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I did 150 push-ups with my mind!

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Junior Member
Im not a big guy (6'2, 180pounds) by any means, and in general pretty skinny and weak. I cant be bothered to go to a Gym and move weights around, Im not really interested in getting huge, just in a little better shape.

About 1 year ago I made my self start doing push-ups and chin-ups to get in shape, since I never excersise. 25 push-ups at that time made me break out in sweat and sore for 2 days, and I was lucky if I could do 4 chin-ups.

Now I regulary do 100 push-ups at a time, and can do 12 or so pull-ups. I feel much better but I seem to have hit a ceiling of some sort, I can really move up in reps.

The other day I decided to try some sitting meditation before my work out. I sat for 30 minutes concentrating on my breathing and how I only get tired because I fixate on numbers instead of how my muscles feel.

Right after that I did 150 reps no problem!

Now I understand why there are rumors of monks who can do 1000s of reps just by ignoring the signals of the body.

Interesting experiment...


Their is this monk in Manhatten I think. He teaches classes for like the rich people. This guy can go **** that would make you think he was mutant.

I may try that today....


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I can't do infinity push ups!

Let's ask if we can do them girlie style.


KG: Do you think that um, do you think that when the album, when this is out...
JB: Yeah?
KG: Do you think it will make us um, more attractive to the ladies?
JB: Pshh, yeah, in fact, I been getting ready.
KG: Yeah?
JB: Yeah, I been doin cock pushups.
KG: Cock Pushups?
JB: Yeah.
KG: What are those?
JB: Its where you fuckin lay down flat on the ground.
KG: Yeah...
JB: And then you let your boner lift you up off the ground.
KG: N...no, that's, that'd be impossible. Your cock can support your whole
JB: Well not at first...
KG: Yeah?
JB: But over time.
KG: Hmm...how many pushups can you do?
JB: ...cock pushups?
KG: Yeah...I guess, you could only do one really.
JB: Yeah, well one is all ya need
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