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I can't believe I'm asking this but...what are the cream of the crop GC titles?


NWO said:
Is it worth picking up the first one for $9.99 if you already have Monkey Ball 2?

Yes. While Monkey Ball 2 is a great party game, the original Monkey Ball target is MUCH better. I think it's best to have both versions because they each offer different experiences and both are great. Definitely pick it up. It's a steal @ $10. I bought my copy 10 days before GCN launch (for some reason they had GCN games in and decided to sell them) for $50 and I still play it to this day.

edit: Here's my list:

Must Buy
Super Mario Sunshine - $30 (at $30, it's worth it for the mini-levels alone; plus the game is fun)
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - $50/$30 (Can't remember where, but I heard that this is gonna become a Player's Choice title. For $30, you really can't go wrong)
Pikmin (I know that Pikmin 2 is coming out, but you can find this title for $20-$30 and it's still a good game. It's up to you though, because Pikmin 2 is coming out in a few weeks)
Mario Kart: Double Dash - $50 (You might be able to find this game cheaper from eBay or someplace else, but for me, it was well worth the $50 I payed for it)
Super Smash Bros.: Melee - $30 (Better than Super Smash Bros. N64 in all ways. Definately a keeper, great fun playing multi)
Super Monkey Ball - $10 @ TRU (For $10, there is NO way that ANYONE should be passing up this game. Monkey Target is simply the most fun I've had in any game)
REmake - $20 (Great update to the classic)
Super Monkey Ball 2 - $20 (A great game that offers a unique experience. SMB and SMB2 should both be bought. They offer different, but fun experiences each)

Maybe/Try Before Buys
Eternal Darkness - $20 (I bought this game buying into all the hype, but I ended up not enjoying it much, and traded it in a week after it came out [only got a measly $30 :(])
Viewtiful Joe - $30 (This is coming to PS2 too, but I like the GCN controller for this game. This game is not for the weaksauce gamer. It's pretty hard, but very rewarding)
Luigi's Mansion - $20 (You might be able to find this for $10 on eBay or used. I liked this game; tho short, it was very fun for the time it lasted)
F-Zero GX - $20 (Good, but hard game. This thing will make you fling your GCN out the window :p)

Games I haven't tried but other people recommend
Tales of Symphonia - $50
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour - $30
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - $50
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures - $50 (I need to try this!)
Mario Party 5 - $50

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Wave Race: Blue Storm
1080* Avalanche
F-Zero GX
Wario Ware Inc: Mega Party Games Inc.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Eternal Darkness: Requiem of Sanity
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Mega Man: Network Transmission
Tales of Symphonia
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II

My picks....


Here are my picks:

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
A much-hated game, and seen as an all-around disappointment everywhere I've been to on the net. Still, the game is good, and it finally moves the series into something more than it has been for the previous eight installments. There's great graphics, great art, much improved combat. Downsides are the tedious travelling (sailing), collectathons (not many), and few (though lengthy) dungeons (there are more than Majora's Mask. Recommended. Even though it's not Link's finest hour, it's far from his worst.

Super Mario Sunshine
It's kinda like Super Mario 64, if Super Mario 64 was a buddy platformer. Not much of an improvement over the N64 classic, just more of the same, and the level designs aren't quite as imaginative as SM64's, but the game is still very fun for days where you just want to pick up and play something good.

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Recommended only if you've never played the PSX original. The game is pretty over the top with the cinematics, but the graphics are nice, and the gameplay is fine. Voice acting is very well done here, and the main villain kicks ass. :)

Tales of Symphonia
"Very fun RPG." Three words I usually do not say. Like Grandia and the Super Mario RPG series, the gameplay is quite involving. It plays more like Super Smash Bros. Melee than a standard RPG, as you map special moves to B Up, B, B forward, and B down, while attacking with A. The voice acting is pretty good with the exception of the female lead. As far as the story and characters go... it's pretty cliched. But don't go in expecting a mindfuck like Xenogears or Chrono Cross, just try to enjoy it.

Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2
It's possible to get these two for $50. In addition to great multiplayer games, they're also fun single player games which are very difficult and challenging.

A fun, though short strategy game in which you have 30 days to rebuild your ship by using Pikmin to find pieces and bring them back. You must use their special ablities to your advantage, such as Yellow Pikmin can be thrown higher, and carry bombs. Red Pikmin are immune to fire, and Blue Pikmin aren't affected by water (other two types drown). Your Pikmin will grow stronger and faster as the days progress, and there are different endings depending how complete your ship is at the end. The reason I'm recommending this when Pikmin 2 is almost out is because the 30 day time limit will be scrapped, which, in my opinion, rids of some of the strategy in some levels.

Super Smash Bros. Melee
A really fun multiplayer game on the GC, and it has single player modes to keep you coming back for a long time. Not only do you unlock characters and stages, but now there are new modes for single player, trophies, and milestones to find. After each fight, you get usually about 1/10 of a coin or more. Whenever you get a coin, you can go "gamble" with them and win a trophy. You also get to see your entire collection on a table, and tidbits about each item or character the trophy represents. Single player modes include the normal fighting mode, all-star mode (endurance), and adventure mode (where you go through Super Mario 2D levels, or escape from Zebes). You also can participate in target smash (destroy targets in a certain amount of time), Home run derby (damage a sandbag and then hit it as hard as you can with the home run bat), and race to the finish. There are also hidden bosses to find in the game- overall, very rewarding and fun.

Other recommendations (if the price is right)...

Luigi's Mansion A fun game which gets marked down for being short (4-5 hours)
Animal Crossing A game where you really don't need to do anything. It's even more laid back than Harvest Moon. Comes with a memory card and some gifts from Nintendo on it. You can also collect NES games which are fun.
Resident Evil Only buy this if you're a fan of the series... Type C controls work great, but the game isn't for everyone.
Resident Evil Zero Same as above
Eternal Darkness A great game which gets lots of flack for being hyped far too high. Worth the 10 hours for the $15 in my opinion. Just don't expect to be scared out of your wits.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Everything is broken up into levels in this game, there are 24 in all. While the game was a blast in multiplayer, I don't see the point of purchasing it for single player until it's $20 or $30.


Bowser said:
Yes. While Monkey Ball 2 is a great party game, the original Monkey Ball target is MUCH better. I think it's best to have both versions because they each offer different experiences and both are great. Definitely pick it up. It's a steal @ $10. I bought my copy 10 days before GCN launch (for some reason they had GCN games in and decided to sell them) for $50 and I still play it to this day.[/b]

Looks like I'm off to TRU then.


No additional functions
Exclusive games -

BioHazard (Remake)
F-Zero GX
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Star Fox Adventures
Star Wars Rouge Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
Super Mario Sunshine

Other multiplatform games -

Beyond Good and Evil
Freedom Fighters
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Need For Speed: Hot Pusuit 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Sonic Heroes
Soul Calibur 2
Tiger Woods (Any Year)
TimeSplitters 2


MadOdorMachine said:
Exclusive games -

BioHazard (Remake)
F-Zero GX
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Star Fox Adventures
Star Wars Rouge Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
Super Mario Sunshine

Other multiplatform games -

Beyond Good and Evil
Freedom Fighters
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Need For Speed: Hot Pusuit 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Sonic Heroes
Soul Calibur 2
Tiger Woods (Any Year)
TimeSplitters 2

Ikaruga is not exclusive.


Skies of Arcadia: Legends is a port done right. Random battle frequency is lowered a bit, and loading times are much much shorter. That plus the other extras makes SoA:Legends the definitive version.


Azih said:
Skies of Arcadia: Legends is a port done right. Random battle frequency is lowered a bit, and loading times are much much shorter. That plus the other extras makes SoA:Legends the definitive version.

True, but I kinda missed the warning noise the Dreamcast would give ya before you went into a random battle.


Sega didn't screw with the music, right?

The music in Skies is fantastic. Well, the DC version it is. Horuteka village music owns.


Mrbob said:
Sega didn't screw with the music, right?

The music in Skies is fantastic. Well, the DC version it is. Horuteka village music owns.

Everything sounded stuck on mono instead of stereo. As far as the actual music goes, I don't think it was changed.
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