeons. Level after level of different enemy assortments. Best part? no hearts.

Best platforming controls this generation. Mario controls wonderfully and has an awesome array of moves that makes almost anything you can think of possible. The bonus platforming levels are great and you'll have enough fun just roaming through the different levels trying new things. Gets old after about 90 shines when you have to start collecting blue coins, but you can beat the game before then.

Clever take on the RTS genre. Wonderful puzzles, Pikmin management, and level design.
Its great knowing where a piece is and then figuring out what type of pikmin to use to get past the first obstacle, how many to use, and how to use them. Then clearing that and moving on to your next obstacle. My friend jeff who is a heavy PC RTS fan got a kick out of Pikmin because it was so different and so clever. He sat down with it and did 20 days in a go. Next time he was over he had finished.


I second jarrod's list and but would add Smash Brothers and hold on Pikmin because Pikmin 2 is coming out in a couple of weeks--it sounds like the game is far superior to the first one.

Luigi's Mansion is worth getting. It's short but it's fun romp and Player's Choice. You won't feel ripped off.


ReMake and Resident Evil Zero are both well worth a purchase, if only to enjoy the lush graphics and chilling sound tracks. Coen's now famous cut scene in Resident Evil Zero - Is great, a must see. Some of the best FMV I have ever seen.

F-Zero GX - A Superb single player racer - One of the best if not the best racer across all systems this generation.

Mario Kart : Double Dash - Excellent multi-player, and a great addition to the Mario Kart franchise.

Super Monkey Ball 1+2 - Superb. SEGA at their best.

Eternal Darkness - Just buy it.

The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker - The best graphics, and animation I have seen. At times this game is breath taking. A must have title.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Sonic Heroes? Soul Calibur 2, Prince of Persia and several others are arguable too...

No, not Prince of Persia (unless you are one of those people who dislike bloom lighting). The Gamecube version lacks the intense bloom lighting found in all other versions. I guess, like you said, it is arguable depending on your view...but the fact that it lacks things is enough to place it behind XBOX and PC (with PC being tops, actually).

Sonic Heroes is best on GC, though...can't deny that.


I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions so far. Here are a few more awesome multiplayer games:

Mario Party 5
Pac-Man Vs.
Wario Ware Inc. Mega Party Game$


Other than the games you said you're picking up, I'd recommend:

Beach Spikers
Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 (1's better IMO but they're both fun)
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Mario Sunshine, Zelda: WW, Viewtiful Joe, and F-Zero GX are all highly rated and fan-favorite games but personally I did not like them that much. Mario and F-Zero are the worst ones; they're so boring to me. With Mario I blame the level design (excluding the excellent mini-stages). F-Zero just inspires a great "meh", from the track layouts to the wonky (IMO) control. Zelda is OK and worth a shot if you're into the series, but both N64 games were much better IMO. Viewtiful Joe is also OK, but really I didn't get the appeal of the game. It's stylish and flashy but got repetitive quickly.

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater might be a good budget pickup or rental depending on how much you liked the PSX game. I enjoyed it, but the game's design is starting to show its age.

Zelda 4-Swords would be good too if you have the GBAs and friends who want to play it with you. Single player is decent but not worth the purchase IMO.

As for Luigi's Mansion, I really enjoyed it, but I can see where it wouldn't be for everybody. I have a thing for cute haunted houses like the one in Disney World, so I'm biased here. I'd recommend renting it; it's short enough that you'll see everything in a few hours anyway.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
dark10x said:
Sonic Heroes is best on GC, though...can't deny that.

the xbox version does have dolby 5.1 though doesn't it? That's a big deal to people with surround systems.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
levious said:
the xbox version does have dolby 5.1 though doesn't it? That's a big deal to people with surround systems.

Considering that GC was the base platform, I doubt the DD5.1 sounds a whole lot better than the GC's DPLII. Virtually all XB games have DD5.1 support, but that doesn't mean they really take advantage of it...

Visually, the game looks best on GC...which is what I was really getting at.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Sonic Heroes? Soul Calibur 2, Prince of Persia and several others are arguable too...

SC2 and PoP are both superior on the XBOX. We're talking straight visuals here. SC2 is tops on the XBOX. First I've heard otherwise.

As for Sonic Heroes, I kicked the cute/cuddly gaming thing quite some time ago, so I wouldn't know.


Mario Party 5 - One of the best games this gen if you are into multiplayer games.

Wario Ware - Same as above but a little crazier and requires much more quick thinking.

Super Mario Sunshine: Not as good as it could have been but a great game nonetheless. Much more challenging than SM64.

Mario Kart : Double Dash - No explanation. Just get it if you are into multiplayer games.

SSBM: Lots of fans here on this baord. Huge game. Had it for 3 years. Havent unlocked all the levels yet :(


dark10x said:
Visually, the game looks best on GC...which is what I was really getting at.
Well if we're talking strictly visuals there's also stuff like Crazy Taxi, Soccer Slam, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe, Agent Under Fire and others.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Well if we're talking strictly visuals there's also stuff like Crazy Taxi, Soccer Slam, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe, Agent Under Fire and others.

Odd list, but OK...


BTW, the cheapest way to get Skies of Arcadia new is to visit a Gamestop or gamestop.com ($20), ebgames.com has it more expensive, even used...


if you don't already have it for DC, every cube owner should own ikaruga. seriously.

every other must have for me has already been mentioned.


Just to throw in my thoughts on a few GC games...

The Wind Waker: I found it to be sort of like "Zelda Lite". The graphics are drop-dead gorgeous, but the core gameplay is a whole lot like the N64 titles. Most of the puzzles are your standard Zelda stuff, and the game is way too easy. That said, it is an interesting experience once, if only for the presentation and storyline. However, I did find it to be the weakest of the Zelda titles overall.

Luigi's Mansion: As others have said, it's a great rental or cheap buy. It's a cute little game, but aside from a few of the puzzles, it gets a little repetitive.

Pikmin: One of my favorite GC games so far. It's quite different from most anything else out there. It's also a tad on the short side, but its one of those games where every second is interesting, so you don't mind the shortness.

Cubivore: Apparently this one is hard to find, and definitely not for everybody, but if you like weird games, it's worth a look.


ok, here is my list of some of my favorite GCN games:

Super Mario Sunshine - great gameplay, design, and graphics, but a toughie, this game is not for kids

The Wind Waker - it's a long adventure and the story and graphics are simply awesome, as well as the classic Zelda gameplay, with some really awesome dungeons

Wario Wario - if you want something simple that a group of buddies (supposing they aren't regular gamers) can get into

Super Smash Brothers - the music (classic Nintendo from Zelda to Kirby to Dr. Mario in great new versions) and characters are obviously great, but the multiplayer action makes this game worth it

Mario Kart - another great one for multiplayer, with awesome characters and gameplay

F-Zero - don't buy the thing that it's super hard, because there are multiple difficulty levels, but of course the higher difficulties are going to be ridiculous, either way it's an awesome game with great graphics and music, and I thought the track design what great, especially on the harder levels
Right I got some advice then:


Metroid Prime
You're already getting this.

Timesplitters 2

If you don't have this on any other console it's an above average FPS with lots of replay value. There's lots to unlock and do.

Serious Sam: Next Encounter

Absolutely retarded. Hundreds of enemies, some without heads, and yet they scream. Bad one liners, hideous graphics, and cheap as chips.


Super Mario Sunshine

Don't believe the hate. It's a solid game. It's fun enough just to run and jump all over the place without actually doing anything. Hard to get all the shines because of the horrible blue coins, and the water pack will take getting used to, but other than that it's good!

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle / Sonic Heroes / Sonic Adventure DX / Sonic Mega Collection

The ying to Mario Sunshine's yang. Mario on Sonic on one console. Suck it up fool!

Viewtiful Joe

If you want hard as nails, old skool platforming action - it's right here. With all the wow-factor of a modern graphical masterpiece to boot.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Don't believe the hate here either! Awesome game, beautiful graphics, you're left wanting more in a good way. You should know of the triforce quest thanks to posters here by now. If you get it, fill your sea chart in regularly like a good boy and you won't have a problem.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

Like the GBA game but umpteen times better. Let me assure you the GBA game in and of itself was gaming gold... this is bliss. And great fun in multiplayer.

The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition

If you can get hold of this, you'll pretty much have access to every Zelda game except Link to the Past and the Gameboy Zeldas.

Beyond Good & Evil

Get this if you like 3D adventure games. If you've heard it's StarFox Adventures 1.5, you heard wrong. It's by far the better game. Again you're left wanting more. If you don't get it on this console get it on something else.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Very very good psychological horror game. Nice sanity effects, good story, nice combat/magic system. Check this one out definately... its way too cheap now to pass up!

Resident Evil / Resident Evil Ø

Resident Evil where it all began, with visuals umpteen times better. REØ is even better looking, as well as being a brand new RE title. Warm up for RE4 now if you like survival horror!


Super Smash Bros: Melee

Hot mascot on mascot action. Hectic 4 player insanity with Nintendo all-stars. May hurt your eyes with it's color and speed, but it should be fun.

Soul Calibur II

Don't own this on another console? It's a great fighter, and easily the best on Gamecube this side of Smash and Capcom vs SNK. Don't touch Bloody Roar, it's bloody awful.


Star Wars Rogue Leader II Rebel Strike

You won't need any other star wars game and / or flight sim on the cube if you get this. Has it's flaws, but it's decent.


Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Worthy instalment of the franchise. A fun, but not mind blowing, single player experience. And a perfectly mind blowing, party game experience in multiplayer. A gamecube must-own IMO.

F Zero GX

The challenge that MK lacks is right here. SEGA layed it on by the truckload. It's VERY fast and VERY good looking. Other racing games I'd recommend if you don't already own them on other consoles: Burnout 1/2, Need for Speed Underground...


Super Monkey Ball / Super Monkey Ball 2

Favourite games to play with other people on the Gamecube. And alone they're awesome as well. Gaming gold.


Tales of Symphonia

Current RPG fave on cube, I imported this from the states the other week, and I'm NOT disappointed. It's a solid title, again with beautiful graphics, a nice real-time battle system, a great set of characters and a good, if simple, story.

Skies of Arcadia: Legends

This is awesome.. but I can't really say more, as I'm just getting into it. Dreamcast port, but still great.

Phantasy Star Online: Episodes I, II & III

The three most easily available online games for Gamecube. They're pretty engrossing once you get into them, but I wouldn't know what they're like as an offline experience.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

More of an action-RPG. This connectivity based title is sorely rapped despite some cool features. The screens on GBA are actually useful... you can act as a navigator with a map, lead the party through a web of monsters, write letters to your family, organise your attacks, items and other miscellaneous inventory screens... meanwhile on the big screen the graphics are really nice, good music, and interesting 1-4 player dungeons are set out for you.


Spiderman 2

I've been impressed by this. The first one was so awful. This one is so much better! Free-roaming, webslinging action.

Luigi's Mansion

The Gamecube's prime launch title. It's short, and didn't give the kind of oomph that a Mario or Zelda title at launch would have, but it's still very good fun.

And... that'll do for now I think.



Well I found the collectors edition Zelda for 30 bucks. Much better than what EB was offering it for (60!). Also picked up Skies. Don't know when I'll get to playing Skies though. Main reason I bought it is I loved the DC version. Monkey Ball is next.


If you've ever played the Dreamcast original, Skies is a much more complete game. Fills in some gaps which were missing, and there are more sidequests.

If you've never played the Dreamcast original... don't expect the pinnacle of RPG gameplay. It's pretty average. Give it a good chance though, because the story and characters are both well done, if cliched.


AniHawk said:
If you've ever played the Dreamcast original, Skies is a much more complete game. Fills in some gaps which were missing, and there are more sidequests.

If you've never played the Dreamcast original... don't expect the pinnacle of RPG gameplay. It's pretty average. Give it a good chance though, because the story and characters are both well done, if cliched.

Skies on DC is one of my favorite RPGs.


Mrbob said:
Skies on DC is one of my favorite RPGs.

Alright cool. Not outright spoiling Legends, but a little bit of detail regarding what you're in store for in the game..:

There is a sidequest where you may learn more about Ramirez. It's a collectathon, but it's entirely optional.

There's a new area and optional boss fights.

My sister loved Skies of Arcadia... she spent 60 hours beating it. When she finally beat Legends, she'd clocked over 86.

And have you ever played Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, or is the Collector's disc gonna be your first go at them?


Grandma's Chippy
Speaking of skies...

I have the original DC version that I never finished because the battles were driving me nuts. I one point it took me 20 minutes to move 3 inches because every step had a battle, that was the day I put it down.

Is the GC version like this too? Because I really liked what I had seen and really wanted to play more.


Mr Pockets said:
Speaking of skies...

I have the original DC version that I never finished because the battles were driving me nuts. I one point it took me 20 minutes to move 3 inches because every step had a battle, that was the day I put it down.

Is the GC version like this too? Because I really liked what I had seen and really wanted to play more.

I believe one of the improvements was cutting down on the amount and frequency of random battles.


Mr Pockets said:
Speaking of skies...

I have the original DC version that I never finished because the battles were driving me nuts. I one point it took me 20 minutes to move 3 inches because every step had a battle, that was the day I put it down.

Is the GC version like this too? Because I really liked what I had seen and really wanted to play more.

Supposedly battles are less frequent. I never played them back to back, so I can't compare, but my sister said they didn't happen as often.


Bowser said:
Monkey Ball is 50% @ Toys R Us (Going by the 50% TRU thread here), so it's only $9.99.

Is it worth picking up the first one for $9.99 if you already have Monkey Ball 2?


dark10x said:
Considering that GC was the base platform, I doubt the DD5.1 sounds a whole lot better than the GC's DPLII. Virtually all XB games have DD5.1 support, but that doesn't mean they really take advantage of it...

Visually, the game looks best on GC...which is what I was really getting at.

Haven't seen the game yet :/ but isn't Sinic Heroes 720P on the Xbox. My TV would upgrade that to 1080i. While The GC puts puts out some damn sweet visuals wouldn;t SH look best in 1080i ?


There's no better list than this.

Here are your must-buy games.

-Animal Crossing
-F-Zero GX
-Eternal Darkness(*sobs*)
-Super Monkey Ball
-Super Mario Sunshine
-Wave Race: Blue Storm
-Viewtiful Joe
-Super Smash Brothers: Melee
-Mario Kart: Double Dash
-Skies of Arcadia Legends
-Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
-The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (multiplayer recommended)
-Tales of Symphonia

Try before you buy

-1080: Avalanche
-Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
-Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
-Resident Evil
-Resident Evil 0
-Super Monkey Ball 2
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
-Luigi's Mansion
-Wario Ware Inc. Mega PartyGames
-Mario Party 5
-Phantasy Star Online: C. A. R. D. Revolution
-Beach Spikers
-Pokemon Collosseum
-Bomberman Generation
-Luigi's Mansion

Novelty Buys

-Sonic Mega Collection
-Zelda bonus disks
-Pacman vs.
-Midway Arcade Treasures
-MegaMan Anniversary Edition
A few non-exclusive games you should buy

-Sports games(if you're a fan)

-Metal Arms
-Prince of Persia
-Beyond Good and Evil

Upcoming: (2004)

-Pikmin 2
-Metroid Prime 2
-Baten Kaitos
-Paper Mario 2
-Donkey Konga

Try that.


Speevy said:
There's no better list than this.

Here are your must-buy games.

-Animal Crossing $30
-Zelda $50
-F-Zero GX $20
-Pikmin $20
-Eternal Darkness $15
-Super Monkey Ball $10 (at TRU NOW- $20 elsewhere, or $15 at Best Buy)
-Super Mario Sunshine $30
-Wave Race: Blue Storm $20
-Ikaruga $20 (at TRU now)
-Viewtiful Joe $30
-Super Smash Brothers: Melee $30
-Mario Kart: Double Dash $50
-Skies of Arcadia Legends $20-$50
-Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life $40
-The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (multiplayer recommended) $50 (includes GC-GBA link cable)
-Tales of Symphonia $50

Try before you buy

-1080: Avalanche $50
-Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour $30
-Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles $50
-Resident Evil $20
-Resident Evil 0 $20
-Super Monkey Ball 2 $30
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes $40
-Luigi's Mansion $20
-Wario Ware Inc. Mega PartyGames $30
-Mario Party 5 $50
-Phantasy Star Online: C. A. R. D. Revolution $50 ($40?)
-Beach Spikers $20
-Pokemon Collosseum $50
-Bomberman Generation $?

Novelty Buys
-Pacman vs. $20

Upcoming: (2004)
-Pikmin 2 $50
-Metroid Prime 2 $50
-Baten Kaitos $50
-Paper Mario 2 $50
-Donkey Konga $50- drums included

Try that.

Included some prices I'm 90% sure on.
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