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I got kicked out from College at my last semester... (Need your advice, GAF)

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Hi guys! I think you all deserve an update :)

It's been 4 months since that fateful night, they've been hard but enlighting at the same time, and, believe it or not, things DID change for the better!!

In GTA terms, I chose option C.

It was risky as hell.
I decided to apply again for the same college in a different carreer, in the second semester fo the year when 60000 people apply for 2000 vacants in 4 cities , and I needed to get in /my/ city (I have zero mobility, no, make that -1000 mobility) where tthere are only 600, and I needed to get into Industrial Engineering where there are only 45 vacants and it's the most sought for carreer in my city.
To prepare the exam I had to review subjects that I hadn't touched since high school, 5 years ago, things like phylosophy and biology and stuff, geography too. I was scared, becasue I once was good for those usbjects but for 5 years I had't touched them, and for the other subjects that i did practice (maths, physics, chemistry).. I just didn't feel I got good enough. I studied some stuff for months (I must accept that GTA V ate too much of study time heh) but still, anything could happen.
The exam was later pushed back because a student strike, I was really nervous, I had to keep the lie in my house that I was still studying, and the more time it passes, the longer I have to keep that lie. To make things worse, the strike had ruined my safe guard: I could have asked for readmission if I failed the exam in the original schedule, but as things got pushed back I had a call from the Chem. Ing department saying I had to decide if I wanted to reapply (and lose the chance to change carrers, return with terrible grades to a place where proffessors hated me and I had a long easly crumbling way forward) or resign to my rights as a student, so I couldn't reapply later. I chose the latter option, knowing that I could screw up things so bad suicide was the easiest way out.

Well, GAF, I'm glad to tell you that between those 60000 people I got the place No 360 and I was admitted in first place to Industrial Engineering, in my city.

You can't imagine how glad I am, now I can continue my studies in a carrer I really feel comfortable in, I can homologate all I had in Chem Ing and land at 6th semester (from 10). I told mum about it (I told her I was offered to change) and she told me she knew I wasn't comfortable before and she supports me, as does all my family (sans my father, but whatever). In terms of grades I start anew and I hope to have great grades. Oh, and for landing in 1st place to my carrer I don't have to pay for next semester, with the possibility of not having to pay the next ones if my grades are good enough.

In other words, of all possible scenarios, life, incredibly gave me the best one.
A long road awaits, but this time I'll walk through it with courage and peace in my mind, peace of that what I'll hopefully dedicate my life for, is something I choose for, something I can give all my passion too, and help people with it.


So, that's all gaf, I just wanted to know what happened, this story is not finished yet of course, but I think that, if there is someone out there going for something similar, don't lose out hope, hope in yourself and your strenght, it's that strenght that will give you the reins of your life. It doesn't matter if all you do is mistakes, in the end, they are not someone else's, they are yours.

Cheers everyone :D


Original Post: The title pretty muchs sums it up. i was at 9th semester of Chemical Engineering, they were hard, HARD, I never really liked the carreer but my father insisted for me to /start college inmediately after I finished high school, not only I chose the carreer that had all that I wasn't good at, but I think I wasn't ready, it ain't easy, it is a great profession, but I always felt an outsider, so I failed classes every semester, and now I just found out I ran out of credits, I'm gone, I've lost 5 years of my life and of course no one will be pleased.
My options are not quite clear right now, I can wait a semester and ask for a readmission that would give me 10 additional credits and a chance to finish but alas, I failed once, I can do it again, the other option is doing the admission exam for my college again and try a different carreer, Industrial Engineering is the one I have in mind as I know many subjects will carry on, and it's a little more in the finance side of things than thermodynamics and fluid mechanics so that's plus for me. I can't tell my parents, they'd kick me out (completely understandable) but I'm not in a good country like america where a "nobody" can get a job, I simply can't (many phd's are unemployed so I dont stand a chance). I'm broken, my mind is broken, my heart is broken and my life now is, I never thought this day would come, I'm at the edge of madness, and well, I don't know how to do. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear your opinions.
industrial engineering is a pretty good major. i say if you can afford the extra time in college it's worth switching to something that you will enjoy more.


Are you sure you want to do anything with Engineering after fucking up with Chemical? Study other careers, don't make the same mistake again.
Are you sure you want to do anything with Engineering after fucking up with Chemical? Study other careers, don't make the same mistake again.

industrial engineering and chemical engineering have almost nothing in common except that they involve math.
Sorry to hear it. I think you should take a bit of time to recoup and think about the whole thing. Then if you're up to it, do that readmission thing where you'd get another chance to finish the degree.

I think a lot of people have been in your shoes. Just take this time to focus on other things in your life, and maybe try to finish again when you can.

Edit: how much longer would it take if you switched subfields?


industrial engineering and chemical engineering have almost nothing in common except that they involve math.

So I guess it depends on what the OP struggled with, because if he can't do well in math, I doubt he'll be able to enjoy Industrial.


Are you sure you want to do anything with Engineering after fucking up with Chemical? Study other careers, don't make the same mistake again.

Engineering wasn't that bad, I liked it, but it had too much crazy math and abstract stuff. industrial, as for what I've seen in the pensum is more oriented to the administrative side of things, and of course I already passed all physics and fundamental stuff. However I have a problem, 1st of course is that I will have to tell my parents (even if I can mantain my ruse and just say I "switched"), 2st is that there is always the possibility that I fail the admission exam, and 3rd that homologations are not so clear at my college, if I'm lucky I'll be in kinda 5th semester, if I'm not, wel, I'm back at square one. I'm 21 so that last thing is not an optiin, at all.
Can't you find a (usually private) College that will revalidate most of your curses?

I'd love to, but my family is not very wealthy, my lil' sis is about to enter college too (in the same situation as me, forced by my father) that would be gret if I could find a job though, do you think if I could study, say, a 1year technical carrer and get a low/wage job but still at my parents house I could pay myself a private college? is not a bad idea.


How good are you at CHEM ENG? I have some ideas I'd like to have proliferate. Want to upstart a business, who cares about a piece of paper if you've got the skills.
My dad pushed me into a programming career when I really wasnt interested. Failed a bunch of classes my second semester and dropped out. After working 5 or 6 years full time, I went back for Management, something I much more interested in. Currently working on my Masters. Do what interests you, even if others dont like it.



I say you try to get those 10 credits back, bust your fucking ass to make sure you do not fail and get that diploma, you've come this far, even if you aren't happy with the field of study, you'll regret not finishing.
Are you sure you want to do anything with Engineering after fucking up with Chemical? Study other careers, don't make the same mistake again.

engineering is an incredibly broad field. chemical eng is considered one of the most rigorous and conceptually difficult majors at most universities.


Unconfirmed Member
Engineering wasn't that bad, I liked it, but it had too much crazy math and abstract stuff. industrial, as for what I've seen in the pensum is more oriented to the administrative side of things, and of course I already passed all physics and fundamental stuff. However I have a problem, 1st of course is that I will have to tell my parents (even if I can mantain my ruse and just say I "switched"), 2st is that there is always the possibility that I fail the admission exam, and 3rd that homologations are not so clear at my college, if I'm lucky I'll be in kinda 5th semester, if I'm not, wel, I'm back at square one. I'm 21 so that last thing is not an optiin, at all.

No, you are still very young.

I'd love to, but my family is not very wealthy, my lil' sis is about to enter college too (in the same situation as me, forced by my father) that would be gret if I could find a job though, do you think if I could study, say, a 1year technical carrer and get a low/wage job but still at my parents house I could pay myself a private college? is not a bad idea.
Well, if Colombia is anything like Mexico, some private colleges would accept the deal and be also relative cheap. Granted, it would not be the most prestigious institution, but is better than wasting all your effort.

And you really need a technical career? Here we have a "pasante" certification that will be granted by your University once you get 75% of credits that certifies you as a skilled worker on the field. Colombia doens't has something similar?


Sorry to hear it. I think you should take a bit of time to recoup and think about the whole thing. Then if you're up to it, do that readmission thing where you'd get another chance to finish the degree.

I think a lot of people have been in your shoes. Just take this time to focus on other things in your life, and maybe try to finish again when you can.

Edit: how much longer would it take if you switched subfields?
3 and half more years, which is bad but not 5 years bad, and I've heard than industrial pregrads have a higher chance of getting a half time job as auditors and stuff.

How good are you at CHEM ENG? I have some ideas I'd like to have proliferate. Want to upstart a business, who cares about a piece of paper if you've got the skills.
Good at thermodyanamics, good at finances, terrible in fluid mechanics and lab work (but decent in plant work)


They don't let you retake those failed classes?

It's a credits problem, it's a weird system, basically a class is worth x amount of credits and you are given y amount of initial credits, each passed class gives you 2x the amount of credits of that class, however you have a maximum of 80 attainable credits. If you lose enough credits there is a time when the credits you can get are less than the ones you should to finish the carreer, that ends everything.

There is another (hard) option, and it is to enter at industrial by the means said above, and after 2 semesters I think I can request "double degree" and finish my chemical, but that's only if I don't fail a single class. The thing is I'm scared as hell of not passing the exam. And I feel like shit with my parents, and family in general, and life, god what a clusterfuck.
It's a credits problem, it's a weird system, basically a class is worth x amount of credits and you are given y amount of initial credits, each passed class gives you 2x the amount of credits of that class, however you have a maximum of 80 attainable credits. If you lose enough credits there is a time when the credits you can get are less than the ones you should to finish the carreer, that ends everything.

There is another (hard) option, and it is to enter at industrial by the means said above, and after 2 semesters I think I can request "double degree" and finish my chemical, but that's only if I don't fail a single class. The thing is I'm scared as hell of not passing the exam. And I feel like shit with my parents, and family in general, and life, god what a clusterfuck.

if you're not under heavy pressure to make money immediately and your debts aren't going to start multiplying like bacteria soon then take a deep breath and realize that you are indeed one of the lucky people whose problems can be solved with a bit of good old-fashioned hard work. just put in the time and believe in yourself.


if you're not under heavy pressure to make money immediately and your debts aren't going to start multiplying like bacteria soon then take a deep breath and realize that you are indeed one of the lucky people whose problems can be solved with a bit of good old-fashioned hard work. just put in the time and believe in yourself.

Thank you very much man.

I have a lot to thank to the colombian educational system, I studied in the best college (the only one in the world ranking I think) which is the one of the government and I pay aprox $160 per semester, that's half the minmal wage but judging by some threads here about student debt I feel a little relieved. I hope I can get a job this sem though, so I can at least pay 2/3 or the next ones, whatever is the case.


The title pretty muchs sums it up. i was at 9th semester of Chemical Engineering, they were hard, HARD, I never really liked the carreer but my father insisted for me to start college inmediately after I finished high school, not only I chose the carreer that had all that I wasn't good at, but I think I wasn't ready, it ain't easy, it is a great profession, but I always felt an outsider, so I failed classes every semester, and now I just found out I ran out of credits, I'm gone, I've lost 5 years of my life and of course no one will be pleased.
My options are not quite clear right now, I can wait a semester and ask for a readmission that would give me 10 additional credits and a chance to finish but alas, I failed once, I can do it again, the other option is doing the admission exam for my college again and try a different carreer, Industrial Engineering is the one I have in mind as I know many subjects will carry on, and it's a little more in the finance side of things than thermodynamics and fluid mechanics so that's plus for me. I can't tell my parents, they'd kick me out (completely understandable) but I'm not in a good country like america where a "nobody" can get a job, I simply can't (many phd's are unemployed so I dont stand a chance). I'm broken, my mind is broken, my heart is broken and my life now is, I never thought this day would come, I'm at the edge of madness, and well, I don't know how to do. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear your opinions.

Have you ever had a job that deals w/ any of the above majors that you listed? If not I would recomend putting a halt on college and attempting to find some sort of employment opportunity (no matter how small) in those fields. Doing that will give you experience, but also will help you realize weather that major is something you want to pursue. That said, college isn't for everyone, you could look at trade schools, there is a high demand for electricians and similar professions. Finally if you want to go the college route I would take some varied intro courses for various fields, that might be another way to help you figure things out. And second finally there are jobs that pay well like air traffic controller and toll booth operation that require minimal experience.


What made you stick around in those classes? I feel you could've changed majors within those five years. Hope you can sort things out.


What made you stick around in those classes? I feel you could've changed majors within those five years. Hope you can sort things out.

My father, mostly, he told me since I started that I couldn't change the carrer, that I needed to do that one because it gives you good money (that music/bussineess administration, the ones I wanted don't) and we needed that money to get my siblings in college too. I failed 3 classes in the very first semester, i was not off to a good start but I overstimated myself.

Well, I believe that to change majors (career) you got to reapply, which requires a to present an admittance exam. I'm not sure about the situation in Colombia, but where I studied you have from 1% to 15% chance of passing the admittance exam, depending on the career you choose. And Engineering is at the lower end.
Yeah it is hard, I passed as second to last one at my college exam, and I had the 2nd best score in the national exam you do to get out of high aschool and get admitted to some colleges (I dunno what is the equivalent in the US) that I never used.


Unconfirmed Member
What made you stick around in those classes? I feel you could've changed majors within those five years. Hope you can sort things out.

Well, I believe that to change majors (career) you got to reapply, which requires to present an admittance exam. I'm not sure about the situation in Colombia, but where I studied you have from 1% to 15% chance of passing the admittance exam, depending on the career you choose. And the Engineering careers are at the lower end.


Ahasverus, are you bilingual?

I'd look into doing some volunteer work to get your mind in a good position. Don't worry, you will find something. Just a temporary set back. All in all, you have no choice but to move on, and start looking into other options.

Just wander around, you will find something. Maybe finance?


Ahasverus, are you bilingual?

Well, yes, I think, I'm on gaf and people gets me so I think it could be said so.! I'd love some time in the us to fine-tune my speaking.

I'd look into doing some volunteer work to get your mind in a good position. Don't worry, you will find something. Just a temporary set back. All in all, you have no choice but to move on, and start looking into other options.
Thanks a lot pal


if I'm lucky I'll be in kinda 5th semester, if I'm not, wel, I'm back at square one. I'm 21 so that last thing is not an optiin, at all.
Hola parce. :) I'm in a similar situation as far as starting college over at the same age. You're still young! I know your family is putting a lot of pressure on you to finish as early as possible, but it's your life ultimately, not there's, and better to take your time and do this well instead of rushing and absolutely hating what you're doing or possibly failing again.

I don't know anything about the Colombian college system though, but I do wish you the best of luck. You've got this!
Hola parce. :) I'm in a similar situation as far as starting college over at the same age. You're still young! I know your family is putting a lot of pressure on you to finish as early as possible, but it's your life ultimately, not there's, and better to take your time and do this well instead of rushing and absolutely hating what you're doing or possibly failing again.

I don't know anything about the Colombian college system though, but I do wish you the best of luck. You've got this!

For serious. I'm 27 and have recently completed my freshman year of college. Don't tell say you're too old. I've got six years on both of you two and am doing great at college (I'd still have a 4.0 if not for an A- in psych).


For serious. I'm 27 and have recently completed my freshman year of college. Don't tell say you're too old. I've got six years on both of you two and am doing great at college (I'd still have a 4.0 if not for an A- in psych).

that's great ! Well perpahs it's not how young you are but how much you do, you are certainly getting my mood a little higher and giving me hope thank you

Hola parce. :)
I don't know anything about the Colombian college system though, but I do wish you the best of luck. You've got this!
You made me chuckle a little, I've never expected that word on gaf, thank you :)


The title pretty muchs sums it up. i was at 9th semester of Chemical Engineering, they were hard, HARD, I never really liked the carreer but my father insisted for me to start college inmediately after I finished high school, not only I chose the carreer that had all that I wasn't good at, but I think I wasn't ready, it ain't easy, it is a great profession, but I always felt an outsider, so I failed classes every semester, and now I just found out I ran out of credits, I'm gone, I've lost 5 years of my life and of course no one will be pleased.
My options are not quite clear right now, I can wait a semester and ask for a readmission that would give me 10 additional credits and a chance to finish but alas, I failed once, I can do it again, the other option is doing the admission exam for my college again and try a different carreer, Industrial Engineering is the one I have in mind as I know many subjects will carry on, and it's a little more in the finance side of things than thermodynamics and fluid mechanics so that's plus for me. I can't tell my parents, they'd kick me out (completely understandable) but I'm not in a good country like america where a "nobody" can get a job, I simply can't (many phd's are unemployed so I dont stand a chance). I'm broken, my mind is broken, my heart is broken and my life now is, I never thought this day would come, I'm at the edge of madness, and well, I don't know how to do. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear your opinions.

You might feel like you've wasted those years, but remember that you can't control time and many people don't find their ideal job/career/path until much later in life.

Don't panic - you have a chance to change to something you want to do!


don't do "what you love" just finish the chemical engineering degree and then love all the money you'll make working.

These are pretty much my father's words and they are completely true,it's just that perhaps I don't have what it takes, that's what all the confusion comes from (that's what i got kicked out) I don't like my carreer and even I came back it's still 3+ years to finish it, 3+ years of something I don't feel comfortable in, but it's also something that would almost surely give me a very comfortable life, to me and my family... it's.. a hard dilemma, to say the least.
I'm only in High School, and I got shit grades this year but get a career that interests YOU! With stuff you're good at, or something that is easier than what you previously had. Honestly, if you're going to school and doing something you don't want to do, then there's no motivation, and if there's no motivation then there's not much effort put in, which in turn leads to failing classes and bad grades.

Sorry I'm not much help, but that's kind of how I see it, motivation plays a big part in education.


I hope someone can offer some substantive, usable advice. That really sucks, OP.

When I was in college, I wasn't doing great in a particular major but switched before I got too deep and pretty much sailed through.

Don't you get put on academic probation or something before they straight-up kick you out (allowing you to retake the classes or switch majors, or some other type of damage control)? But you said you aren't from the U.S. so maybe it's different where you are.


I hope someone can offer some substantive, usable advice. That really sucks, OP.

When I was in college, I wasn't doing great in a particular major but switched before I got too deep and pretty much sailed through.

Don't you get put on academic probation or something before they straight-up kick you out (allowing you to retake the classes or switch majors, or some other type of damage control)? But you said you aren't from the U.S. so maybe it's different where you are.
Yeah academic probation works the next semester (2014-I) they'd give me 10 additional credits to finish. My fear is failing again and lose like 6 years, completely lost as if they kick me out completely I can't even use my past classes in a different college.


The title pretty muchs sums it up. i was at 9th semester of Chemical Engineering, they were hard, HARD, I never really liked the carreer but my father insisted for me to start college inmediately after I finished high school, not only I chose the carreer that had all that I wasn't good at, but I think I wasn't ready, it ain't easy, it is a great profession, but I always felt an outsider, so I failed classes every semester, and now I just found out I ran out of credits, I'm gone, I've lost 5 years of my life and of course no one will be pleased.
My options are not quite clear right now, I can wait a semester and ask for a readmission that would give me 10 additional credits and a chance to finish but alas, I failed once, I can do it again, the other option is doing the admission exam for my college again and try a different carreer, Industrial Engineering is the one I have in mind as I know many subjects will carry on, and it's a little more in the finance side of things than thermodynamics and fluid mechanics so that's plus for me. I can't tell my parents, they'd kick me out (completely understandable) but I'm not in a good country like america where a "nobody" can get a job, I simply can't (many phd's are unemployed so I dont stand a chance). I'm broken, my mind is broken, my heart is broken and my life now is, I never thought this day would come, I'm at the edge of madness, and well, I don't know how to do. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear your opinions.

Sucks to hear that but don't feel like 5 years of your life was wasted because it wasn't. You need to do something you enjoy, it sounds like you were forced into a profession you had no interest in. Even if you can't find a good high-paying job, you'll be a happier person when you do something you enjoy doing
that's great ! Well perpahs it's not how young you are but how much you do, you are certainly getting my mood a little higher and giving me hope thank you

no perhaps about it, there's plenty of live left to live. The world doesn't end just because your life goes a little off course from where you think it has to be. Learn from your mistakes, and move on to making new ones. You're not even a quarter done with life yet.


You are only 21. In some countries you are 20 years old (after school and civil services) the time you begin your higher education.
Hell, I wish I had been just 21 after failing my first attempt on college, instead of being 25 (though I have the luck of really supportive parents, I guess I should thank them more often).

You are still young and failing is part of life, just don't let it discourage you.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I mean I hate to advise anyone to go with a major that they don't like but I think the best thing to do is to finish that last semester and then work or go into a grad program more related to industrial engineering, as having a degree will obviously strengthen your resume. They can ask why do you want to go into a different field and you can be honest that this is what you always wanted to do and struggled with chemical engineering but still wanted to finish it just to show that you can do something that's hard for you.

There is a risk that you might fail the last semester but take that as the motivation to work harder than you ever have.
Industrial Engineer here. Don't think because you couldn't cut the science in ChemE that you won't do well with IE. The toughest classes I had to take to earn my degree were all science classes.......Physics 1 and 2, Thermo, and Chemstry. If you can pass Calc 2 and 3 then IE won't be that hard. It's all basically problem solving with statistics.

I don't know what country you are in but a lot of the IE jobs in America are in out of the way cities where there are still manufacturing plants and distribution centers. A lot of people don't like moving to the boonies in order to gain experience.


Industrial Engineer here. Don't think because you couldn't cut the science in ChemE that you won't do well with IE. The toughest classes I had to take to earn my degree were all science classes.......Physics 1 and 2, Thermo, and Chemstry. If you can pass Calc 2 and 3 then IE won't be that hard. It's all basically problem solving with statistics.

I don't know what country you are in but a lot of the IE jobs in America are in out of the way cities where there are still manufacturing plants and distribution centers. A lot of people don't like moving to the boonies in order to gain experience.

I already passed all the classes you mentioned so they would be validated in the case of switching, but to be honest I fee more comfortable with the IE pensum. I'm not a man of big metropolies (?) so an out of the way city isn't much of a problem, barring a terrible luck. Thanks for your advice pal


Talk to the assistant Dean for your department of Engineering. Usually in the US, you'll have an assistant dean that heads each discipline (Computer & Electrical Engineering, so on...). Getting direct access to the Dean is tough and they are usually more ruthless with zero tolerance in regards to academics.

If you talk to the assistant dean, you might be able to work out an agreement. In this agreement, they will make you sign a contract in which you will be held to a certain performance criteria. Any less, you will get the boot. The good thing about the contract, it adds motivation since you will review your grades and progress each semester with the assistant Dean and your normal advisor.

This is worth a shot since many folks don't ever go that route and just accept their Academic Suspension as is. Of course, it's up to the department in the end.

Since you are so close to finishing, might as well get this knocked out. That or go the route of doing a different major. It'd probably be easier to finish this major, then do a masters on Industrial Engineering if you want to go that way.


Are you sure engineering is the career for you? I went through something similar, just because I got mostly As in high school AP Calc I and II didn't mean I had the mindset to be an EE major. In HS I was a big fish in a small pond, but uni I was pretty average at best. I left to join the Army and get my head on straight and my life's priorities in order. I got a degree in Accounting while in and am not going to grad school in supply chain management and couldn't be happier. Don't let pride get in your way, maybe another STEM or Business career is better for you.


Gold Member
Don't worry OP.

I went through 3 1/2 years in Mech engineering when I realized I was going to be miserable for the rest of my life. I thought I was going to follow in my Dad's footsteps but it wasn't for me.

So what did I do?

I wiped the slate clean. I packed up and moved to the US and started over in Computer Science which was the one thing that I actually enjoyed and was interested in from all of the courses I took.

Best part was the University that I went to, the Comp Sci program was based in the College of Engineering so my dad got to stand up and state the Oath Of Obligation with me.

All in all, I wound up spending 9 years of my life in College, but now I'm doing quite well and I'm happy.

So don't worry. It's probably for the best. Good luck and I hope you find out what you want to do!


you are just 21. It's unfortunate how Colombia has this culture of having to do college immediately after high school no matter what, even if you are not sure what you want to do with your life, as someone said already in other countries many people just start college at 20. Do not worry too much about it, if there is something I regret is not taking the time to chose the career I wanted. It's even ok if you wait, depends on the college though if they'll wait for you or not.


So guys I just decided to say fuck it and I'm gonna reapply this time for Industrial Engineering, the examn is in one and half months so I gotta get ready (bye gaf :( ) given the case I passed, I'll be at half the carreer thankfully and a lot more comfortabl, it's all about me now.

Thank you everyone for your kind words believe me you could possibly have changed my life
I also did university straight out of highschool and was also in a program I didn't want to be in. I ended up completing 2 or 3 years of it as well, then I said nooo fuck it I have to switch and took the debt hit and the years wasted hit and meh...I think it was worth it. It sucked for a while though, no doubt.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
How good are you at CHEM ENG? I have some ideas I'd like to have proliferate. Want to upstart a business, who cares about a piece of paper if you've got the skills.
Well the OP did say he failed multiple classes.

It sounds to me from the OP that engineering may not be the career for the OP in general. First he took advice from his father and now from GAF. I think he needs to do some soul searching and determine what he actually wants to do with his life. Time to start following his own goals.
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