Ugh ... the TTC.
I find it's not bad in certain areas, but absolutely terrible in others. For instance, Steeles. I got to York University and live around Bathurst & Steeles. I can promise you, that the 60 is the most underbussed line I've ever seen. Usually, I give myself an hour to get to school.
It's about a 15 minute walk up to Steeles, so I guess you can factor out that much. But then when I get there, I have to watch 1 or 2 busses that are completely full of students pass me. Yesterday, it was three. Then when I got on the next one, I was crammed against the door. The worst part is, the busses that are full aren't even always the ones that are going directly to York. The ones that go north of the university are always dumping off droves of students.
Now, going home is pretty good just before rush hour, but any time after rush hour is just shit. Monday night, I have a class till 10. I had to wait an hour and fifteen minutes for a bus. Well, that's not entirely true. One came within 30 minutes, but the line was so long that it was completely full. Does any of that follow the schedule? Not even close. Here, according to the TTC website, are when the busses are supposed to arrive:
10:10, 10:14, 10:21, 10:27, 10:49, 11:13
So in that period of time, two busses showed up. Apparently FS stands for Fuck the Schedule.
Oh, and just to add to the pain ... there are steady flows of 196A busses going to Downsview while people are stuck waiting for a 60. Now, I understand that the 196A is a very busy route, but it's not uncommon for there to only be a few people on the damn bus because 4 have shown up in a row.