Go ahead, let what slide? You going to try to turn it into something racial becaue I brought up Ebonics? Sorry, I speak ENGLISH, not some made up, trivial slang language. For shizzle my nizzle.
Keep going, you're just proving my point of you being a egotistical, sawed-off little prick. You're making me laugh my ass off. Continue this flame baiting game you're doing. Unless, you feel a need to place more half naked pictures of your scrawny ass again(further proof of your hubris). We saw how that turned out last time. You're damn lucky one of your classmates didn't find it and print it out all over the school. Now THAT would frustrating, and funny. :lol
I'm loving every minute of this.
At this point not much is your life other than high school and masturbation (not particularly in that order), so stop bitching about your situation. If you don't like it change it and stop spewing your self-loathing all over this thread.
You don't see me whing about my place in life. I hardly have a shanty, as you so put it, my life is fine. I'm extremely happy with my place in life, good wife, good job, nice car, not alot of stress. But I assure you, if I had any strife in my life, this would be the last place I be trying to find help for it.
Poor kid, getting all worked up because you're not happy with your place in the precious high school heirarchy. If this is how you react now you're screwed for the rest of your life. You'll never be happy, but depressed. I'm not trying to be a hard ass with you, but your attitude in the way you type comes off as arrogant. You literaly have no idea what frusration is yet. Just wait, it gets worse. Your frustration seems to stem from the fact you want the unattainable, perfection.
I have frustrations with my job (who doesn't?), but I don't go whing to a bunch of near strangers on some internet board looking for direction. Seriously what type of advice would "FHUTA" be?