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I can't take 30 fps games seriously anymore

No developer wants to release their games at sub par fps, they do the best they can with the hardware offered and the graphical expectations of entitled gamers, and what they release ends up being a balance between minimum playability and detailed visuals.
You don't think they'd rather play everything at 120fps as well? You think platinum games didn't want to release bayonetta 3 with a rock solid 60 fps, or astral chain at 60 instead of 30? Well there's only so much they can do with the hardware they have to work with.

Didn't you watch Gemini Man in cinema's? I heard it was 120 fps, the Blu Ray is 60 fps! :messenger_winking_tongue:
I did, and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in theaters, it was like looking through a window; saw the 60fps IMAX version as well, but it wasn't as good.


Gold Member
I'm fine with 30FPS as my eyes can adjust very quickly to it (literally within like a 1 minute) so it makes no difference to me.

But multiplayer games HAVE to be 60FPS, no question there.

I'll never under this "adjustment" that supposedly happens. I can't stop seeing the juddery mess of 30fps in any game involving moving around. Yeah, I've tried.


I'll never under this "adjustment" that supposedly happens. I can't stop seeing the juddery mess of 30fps in any game involving moving around. Yeah, I've tried.

I don't think everyones eyes can adjust to it as even my friends hate 30fps now, but for me, I'll notice the juddery fps for like a minute or 2 and then suddenly it's gone. Can't really explain it. Now, I can notice the difference between 30fps and 60fps if I go back and forth, but my eyes will always adjust to it.


I genuinely feel sorry for people like OP. So many games you'll never be able to enjoy. That must really suck.
I'm sure the percentage of gamers who really would pass on a 30fps game they might otherwise enjoy is pretty small, but it is sad for that group, they have become such Elite Enjoyers of vidjagames that it's become like a crippling disorder.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I played many of Flight Sims and Hard Driving back in my day, and you would be lucky to achieve double digit frame rates. It worked for the time but would barely be considered "real time" by todays standards.

We have discovered long ago that there is a minimum threshold of frame rate which is required to "trick" our brain into perceiving the changing images as motion. I would state that it is obvious that a game needs to meet this minimum threshold before we can even talk about playing a game comfortably.

Taking my point to the extreme is not very productive and also quite irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
It's not just taking to the extreme, it's to see that "the less, the worse". "Just as easily" or "the same" does not apply here.
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30fps need to die. Even if you don't notice it omce you compare the difference is night and day and not worth the graphics being better cause it looks much worse in motion.


I feel the same.

I can't stand 30 fps anymore. The last game I played at 30 fps was when I completed RDR2 on PS5 because stupid Rockstar refuses to release a current gen patch.
40 fps feels way more fluid (in Horizon, Ratchet, Spider-Man) and should be the minimum these days.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Ok bro..."what about 1fps?" In my humble opinion, pretty extreme place to take the convo.
And you talk like the only problem is "perceiving the changing images as motion". The worst offender is the input latency the lower you go with the frame rate.


Gold Member
And you talk like the only problem is "perceiving the changing images as motion". The worst offender is the input latency the lower you go with the frame rate.
Well of course, it's the worst offender of an issue that's never been a problem for me (except for Prey before the enhancement patch). You are absolutely allowed to like whatever you like, I can only speak for my experiences.


For me, 60 fps falls under 'nice to have.' For a very long time, the vast majority of developers have always pushed current hardware as hard as they can with all the bells and whistles available and used 30 fps as the acceptable baseline. Personally I don't expect that to change any time soon.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Well of course, it's the worst offender of an issue that's never been a problem for me (except for Prey before the enhancement patch). You are absolutely allowed to like whatever you like, I can only speak for my experiences.
Input latency is always a problem. The variable is the "size" of the problem.
I've been gaming for over 30 years and have played games at many varying frame rates. It never has been particularly important to me.
Thinking about this post I'm torn about it. I have been gaming for just as long and I understand where you're coming from, but I don't want to use that history as some sort of badge of honor to justify the continued existence of 30fps. Gaming has come a long way, and one of the next big steps is the push for a 60fps standard, or at most, a performance mode for all titles.

A lot of the people who are saying '60fps doesn't feel cinematic enough' are actually saying 'the 60fps game I was playing wasn't cinematic enough' and they're confusing art direction with framerate. That is more of an issue to where a lot of developers are dropping the ball in making sure their games feel less arcadey at 60fps. Quite a few devs succeed at it perfectly fine, including a lot of Sony first party studios and Ubisoft.


Can’t Git Gud
thankfully you have full freedom on pc to make every game in existence to be that snappy at 30 fps without frametime and framepacing issues with the combination VRR+reflex

its funny and ironic, best way to get 30 fps nowadays is most likely PC because console devs stopped giving a damn to 30 fps lol

look at ps4 gow ragnarok and ps5 gow ragnarok at 30 FPS. ps4 has better frame pacing stability and better motion blur shutter settings and have better input snappiness than ps5 for example. it almost feels like them devs went like "well dont bother making 30 fps playable on ps5 version, everyone gonna be playing 40 60 80+ fps anywayss"
That’s true. 30fps is mostly terrible because they don’t give a damn about it. It can be good and sometimes is


Gold Member
Thinking about this post I'm torn about it. I have been gaming for just as long and I understand where you're coming from, but I don't want to use that history as some sort of badge of honor to justify the continued existence of 30fps. Gaming has come a long way, and one of the next big steps is the push for a 60fps standard, or at most, a performance mode for all titles.

A lot of the people who are saying '60fps doesn't feel cinematic enough' are actually saying 'the 60fps game I was playing wasn't cinematic enough' and they're confusing art direction with framerate. That is more of an issue to where a lot of developers are dropping the ball in making sure their games feel less arcadey at 60fps. Quite a few devs succeed at it perfectly fine, including a lot of Sony first party studios and Ubisoft.
It does seem that people's comfort level does vary, and for some 30fps is more tolerable than for others. I make my 30 years statement, not to wear as a badge of sorts, but to communicate my experience and experiences. Maybe it is conditioning, but I am comfortable with lower frame rate games. I want to be clear though, that this not me claiming it is preferable.

Even though it is something that I actively try to avoid, I am mostly OK with unstable frame rates as well. If it is a game I want to play, then it is the price I must pay, being a console gamer.


But the human eye can't even detect beyond 24FPS.
Yeah, looking at a portrait in the museum, when you narrow your view, it's different than when you look in the wild, there's no magic behind the human eye, it's not that different compared to cameras.
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Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
30 fps?

I love these threads when people discover there's more framerate than "cinematic". Consoles of old also did output at 50-60fps in certain games


I like a higher frame rate. But it isn't the end all be all for every game or genre.

Sometimes the better creative decision is to go with 30 fps over 60.

Also I think you get used to whatever. I don't have a problem playing TotK which is 30 fps and even has slowdown in some areas. I don't sit and fret about it not being 60 fps etc. I just enjoy the game because it's a great game. Maybe I am focusing on the wrong thing lol.
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I've noticed the people obsessed with FPS who can't play games at 30 FPS tend to wear glasses, which leads me to believe it's some kind of visual defect which is why they're cursed to be so sensitive to it and unable to enjoy games like someone with normal eyes
*Yawn*. There’s certain genres where 30 frames a second really doesn’t matter. Totally agree the FPS and racing and things like that really benefit from higher frame rate.. but like a turn base JRPG or a Zelda game, like who cares you’re not even gonna notice. Certainly not after a few minutes when you’re adjusted to it. I’d rather have the fidelity.
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For me, I don't have an issue whatsoever with either 30fps or +60fps as long as it is locked to the max cap consistently. The minute the fps starts to fluctuate wildly is when it takes me out of the experience.

In other words, variable fps sucks hard.
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Eh, it depends on the game. Many 30fps games feel absolutely fine and I can go from 144hz on PC down to 30 with no issues. I think it's more about the type of game, latency, motion blur implementation etc. than the actual framerate. Some 30fps games feel unplayable while in others I don't even think about it. People focus on just the number of frames but there's far more to it that matters.
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I didn't have a problem with it until I bought an Oled. It is now much more difficult to enjoy a game running at 30fps, every camera movement is painful to watch.
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Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
I've been gaming for over 30 years and have played games at many varying frame rates. It never has been particularly important to me. Sure, I like 60, 120, 144 fps, but I can play a 30 fps game just as easily. It usually only takes me a few minutes to get acclimated.
That's how I am and I've noticed it way more with recent games having the options. I'll switch to quality and for a few seconds go "Eck maybe I should go back..." and then a few minutes later it seems perfectly fine and I'm enjoying all the fun little effects that are added


I'll never under this "adjustment" that supposedly happens. I can't stop seeing the juddery mess of 30fps in any game involving moving around. Yeah, I've tried.
It will also depend on your TV, I think. OLEDs in particular are not great at 30fps gaming.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I've noticed the people obsessed with FPS who can't play games at 30 FPS tend to wear glasses, which leads me to believe it's some kind of visual defect which is why they're cursed to be so sensitive to it and unable to enjoy games like someone with normal eyes
Some of those people played too much 30- fps games that made their eyes became tired/defective thanks to so much stutters that made them need glasses.


I've been gaming for over 30 years and have played games at many varying frame rates. It never has been particularly important to me. Sure, I like 60, 120, 144 fps, but I can play a 30 fps game just as easily. It usually only takes me a few minutes to get acclimated.
Close the thread.


My god the hyperboles on this forum... If I were to listen to some people here, the only acceptable settings would be 8k300 fps...


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Hate 30fps… but man the voo doo tech of final fantasy 16s 30fps with VRR made me think it was near 60. Just felt so smooth.

30fps would be fine if it was always that damn good.
I definitely prefer 60 over 30 but some games I am fine with it. Like rpgs can be fine at 30 or a tactical game, sim like games. However fps, racers, fighter should all be 60.


Some games handle 30fps better and some handle it much worse, I guess some mix of motion blur use and engine responsiveness. Control felt like streaky puke in 30 but good enough in 60. I didn't mind it that much in BoTW, but the not rare dips below it hurt. Starfield is clunky and add 30fps on top of that and it's a struggle.
You guys remember in the dark knight when the joker is in the interrogation room saying over and over that he wants his phone call and then that cop just apathetically and dismissively goes “that’s nice”?

Yeah that’s me to this goofy ass post
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