Personally, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of high school, and my life took a dramatic turn for the better once I was out of there. Not only did I have a nice new sense of independence, but my luck in general just seemed to take a turn for the best. Here it is about four years later (I'm 22), and I go through the usual post-teenage, pre-true adulthood scares that most kids my age do. I'm constantly thinking that I don't have too much longer to decide who I want to be as a man before I'm cemented into a role. I know that's ridiculous, and I'm still pretty damn young, but I can feel that ever increasing responsibility of the world pushing down on me. Sometimes I love that feeling, sometimes...not so much. Certainly there's aspects of high school I missed - spending alot more time with your friends, the awkwardness of those initial real encounters with the opposite sex, marching band (yes, I was one of those dorks - first chair Baritone, bitches) bla bla bla. There's an innocence there you'll never regain in your life, but I suppose that's part of growing up. I like the direction I'm heading in now, and I'd like to think that has more to do with my personal growth than the environment I'm in...