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I fucking hate the bus

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It's supposed to be here at 9:20ish, usually I'll be outside at 9:20, and it comes in 2-3 minutes. So today I'm waiting in the cold until 9:35, and I decide that the bus has already gone by.

I go inside (I live right beside the stop :p) and check the schedule, and then I hear the bus come by, 20 minutes late. WTF.

So now I have to wait for the next one, and who knows when the fuck the driver will decide to show up.

I hate you Edmonton Transit!


London transport is worse. I've had situations where a bus doesn't arrive for 30 minutes, and then THREE come along at once, while the same bus line in the opposite direction seems to be running fine.


miyuru said:
It's supposed to be here at 9:20ish, usually I'll be outside at 9:20, and it comes in 2-3 minutes. So today I'm waiting in the cold until 9:35, and I decide that the bus has already gone by.
Bah haha! That happened to me too, not today though :lol
There are several drivers, one is a cool lady that plays games and talks about her stories in starwars galaxies, another one is just a mean old biatch who kicks people of the bus and calls the cops on them just because she thinks they're skipping school.


When I started college I started catching the city bus, and I've found that getting to the stop at least 10 minutes early works well (especially when the bus driver likes to rush their stops and gets there too early.) Unfortunately, the Indianapolis bus system kind of sucks, due means high rates ($1.25 per trip, with no transfers anymore because they blew their budget last year-I pay half rate because my brother works at a bus ticket station) and the buses are always late because they're overcrowded (a direct result of the system cutting routes because of the budget crisis.) At least they're still free on hot days


I love the bus. It lets me skip the horrendous California freeway traffic and catch up on my reading at the same time. I'm also learning Vietnamese by immersion!


Raxel said:
London transport is worse. I've had situations where a bus doesn't arrive for 30 minutes, and then THREE come along at once, while the same bus line in the opposite direction seems to be running fine.

This happens all the time in New York.

It's simply due to traffic. One bus gets caught in it, the other catches up, then they both have to make stops together, a third will catch up.

There's really nothing to combat bus-bunching, it's a sad by-product of heavy traffic, typical in places like New York and, I'm assuming, London.


Winged Creature said:
The TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) is the worst, period.
You have not experienced the horrors of transit in the 905 region. TTC walks all over Mississauga transit easy.


Azih said:
You have not experienced the horrors of transit in the 905 region. TTC walks all over Mississauga transit easy.

but I read an article that they're going to put GPS technology on their buses to tell customers of wait times...


Count of Concision
goodcow said:
This happens all the time in New York.

It's simply due to traffic. One bus gets caught in it, the other catches up, then they both have to make stops together, a third will catch up.

There's really nothing to combat bus-bunching, it's a sad by-product of heavy traffic, typical in places like New York and, I'm assuming, London.

Somewhat, but not wholly, accurate. One of the major reasons for bus bunching is because drivers actually get in trouble with the MTA if they arrive at a stop early (many stops have MTA guys taking notes), whereas there is NO penalty for arriving late. So the tendency is to slow waaaaaay down fo every blinking "don't walk" sign until it turns red, rather than stay at speed and go through the light, or to sit at stops for sometimes FIVE MINUTES AT A TIME (God did this annoy me when I used t ride the bus; it was so inexplicable) doing absolutely nothing while the passengers get pissed off because, you know, they actually HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE. :lol

Dunno if it's still like that, but when I rode the bus regularly 4-5 years ago (and earlier) it was. This guy I played ball with was a bus driver and he explained all the MTA's bullshit rules. :D


Tazznum1 said:
Leave 5 minutes earlier than it is supposed to get there.

I usually do, but regardless this wasn't the problem, the bus was late by 20 minutes. It wasn't early or anything. The next bus came on time though (go figure) so I only had to wait 10 more minutes for it instead of 30.

And BTW, it's not worth driving to University, at least for me.
I hear that! Fuckin' Edmonton Transit!
The only bus I could take to school and back was the #8 and it was always packed full. It only came around every 20 mins rather than the 5 minute frequency ETS claims. The bus service pissed me off all the time so I now I just walk to school. It's a 35-40min walk but at least I get some exercise out of it and save 50-some dollars a month.


I don't like the TTC either. Some things that I've observed that irks me:

-when we finally arrive to the station after a 30 min ride, why do the people on the seats always rush and try to squeeze through the doors first? Let the one's who've had to endure the bumpy ride while standing out first!!

-when the bus is obviously jam packed, why do the drivers still intend to pick up more people? Especially on the Finch bus where as many as 2 buses come every 5 minutes. Additionally I've realized the drivers turn up the heat as more people get on the bus. Such a cruel thing to do.


Raxel said:
London transport is worse. I've had situations where a bus doesn't arrive for 30 minutes, and then THREE come along at once, while the same bus line in the opposite direction seems to be running fine.

perfect description of MUNI (san fran).


michael000 said:
Ha, thought this was a Jerome Bettis hate thread at first. :lol :lol


goodcow said:
This happens all the time in New York.

It's simply due to traffic. One bus gets caught in it, the other catches up, then they both have to make stops together, a third will catch up.

There's really nothing to combat bus-bunching, it's a sad by-product of heavy traffic, typical in places like New York and, I'm assuming, London.

Whatever the reasons are, this happens all the time here in Toronto.

The TTC used to be such a great service when I first moved here. But like everything else in this goddamned city, it's gone into the toilet. I was 15 minutes late once and 40 minutes late twice this week, which just happened to be the coldest week of the winter so far, all because of these goddamned buses. The 15 minutes day I was gonna be right on time, until the bus I was on inexcliably decided to go out of service en route at an RT station, when another bus right in front had done the same thing. I wanted to kill someone.

Fuck the TTC. Fuck these bitch ass politicians who keep yammering on about how transit is the only way to travel, and to leave the car at home. Yeah ok, I'm sure these scrots take two buses and two subway trains into work for an hour each way (on a good day) like half the city does. Fucking sanctimonious cockstrokes.

Fuck these new buses with seats that have no leg room, no walking/standing space, and a raised platform at the rear to give people a chance to trip or fall over. And why were these idiotic buses designed this way? To accomodate wheel chairs. Yeah, sure seen a lot of wheel chair passengers climb on board so far. I suppose they're expected to wait in the freeze for three hours for one of these new fangled pieces of shit to just happen along.

Fuck the Sheppard Subway line too. Six years and $850 million Canadian, for a five stop line that I could walk along in an hour. Fuck ex-mayor Mel Lastman too, it was his ego project after all.

And fuck a service that has buses constantly being crammed all hours of the day, as if standing on the bus is supposed to be some fucking normal service. Why not build some more accordian buses (except better this time) that can accomodate the extra flow of passengers, instead of building buses that take less people on then the previous models? Why do routes that constantly get crowded with four high schools to service within a few miles not get just a couple of extra buses, instead of having to stand in these sardine can death traps that constantly blow by bus stops with eight or ten people because there's no room? That's a really nice thing to see when it's minus 30, two full buses and an express blowing past you, while you're standing at a bus stop with your thumb up your ass just to keep it warm. And this is what politicians see as the best way to travel in the city? Shut the fuck up.

Just stunning how broken the service has become over the past ten years. I won't even get into the constantly broken down roads, the endless stream of summer road construction and the ever increasing traffic congestion.


Ugh ... the TTC.

I find it's not bad in certain areas, but absolutely terrible in others. For instance, Steeles. I got to York University and live around Bathurst & Steeles. I can promise you, that the 60 is the most underbussed line I've ever seen. Usually, I give myself an hour to get to school.

It's about a 15 minute walk up to Steeles, so I guess you can factor out that much. But then when I get there, I have to watch 1 or 2 busses that are completely full of students pass me. Yesterday, it was three. Then when I got on the next one, I was crammed against the door. The worst part is, the busses that are full aren't even always the ones that are going directly to York. The ones that go north of the university are always dumping off droves of students.

Now, going home is pretty good just before rush hour, but any time after rush hour is just shit. Monday night, I have a class till 10. I had to wait an hour and fifteen minutes for a bus. Well, that's not entirely true. One came within 30 minutes, but the line was so long that it was completely full. Does any of that follow the schedule? Not even close. Here, according to the TTC website, are when the busses are supposed to arrive:

10:10, 10:14, 10:21, 10:27, 10:49, 11:13

So in that period of time, two busses showed up. Apparently FS stands for Fuck the Schedule.

Oh, and just to add to the pain ... there are steady flows of 196A busses going to Downsview while people are stuck waiting for a 60. Now, I understand that the 196A is a very busy route, but it's not uncommon for there to only be a few people on the damn bus because 4 have shown up in a row.


asking dangerous questions
TTC fucking sucks.
A few days ago, my bus didn't even come. I know it didn't come early because I was there about 15 minutes early. I had to wait for the next bus, which was almost an hour of waiting in the COLD. Also, yesterday, my TTC bus decided to come 5 minutes early - making me miss it.

I think the driver are tracking me - when I'm on time at the busstop, they come early. When I come a little late, the come right on time. And when I come early, they don't come at all :(

YRT sucks too. I don't know why the pass costs so fucking much.

Oh yea, Ed Tran (ETS) sucks too! Nothing like our little crappy light rail transit system that goes into the ghetto!


fallout said:
So in that period of time, two busses showed up. Apparently FS stands for Fuck the Schedule.

:lol It's absolutely maddening isn't it? The only thing the TTC and the politicians care about is the subway...as long as that's running okay (and to be fair it generally does, though I waited almost ten minutes for a train on the Spadina line going southbound DURING RUSH HOUR), they figure the whole TTC is fine and everyone should be happy cause the only place people work is downtown. It's a fucking joke...I'd bet over half the city never even touches the subway line, that the real transit commuting takes place on the buses. There are thousands of jobs in Etobicoke and Scarborough, and hundreds of thousands of people living in these areas, and most of 'em work in the same jurisidiction (including me). So why would I or anyone else give a flying fuck that the subway works well, when the bus routes in the suburbs have gone to complete shit? I couldn't get to the subway on time even if I wanted to.

I'm pretty sure the only TTC the politicians use is the subway, and maybe the two or three stop ride from one of the subway stations along Queen to city hall. Otherwise they're getting driven around in tax-paid cab fares and limos, feeling smug because they're not driving their car into work while wanting everyone else to follow their lead. Yeah, I'll give you some lead...a lead pipe to your fucking skulls.

The Scarborough Rapid Line is another joke. Gee, let's not just extend an already working subway...let's build this silly six stop line with cars that we'll need to replace every ten years, and with tracks that are so badly rusted you couldn't even move 'em if you wanted to, just so Scarborough can have something modern!! And BTW, let's just let stop it at the Town Centre instead of taking it to Centennial, like any half decent construct in the world would do!!...idiots. Though on the bright side at least it didn't cost 6 years and 850 mill. :lol

And I live in Scarborough by the way, but I've got no problem calling this place a dump. And TTC clearly thinks the same way with the way the bus services in this area have been neglected. The sad thing is, relatively speaking we've still got it good...I would NOT want to be taking the bus in any other place in Ontario. Or most of the continent for that matter.


Console Market Analyst
Sokar said:
Buy a car. :D

And then what?

I fucking hate car insurance

I fucking hate gas prices

I fucking hate old drivers in the passing lane

I fucking hate soccer moms on cell phones who don't know the difference between the gas pedal and the brakes

I fucking hate body shops and mechanics

I fucking hate DUIs

I fucking hate the bus


Man driving in Toronto is worse than the TTC. :shudder:

Edit: I hate driving too. Hey don't get me wrong, I'd actually enjoy it... if it wasn't for ALL THE OTHER DRIVERS.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I live in London, ONTARIO, and even though it's not a big city, our transit system still sucks :( So perhaps suckiness of transit system is not proportional of city's population/size. However, I've always liked riding in the subway/skytrain, so TTC is fine in my opinion.
goodcow said:
Fuck that.

Of course that doesn't solve things for NY, but I just hate people who spend time bitching every day about their routine, their life, etc... Man up or go find another job, educational facility, routine, etc...

I take the bus in the SF Bay Area, and for the most part, it sucks. There's not enough options like in NYC, but not as sparse as LA. But I make the most of it, and even when it's raining and freezing after a long day at work, I don't bitch cause it still beats the hell out of the morning commute I USED to have.

Hate DUIs? Well genius, don't drink and drive.


Well, like Shinobi said, the TTC is absolutely fine downtown. Especially the subway. It's just that it's bad in certain areas. And when it's bad, it's shit.

A buddy of mine who lives in Scarborough goes to York. He takes the GO. He gives himself less time to get to where he's going than me. I give myself an hour (I'm usually there in 45) and he gives himself 45. Granted, he pays more, but I'm only two major city blocks away.



The star on the first map is where my buddy comes from. The star on the second map is where I come from. Now, you see the star on my map? If you go 2 major intersections (grey lines) to the west (left), that's where I need to go. I guess I could probably make that a little clearer, but I'm lazy.


asking dangerous questions
The worst thing about public transportation is that it's a flat rate (often way too high).
When my bus didn't show up, I had to wait for the next bus...and I still had to pay FULL fare. I wish there was a way to punish/reward drivers who didn't keep/kept their schedule. E.g. low flat rate with tips...almost like a cab. But that's not plausible. =/


Over here, if the bus is early, it usually finds some place to stop for a few minutes... Which is of course, after my stop.

Sometimes I wonder if bus drivers get a kick out of watching someone run after their bus as they drive away.


The bus system in Phoenix is wretched as well. Fuck Valley Metro. Basically, add twenty minutes to the scheduled times. That's when your bus'll show up. If you're lucky. Plus, the buses are all at least 20 years old. They are fucking foul and rank. And, of course, so are the people on them.


WasabiKing said:
Hate DUIs? Well genius, don't drink and drive.
I was about to comment on, but surely he meant other DUI drivers and not himself. That's a pretty stupid complaint about driving cars otherwise: "I can't drink and drive?! That sucks!"

Sometimes I wonder if bus drivers get a kick out of watching someone run after their bus as they drive away.
lol. There's a Bob Newhart comedy routine about bus driver school that applies well to that.


WasabiKing said:
Of course that doesn't solve things for NY, but I just hate people who spend time bitching every day about their routine, their life, etc... Man up or go find another job, educational facility, routine, etc...

I take the bus in the SF Bay Area, and for the most part, it sucks. There's not enough options like in NYC, but not as sparse as LA. But I make the most of it, and even when it's raining and freezing after a long day at work, I don't bitch cause it still beats the hell out of the morning commute I USED to have.

Hate DUIs? Well genius, don't drink and drive.

:lol Pretty sure he meant the other drivers that drink and drive.

It'd be nice to take the car, but that's an expensive option unless you already have one. Even then, you're still shelling out a ton for corrupt insurance rates, corrupt gas prices, and then have to worry about the other dumb fucks on the road who seem to think the rules apply to everyone but themselves.

Yesterday I got off one of the buses I take home to find that the bus shelter had been completely wiped out, and the newspaper boxes totaled. A van had somehow gone through this bus shelter, despite being at an intersection, and up until now I'm still trying to figure out how it could've done this much damage at that much speed. Van itself was a total wreck...front end was crumped and half missing, all the windshields smashed in. Just amazed no one was plowed into, cause there are people at that stop all the time.

Anyway, waiting for the bus for twenty minutes in the rain is annoying as hell, but that's hardly what most of us are talking about. Try waiting for half an hour in air so cold your snot freezes, seeing two or three full buses crawl by your ass as if to rub it in. And repeat that process for days on end. That's become far too common now in these parts, and as I said before TTC is still said to be one of the better systems on the continent. I don't know how anyone else on the continent is able to travel via transit without going into bus rage...Lord knows I've considered it a few times.


Console Market Analyst
MASB said:
I was about to comment on, but surely he meant other DUI drivers and not himself. That's a pretty stupid complaint about driving cars otherwise: "I can't drink and drive?! That sucks!"

Actually, I was outlining the future post history for Miyuru. If someone is so bothered by a bus that arrives 15 minutes late, that they find it worthy of its own thread, then that subject heading scenario is probably what we can look forward to reading if he joins the ranks of car owners.

Although Fart is correct. I am drunk all the time.


being watched
Worst thing about the bus. Only one seat left...and it's next to you. Next passanger....moldy, smelly, mental person leaking piss.



Console Market Analyst
Worst thing about the bus. Only one seat left...and it's next to you. Next passanger....moldy, smelly, mental person leaking piss.


Stop getting on buses with chickenwire in the windows.


Goreomedy said:
Actually, I was outlining the future post history for Miyuru. If someone is so bothered by a bus that arrives 15 minutes late, that they find it worthy of its own thread, then that subject heading scenario is probably what we can look forward to reading if he joins the ranks of car owners.

I don't own a car but I drive my dad's. Insurance is free because they think I'm girl, but keep that one on the low :p Either way, I'm a courteous driver. I guess sometimes I get mad, but only at total idiots who don't know certain things, that YES you can turn left at a red if it's a one way to one way. I don't do anything unless I can and it's legal though :p


They would be an improvement on London transport.

:lol How is the LRT these days? This service was pretty good back when I was using it in '89. And I really miss the red double deckers, especially the classic models.

Kon Tiki

miyuru said:
It's supposed to be here at 9:20ish, usually I'll be outside at 9:20, and it comes in 2-3 minutes. So today I'm waiting in the cold until 9:35, and I decide that the bus has already gone by.

I go inside (I live right beside the stop :p) and check the schedule, and then I hear the bus come by, 20 minutes late. WTF.

So now I have to wait for the next one, and who knows when the fuck the driver will decide to show up.

I hate you Edmonton Transit!

I heard some scientists talk about the affect weather has on public transportation. It is all just theory now, no hard evidence.


being watched
Shinobi said:
:lol How is the LRT these days? This service was pretty good back when I was using it in '89. And I really miss the red double deckers, especially the classic models.

Classic models have got the boot. European Union disability regulations and H&S paranoia...the open gangway is too 'dangerous' for the modern world...and you can't get a wheelchair on one.


Damn the Toronto busses sound like the Detroit D-Dot. Only slightly better. At least you don't have people propositioning/preaching/trying to mug. The last time that happened dude didn't know I was packing a piece of steal stock. Guess the next thing he mugged was a dentist's office.

And what do the thieves downtown do? They announce they're cutting services. A fucking major metropolitan area with busses that won't run from 12:00-5:00am. Right when I (and thousands of others) go to school/work. Brilliant.

Fukk you Kwame. I push you for president and you stab me in the heart. You're dead to me.
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