I got abs tattooed on my stomach to be ‘summer ready’


Gold Member
He put the “cut” in “shortcut.”

No beach body, no problem. An enterprising UK man devised an unorthodox way to get toned abs in a flash without doing a single sit-up — by having a six-pack tattooed on his stomach. An Instagram video detailing his hyper-realistic beach body art procedure is currently blowing up online, with more than 247,000 likes.

“It’s been one of my most unusual requests,” Dean Gunther, the tattoo artist tasked with the procedure, told Caters News Agency of the man’s hilarious gym-provisation.

Gunther, who runs Colour Realism Tattoos in the UK, said the unnamed customer wanted his body ready for summer without having to exercise or change his eating habits.

“He always wanted to have a six-pack, but he’s not too keen on going to the gym or doing a diet,” the ink wizard explained. “So, he decided that by getting a six-pack tattoo, he will always look summer ready while still being able to enjoy beer and good food.”

Gunther added, “I was excited to do this tattoo because I’ve seen someone do it before, but it didn’t look realistic, and it was basic black outlines.”

A photo of the client's ab-tical illusion.A UK man had a six-pack tattooed on his stomach because he wanted to look ripped.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

The client showcases his beach body ink.

“He decided that by getting a six-pack tattoo, he will always look summer ready while still being able to enjoy beer and good food,” said tattoo artist Dean Gunther.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

A blueprint of the buff-faking body art.

Gunther mapped out the muscles in blue ink ahead of the tattoo.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

Gunther inks on the abs.
Gunther inks on the abs.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

In order to prevent the man’s muscle makeover from looking sketchy, Gunther first mapped out the faux ‘dominals with blue ink. In the accompanying footage, Gunther can be seen drawing the bodybuilding blueprint on the man’s mushy belly in preparation for the tattoo.

The footage then cuts to the Michelangelo of tattoos emblazoning the man’s pasty stomach with hyper-realistic tanned abs.

The clip concludes with the tat-fish pulling up his shirt to reveal his visual muscle suit, which is so naturalistic it looks as if it was digitally enhanced.

All told, the process took two days — obviously much shorter than it would to get abs naturally.

“I decided to take on this challenge and do it completely differently,” gushed Gunther of his fake-muscle magnum opus.

The client flaunts his faux physique.
Gunther’s tattoo looked as if it was ripped straight from a bodybuilding magazine.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

Needless to say, the online masses were awestruck by the customer’s ab hack.

“Definition of work smarter, not harder,” fawned one fan on Instagram, while another called it a “Brazilian ab lift.”

Meanwhile, NYC trainer Gerren Liles joked, “I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time.”


One Instagram wit joked, “He should get Brad Pitt’s face tattooed on his face.”

“When he trains and really gains abs, it would be Abs inception. His abs will have abs,” wrote another.

A still from Gunther's Instagram video.All told, the tattoo took two days — considerably less time than it would take to earn abs through working out.@dean.gunther/ CATERS NEWS

However, some thought the ink job was abs-olutely ridiculous. “The tattoo was very well done but it really is stupid to do that,” scoffed one viewer, while another called it the “dumbest tattoo ever.”

One realist commented that putting in the actual work would be much less “painful.”


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Remember on Big Brother when that guy gave himself fake abs from some late night TV contraption? Great moment.



advanced basic bitch
What an ass. If he wanted a shortcut, he should have gotten sculpting done. I'm pretty sure it can't be that much more expensive than a tattoo of that size.


I wonder how much he paid for that, cause if he's gonna be blasting that thing in the sun it will fade so fast that he'll just be a regular fat guy instead of a fat guy with a stupid six pack tattoo.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I feel this is yet another instance where the tattoo artist themselves should be able to be held legally liable for the stupidity that they plaster on other people.

I get that money is money, but in a situation like this no sane human being would let another person have this put on them unless they were being bribed to do it.


Eh, fuck the haters, go and live your best life son. Personally I'd prefer working out, as 'getting ripped' is just a side benefit of working out, but whatever.

“dumbest tattoo ever.”
There are worse...much much worse....

And yeah, at least it isn't as bad as injecting weird shit into yourself to give yourself 'muscles'. He's no Brazilian Hulk is what I'm saying, as per a certain picture in this thread.
Eh, fuck the haters, go and live your best life son. Personally I'd prefer working out, as 'getting ripped' is just a side benefit of working out, but whatever.

“dumbest tattoo ever.”
There are worse...much much worse....

And yeah, at least it isn't as bad as injecting weird shit into yourself to give yourself 'muscles'. He's no Brazilian Hulk is what I'm saying, as per a certain picture in this thread.
Yeah, this isnt in the face so it's far from being bad at all.


Man, NY Post is such tabloid trash.

My dad buys it every morning and I'm consistently surprised at how trashy the front pages are. Some of the actual news articles inside are ok but man that cover just screams, "Please buy me, Republican voter."


Gold Member
I want a follow up story in 2 years when this guy has turned into a major fitness freak and is SHREDDED, but the tattoo abs are offset from his real abs for a 3D effect :p
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