What are the parameters? Every long term relationship I’ve had has begun with lust and has always ended in tears
what even is love ?
what even is love ?
True love is your soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another.
Love is caring for them for their benifit.
lust is caring for them for your own benefit
I don’t think they are mutually exclusive.
Eros (/ˈɪərɒs/ or /ˈɛrɒs/; Ancient Greek: ἔρως érōs "love" or "desire") is one of the four ancient Greco-Christian terms which can be rendered into English as "love". The other three are storge, philia, and agape. Eros refers to "passionate love" or romantic love; storge to familial love; philia to friendship as a kind of love; and agape refers to "selfless love", or "charity" as it is translated in the Christian scriptures (from the Latin caritas, dearness).
The term erotic is derived from eros. Eros has also been used in philosophy and psychology in a much wider sense, almost as an equivalent to "life energy".
Eros (concept) - Wikipedia
And once you’ve jizzed? What’s leftlove is what yo gurl thinks is happening when youre fucking the shit out of her
Love, you wanna snuggle all night and make her/him breakfast in the morning
Lust, you just wanna bang
Sure it can, you can love your parents and family and still not lust after them.......that would be extremely fucked up if you do.Love can’t exist without lust
but lust can exist without love
this guy knows whats up.Love and Lust are the things you feel for her while she is using you and weighing her options.
And if she ends up deciding that you're good enough for the long haul, you get to act on that lust like once a month! Just make sure you beg hard enough, do all your chores, disconnect from your friends (they make her uncomfortable because she can sense that you are more happy around them), ect.
Love can’t exist without lust
but lust can exist without love
thats not true.
I love my children and mother but have no lust for them...
Sure it can, you can love your parents and family and still not lust after them.......that would be extremely fucked up if you do.
yeah I didn’t mean familial love
How old are you man? You seem very inexperienced in this department and if you can’t separate the two that’s a you issue not a Love/Lust issue.yeah I didn’t mean familial love
So weird in my youth, I could leave a girls place, completely drained of essence and sexual desire, only to see a hot girl and immediately go back into hunt mode.Love is when you always want to be around them
Lust is when after fucking you can’t wait to get up outta there
3 letters.What are the parameters? Every long term relationship I’ve had has begun with lust and has always ended in tears
what even is love ?
Maybe you have a mental deficiency