Man, you know what, after enjoying so many games with 60 fps modes on the Series X I can't even play at 30 fps anymore. It just looks so goofy and janky I can't engage with the game, I'm distracted by the choppiness, I can't aim well or even take in the story as my eyes just see the lack of fluidity. I'll take any graphical hits for the 60 fps mode because I won't notice a difference, but the 30 fps makes the whole image look bad in motion I can't appreciate the graphics tbh. When playing at 60 I'm in the game, I'm fully engaged and enjoying myself and at 30 I just wanna delete the game. It's funny how I put up with 30 and sub 30 during PS360/PS4 days but I can't anymore. I'm sure PC players playing at 300 fps are laughing at me.