Glass Rebel
You're insane. This board's general loathing and derision of IM2 is bonkers and way way over the top.
Hell, I like it way more than IM3, a movie I've seen twice and barely remember. Iron Man 3 sucks.
You're insane. This board's general loathing and derision of IM2 is bonkers and way way over the top.
Hell, I like it way more than IM3, a movie I've seen twice and barely remember. Iron Man 3 sucks.
If you tried to get me to explain what the fuck Lex and Superman are thinking in BvS and what their motivations are you'd get a very long confused stare from me. The only person in that movie that makes any moderate amount of sense is Batman.
That says more about your viewing experience than about the movie itself. Each character literally says its motivations aloud. Superman wants to help people, Batman thinks Superman is too powerful and dangerous and will turn bad and kill people, Lex thinks Superman is too perfect and he wants to show the world he isn't.If you tried to get me to explain what the fuck Lex and Superman are thinking in BvS and what their motivations are you'd get a very long confused stare from me. The only person in that movie that makes any moderate amount of sense is Batman.
Sounds like you weren't actually watching the movie at all.
Iron Man 3 is the best Iron Man movie
Sounds like you weren't actually watching the movie at all.
Sounds like you weren't actually watching the movie at all.
You're hilarious! You sick and twisted son of a bitch!hilarious
This is exactly what I felt starting reading the OP. He created a scenario which is not true to GAF, and thus went way overboard.I feel you have created a scenario that doesn't exist (that people somehow give Thor 2 a pass, when it's pretty much a recurring punchline on Gaf, among other places), and therefore have gone way overboard to an extent that Thor 2 just doesn't warrant.
Iron Man 3 best of the trilogy? You're crazy! This whole board is full of sick, deluded maniacs.
Iron Man 3 is the best Iron Man movie
Thor 3 has Jeff Goldblum. It's already the best one.
"If god is all powerful, then he can't be all good, and if he's all good, then he can't be all powerful, and you're gonna show them tonight"Lex hates Superman, I get that. But why? Because of some gods and demons and humans shit?
Makes long shots to give both characters a reason to kill each other playing on their basic instincts. It's not any worse than Zemo's.Oh, and let's not forget that his entire plan to get Batman and Superman to fight each other is some of the stupidest shit a comic book movie has ever done. Everything about Lex Luthor in BvS is a case of a writer trying way too goddamn hard to look more clever than he actually is.
I was going to say, this thread might have been a sign of a decline from peak Mandrake, but you've got at least one thing right.Thor 3 has Jeff Goldblum. It's already the best one.
Thor 3 has Jeff Goldblum. It's already the best one.
Makes long shots to give both characters a reason to kill each other playing on their basic instincts. It's not any worse than Zemo's.
Lex hates Superman, I get that. But why? Because of some gods and demons and humans shit? Oh, and lets not forget that his entire plan to get Batman and Superman to fight each other is some of the stupidest shit a comic book movie has ever done. Everything about Lex Luthor in BvS is a case of a writer trying way too goddamn hard to look more clever than he actually is. Lex literally could have just said "I hate you because you're perfect" and that could have been it. Instead Snyder and company have to jam more incredibly non-subtle metaphors into everything because he thinks that makes him look smart.
BvS biggest achievement is that it has made a bunch of GAFers feel smarter than they actually are.
And yet people still don't seem to understand.
Lex hates God because he feels he did not protect him from his dad. In Superman he finally has the physical embodiment of God and projects all his rage on him. He clearly underlines why he hates Superman on the rooftop scene and his speech at the party was another moment where the creators showed aspects of his psyche.
Well they obviously are smarter seeing as how everyone completely missed what the Martha scene actually meant?
It's not, I think he's kinda reaching.Legitimate question - is this something explained in the Extended Edition? Because I don't remember any of that from the theatrical cut.
The amount of hate this film gets is so weird to me. It's just an average film. Iron Man 2 and Age of Ultron are much worse.
Wait, you didn't watch the UC?Legitimate question - is this something explained in the Extended Edition? Because I don't remember any of that from the theatrical cut.
I actually thought this film was decently liked until I started seeing stuff about it here.
Well they obviously are smarter seeing as how everyone completely missed what the Martha scene actually meant?
Wait, you didn't watch the UC?
I understand your hate, I understand perfectly.
It is, people around here just have a really odd hate-boner for it. It's ultimately pretty harmless, not bad and not great. I'd day it's received as well as it should be outside of GAF fantasy land.
People understood the Martha scene just fine, the problem is it was just not that great of an idea and it was executed in abysmal fashion.
Nope, I havent seen the UC yet. It's sitting at home I just haven't had the timeto sit through it.or enthusiasm
I hated it too.Nope, I havent seen the UC yet. It's sitting at home I just haven't had the timeto sit through it.or enthusiasm
Nope, I havent seen the UC yet. It's sitting at home I just haven't had the timeto sit through it.or enthusiasm
Well they obviously are smarter seeing as how everyone completely missed what the Martha scene actually meant?
Everyone knew what it meant, the problem was "how did we go from Bats trying to kill Supes to suddenly becoming friends with him?"
My mom has the same name as your mom! I will suddenly have a realization that you're more human than I thought while forgetting my previous ridiculous reasons on how you would destroy the world and possibly bring mankind to chaos in a matter of seconds.
Being "okay" is means it's on the high tier of Marvel movies.I've heard this a lot, but only thought Iron Man 3 was "okay" myself. I found it better than the 2nd one, but did not enjoy it near as much as the first. Really wish they would have stuck closer to the Extremis storyline from the comic.
I'm curious as to what the "look you little bitch" tab leads to