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I didn't even know sub 1ms ping latency was possible!


I had Spectrum Gigabit Cable internet at my old address and while the download speeds were great, the uploads weren't and most importantly the latency (from speedtest) was usually in the 20-30ms range which was noticeable when cloud gaming. I recently moved to a new building that only offers Webpass as the ISP. I did some research and found out that its a direct wireless connection similar to the mmWave used in 5G and was kind of pissed that I would be getting even worse performance due to wireless.

Well I guess I was wrong because this wireless internet is AWESOME! I get a solid 800+mbps up and down and my ping tests never go above 2ms, sometimes closer to 0.5ms! That's faster than what my buddy gets with Verizon Fiber (3-10ms). Cloud gaming feels like local gaming to me with no perceptible lag even in twitch FPS games. I did not even know such performance was possible, let alone a wireless service. How come I've never heard about this voodoo technology?



Gold Member
I get it all the time when I'm playing CSGO

Sometimes I even get zero ping.

There is always someone in my or the opposite team that suspects I'm cheating lol


My choices are Spectrum or AT&T. I keep Spectrum due to the lack of data caps. It’s not great, but it works for my needs.


Neo Member
Ping is how long it takes to send info between the server and computer right?
Yes. It is more about the server than anything else and your proximity to it.

The reason why the direct wireless is so low is probably because it is just that it is direct to the speed test host server.

OP i bet you aren't getting .5 MS to the server that is serving the cloud gaming.
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Cloud gaming feels like local gaming to me with no perceptible lag even in twitch FPS games. I did not even know such performance was possible, let alone a wireless service. How come I've never heard about this voodoo technology?
you're not getting .5ms of latency when cloud gaming, even if you lived right next to the datacenter, there's a lot more processing on the network than when just doing a ping/speedtest.


Im using GeForce now in Pakistan with 130 ms ping. It never used to bother me back in the day during my visits with 300+ ms pings to Euro or Asian servers. But after having 2 GB Connection in Texas with 1-2 ms ping and coming back after years I feel like I'm living in 1853. The games still look great but this 50 MB connection is not cutting it. Fiber here is like $200 and even if it was in my area, it wouldn't fix the latency issue.
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