Ive hated pennies for many years, but today I just snapped. That tiny thread between normality and insanity was broken. I went to buy something and I was to get 10 cents change back. I didnt get a dime nor did I get a 2 nickels. They didnt have any. Nope, I got 10 pennies. 10! Theyve been rattling around in my pocket for an hour now and I cant stand it anymore. I HATE PENNIES
Such useless pieces of garbage and so annoying. Only worth 1 cent? Why even bother with that shit. Nothing is worse and nothing ruins my day more then when I go to buy something and I get a shit load of pennies as change pack. "You total comes to $4.99. Thanks for shopping with us, take this piece of crap copper piece and leave" And its not even copper, its like 95% zinc. Since when was zinc worth anything and why are we using it as currency? Why they hell do they make things 99 cents or anything that isnt a multiple of 5, or hell even better 10. Thats so stupid. Id rather pay a few extra cents then get stuck with some dumb pieces of crap that have to jingle around in my pocket for the rest of the day.
So after all this I wonder why? Why we still use them? I found these bull shit reasons..
Public demand? The public doesnt demand pennies, they loathe them. The public demands more 100 dollar bills though, lets start printing 13 billion of those annually.
These people dont matter and they are largly stupid. You think Bill Gates or Donald Trump care about pennies. No, they probably dont.
Who cares. They lump everyone together as a whole and use big numbers like 600 million to scare us. Shut the hell up/ Pennies suck get rid of them. Why not round down and save America 600 million. Greedy shitbags.
Ronald McDonald sucks. Stop charging so much for your hamburgers and worry less about your pennies. Penny charities are dumb anyways. Go collect some real money.
1990? Welcome to 15 years ago. Take another poll in this day of age, I assure you the hate for pennies will be greater.
Thats such bullshit. These people are dragging the normal world down. They can hardly afford shit anyways, making cost 1 more cent isnt going to matter.
Boo hoo. Make something else. Your just like the tobacco industry then. Making money off other peoples misery. Getting a penny is like getting cancer from cigarette smoke.
Bullshit answer and they know it. Make less pennies and make more nickles and dimes. Its that easy. Elimate 10 pennies and add a dime. Your logic is retarded.
Nostalgia is retarded, and in this case is a burden on myself and the rest of America. Swallow your pride and change this shit.
If Abe Lincoln had magical powers he'd be raining fire and brimstone on us. He put and end to the Civil War and slavery and hten he gets shot. What do we do. Immoratlize him on a piece of shit. Put him on the damned 50 dollar bill or something. Grant never did anything for us, put his ass on the penny and send them all to the bottom of the ocean.
130 Billions of these damn things in circulation and I wont rest untill they are all destroyed.
I have no idea why I just typed that. Im bored as hell and just needed to get that off my chest.
Such useless pieces of garbage and so annoying. Only worth 1 cent? Why even bother with that shit. Nothing is worse and nothing ruins my day more then when I go to buy something and I get a shit load of pennies as change pack. "You total comes to $4.99. Thanks for shopping with us, take this piece of crap copper piece and leave" And its not even copper, its like 95% zinc. Since when was zinc worth anything and why are we using it as currency? Why they hell do they make things 99 cents or anything that isnt a multiple of 5, or hell even better 10. Thats so stupid. Id rather pay a few extra cents then get stuck with some dumb pieces of crap that have to jingle around in my pocket for the rest of the day.
So after all this I wonder why? Why we still use them? I found these bull shit reasons..
The penny greatly facilitates commerce. The U.S. Mint produces between 10 billion to 13 billion pennies annually to meet broad public demand.
Public demand? The public doesnt demand pennies, they loathe them. The public demands more 100 dollar bills though, lets start printing 13 billion of those annually.
Most Americans still "count their pennies." A recent poll by Opinion Research Corporation found that more than 70% of Americans support keeping the penny in circulation. Not surprisingly, that same poll showed that those with the least annual income found the penny most valuable. When the economy slows, Americans count their pennies and cash them
in. There is a flow of coinage from American homes into the economy confirmed by statistics showing a correlation between U.S. Mint demand for new pennies and the GDP rate.
These people dont matter and they are largly stupid. You think Bill Gates or Donald Trump care about pennies. No, they probably dont.
Elimination of the penny would lead to higher prices. Prices would be rounded to the nearest five cents, resulting in higher prices. Professor Raymond Lombra, Pennsylvania State University, testified before Congress in 1990 that this "rounding tax" could cost Americans $600 million annually
Who cares. They lump everyone together as a whole and use big numbers like 600 million to scare us. Shut the hell up/ Pennies suck get rid of them. Why not round down and save America 600 million. Greedy shitbags.
Elimination of the penny will hurt charitable causes. Organizations like Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Salvation Army rely heavily on donations from the collection of pennies. Recently, the Dallas-based Kindness Foundation raised over $14,400, a penny at a time, for the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Ronald McDonald sucks. Stop charging so much for your hamburgers and worry less about your pennies. Penny charities are dumb anyways. Go collect some real money.
Abolishing the penny could erode consumer confidence in the economy. A 1990 General Accounting Office report found people were fearful their money may not go as far if the penny was eliminated because prices would be rounded to the nearest five cents. The report noted this "rounding" made many Americans feel they are being "ripped off" by being charged higher prices
1990? Welcome to 15 years ago. Take another poll in this day of age, I assure you the hate for pennies will be greater.
Elimination of the penny will hurt those who can afford it least, the poor and elderly. Increased prices due to "rounding" would fall disproportionately on those least able to afford it because they make more small cash purchases.
Thats such bullshit. These people are dragging the normal world down. They can hardly afford shit anyways, making cost 1 more cent isnt going to matter.
The penny produces a profit for the Treasury. Seigniorage, the revenue derived from the difference between the face value of coins and the cost of their mintage, produced more than $25 million for the Treasury last year -- from the penny alone.
Boo hoo. Make something else. Your just like the tobacco industry then. Making money off other peoples misery. Getting a penny is like getting cancer from cigarette smoke.
Eliminating the penny would increase the deficit and the government's need to borrow money. Seigniorage from penny production is treated as a reduction in the amount the Treasury must borrow to finance the national deficit. Elimination of the penny would result in increased federal borrowing and higher interest payments.
Bullshit answer and they know it. Make less pennies and make more nickles and dimes. Its that easy. Elimate 10 pennies and add a dime. Your logic is retarded.
The penny is part of our nation's history and culture. It was the first coin authorized to be minted by the government, with Benjamin Franklin suggesting its original design. Over the centuries, the penny's design has symbolized the spirit of the nation, from Liberty to Lincoln. The penny has been an integral part of the American experience -- whose childhood would be complete without penny candy and other small purchases?
Nostalgia is retarded, and in this case is a burden on myself and the rest of America. Swallow your pride and change this shit.
President Lincoln has been on the penny since 1909, the 100th anniversary of his birth. No other historical figure has reigned longer on a U.S. coin. He deserves to stay there!
If Abe Lincoln had magical powers he'd be raining fire and brimstone on us. He put and end to the Civil War and slavery and hten he gets shot. What do we do. Immoratlize him on a piece of shit. Put him on the damned 50 dollar bill or something. Grant never did anything for us, put his ass on the penny and send them all to the bottom of the ocean.
130 Billions of these damn things in circulation and I wont rest untill they are all destroyed.
I have no idea why I just typed that. Im bored as hell and just needed to get that off my chest.