So. I did something awesome and dumb at the same time. I've had this dream of owning a M82a1 since I was a kid. Now being a man-child with 4 years of Marine Corp training and deployments (btw lol never trained with this firearm. I thought was going to die when i first shot it.) The thing is a beast. like something built out of a different time. Its crude, bulky, awkward to move around. Best way to put it, its like having the power of a (fuck it) god. Thor or what have you. This thing was not meant for mere mortal to wield. But, damnit if it doesn't shoot like a dream. The kick is nothing more than a .308, but the fucking dust cloud from the muzzle break... its fucking nuts. Fucking glad to live in the US where I can do dumb shit like this.
you may ask yourself why is this dipshit posting this here. Well, its simple really. kinda just bragging at this point. I dont know where to go from here when it comes to guns. So if you stuck around to this point, Gun gaf I ask thee what should I focus on next? Ammo? or more Guns? I own 16 guns.

you may ask yourself why is this dipshit posting this here. Well, its simple really. kinda just bragging at this point. I dont know where to go from here when it comes to guns. So if you stuck around to this point, Gun gaf I ask thee what should I focus on next? Ammo? or more Guns? I own 16 guns.