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I hate the FDA... (ephedra)

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I realized today that trying to lose weight isn't working. I'm in no way overweight, but I want to drop 20 pounds or so to firm up.

So I decided to look for a box of Stacker 2s or something, proven to raise metabolism and make losing weight easier. I knew it was banned unreasonably, but it just makes me angry because the only place I can find it is some shoddy online store that's overcharging and will probably steal my credit card # and screw me over...
Why don't you just lose weight by cutting calories and exercising? It's better than needing some drug to help you through it.
eggplant said:
Why don't you just lose weight by cutting calories and exercising? It's better than needing some drug to help you through it.

The same reason I choose to drive a car 15 miles to work instead of walking.
OmniGamer said:
Before I post what i was going to post....what have you been trying to do to lose weight that hasn't been working?

Watching diet, basketball 3 nights a week, ab and arm workouts... no cokes, as i don't really like them anyway...

It's mainly that I used to do next to nothing and was always skinny as a rail, so I'm a bit jaded at this point...
PotatoeMasher said:
Watching diet, basketball 3 nights a week, ab and arm workouts... no cokes, as i don't really like them anyway...

It's mainly that I used to do next to nothing and was always skinny as a rail, so I'm a bit jaded at this point...

See? There's your problem. You need to do coke, then you'll thin out in no time...

DJ Sl4m

When I first heard of the FDA bringing Ephedra products to court in an attempt to ban them I was furious.

For the 12+ years I've been using it I know what's it's capable of, negative effects and positives. The entire time this stuff was on the market, the FDA tried to take it off, but this was the first full on assault in court attempt yet, and considering they still hadn't had any conclusive studies to prove that it was harmfull at recomended dosages, I was hopefull the FDA would get slapped down by the judge.

Afterall, the ONLY thing the FDA had to go on was past persons who abused the substance that died over the last 15 years, (I'm not sure of the number, but I believe it was approximately 12 or so)

I said all along (even in my rant in the G-A OT thread I made) that ephedra is SAFER than caffeine, because of it's blood dialating properties compared to caffiene's constricting properties.

You see ephedra really does work for mentl alertness, boosts of energy and increased blood circulation as well as helping asthma patients breathe better when under stress, BUT when it's taken with caffiene it's a whole new beast.

The combonation of caffiene and ephedra work incredibly synergistly together, meaning that if both had a strength rating of 1, instead of 1+1 = 2, when combined it's more like 1+1 = 5, and even moreso when taken with asprin for a prolonged and heightened effect.

I said it in the thread I made on the old board, but I knew it would never happen, that if either should be pulled from the market, it should be caffiene, not that this is even an option.

I followed this court hearing as closely as I could considering it was kept as hush hush as possible, and the results are as close to what the FDA could want considering they actually lost the case, and had 1/2 of thier case slapped down like the little whiney bitches they are.

Basicly the judge said they couldn't pull ephedra products from the shelf becasue 1, they never conclusively proved it was the ephedra that caused the deaths of the dozen or so poeple over tha last 15 years since most those who died were taking many other things that were just as risky. (like the georgia football player who died of heart failure last summer in full pads. He was also loaded with creatine, which is a very strong signal to pull water into your muscles, and when overheated it can rob water from organs such as your heart.)

EPHEDRA is still being sold, online and offline, it just can't be combined with .........(drum roll please...............caffiene!, also it can't be marketed for weight loss anymore, it's still legal to buy/sell ephedra, but now it's only reason to market it, is for asthsma patients.

So if you Have to have ephedra or just love the mental sharpness it provides on days you have a tough time getting started, just buy a few packs/bottles of ephedra and combine it with your ephedra free stacker 2 or whatever caffine based eightloss capsules being sold that you preffer and it's the same thing that was being sold a month or more ago.

So, to the hater in the thread I made about this months ago talking out of his asss spouting only things he read from recent newspaper articles or whatever halfass researched media presentation all I can say is.............. I was right & the FDA = owned.

Articles from the media on ephedra are NO damn different then the half ass researched propaganda that they spout about the video game market.

The media aren't specialists in ephedra.


Steroid Distributor
PotatoeMasher go check out a product called TIGHT! from San. www.sann.com

Top selling fat burner in the US last year. It's a wicked formula and it does work. Better then the ephedra products that are still skulking around out there.


personally, I find the latest picture rather nasty. He needs a little fat, or maybe it's just the tan, but he looks almost ill and painfully fat-free in that picture. Maybe it's just me though.

Looking at his monthly pictures I probably would have started just maintaing about October or November of 2003. I think he looks alot better there than he does later on.
I agree. His body could use more bulk or a slight layer of fat. His poses don't lend themselves to flattery though. He doesn't have the same sort of muscular proportions of Brad Pitt who has a near perfect physic. How he got to where he is is phenomenal though.


Guess i'll jump the gun and post my own lil progress pics. These are from March and June(July pics due this week)...just from home workouts, i've never been to a gym so my results aren't as drastic as that guy.



cool guys... i'm gonna keep up with my routine but hopefully add a bit more discipline to it... no fat burners just yet--i was a bit frustrated this morning...


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>dammit Omni, now I've got to get some kleenex.<<<

To quote Geese Howard, "Predictable!".


Damn, why doesn't the torso pic show up....oh well, even with improvement, i'm the most self-conscious over that anyway.
I've seen a lot of people say the side effects of TIGHT! are extreme and it's not effective. Have you actually used it? It's tough to trust reviews on the internet when they all tell you to buy another product...
DJ Sl4m said:
When I first heard of the FDA bringing Ephedra products to court in an attempt to ban them I was furious.

For the 12+ years I've been using it I know what's it's capable of, negative effects and positives. The entire time this stuff was on the market, the FDA tried to take it off, but this was the first full on assault in court attempt yet, and considering they still hadn't had any conclusive studies to prove that it was harmfull at recomended dosages, I was hopefull the FDA would get slapped down by the judge.

Afterall, the ONLY thing the FDA had to go on was past persons who abused the substance that died over the last 15 years, (I'm not sure of the number, but I believe it was approximately 12 or so)

I said all along (even in my rant in the G-A OT thread I made) that ephedra is SAFER than caffeine, because of it's blood dialating properties compared to caffiene's constricting properties.

You see ephedra really does work for mentl alertness, boosts of energy and increased blood circulation as well as helping asthma patients breathe better when under stress, BUT when it's taken with caffiene it's a whole new beast.

The combonation of caffiene and ephedra work incredibly synergistly together, meaning that if both had a strength rating of 1, instead of 1+1 = 2, when combined it's more like 1+1 = 5, and even moreso when taken with asprin for a prolonged and heightened effect.

I said it in the thread I made on the old board, but I knew it would never happen, that if either should be pulled from the market, it should be caffiene, not that this is even an option.

I followed this court hearing as closely as I could considering it was kept as hush hush as possible, and the results are as close to what the FDA could want considering they actually lost the case, and had 1/2 of thier case slapped down like the little whiney bitches they are.

Basicly the judge said they couldn't pull ephedra products from the shelf becasue 1, they never conclusively proved it was the ephedra that caused the deaths of the dozen or so poeple over tha last 15 years since most those who died were taking many other things that were just as risky. (like the georgia football player who died of heart failure last summer in full pads. He was also loaded with creatine, which is a very strong signal to pull water into your muscles, and when overheated it can rob water from organs such as your heart.)

EPHEDRA is still being sold, online and offline, it just can't be combined with .........(drum roll please...............caffiene!, also it can't be marketed for weight loss anymore, it's still legal to buy/sell ephedra, but now it's only reason to market it, is for asthsma patients.

So if you Have to have ephedra or just love the mental sharpness it provides on days you have a tough time getting started, just buy a few packs/bottles of ephedra and combine it with your ephedra free stacker 2 or whatever caffine based eightloss capsules being sold that you preffer and it's the same thing that was being sold a month or more ago.

So, to the hater in the thread I made about this months ago talking out of his asss spouting only things he read from recent newspaper articles or whatever halfass researched media presentation all I can say is.............. I was right & the FDA = owned.

Articles from the media on ephedra are NO damn different then the half ass researched propaganda that they spout about the video game market.

The media aren't specialists in ephedra.

You sound like a drug addict.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I know people that spend hours a day working with their diet. Couting carbs, calories, etc. All these atkins candy that say "don't eat more than one a day." If you eat more, you'll have severe digestion problems.

After all that effort, they get no results.

Just do 35 minutes of cardio 3 days a week and don't eat shit. Drink water, not cola/beer. Eat whole wheat, not white "bread."

Edit: It's important that the cardio is continuous. Don't take breaks. Why? Because after 10 minutes of cardio, your body uses fat as the primary source of energy for muscles. If you take breaks, your body will reload the muscles with carbs.

That's all there is to it, really.


Setec Astronomer
Edit: It's important that the cardio is continuous. Don't take breaks. Why? Because after 10 minutes of cardio, your body uses fat as the primary source of energy for muscles. If you take breaks, your body will reload the muscles with carbs.
....uh.... that doesn't sound right. Maybe you mean after 10 minutes of activity the digestive tract can't keep pace in replenishing blood sugar and fat stores take over.
OmniGamer said:
Guess i'll jump the gun and post my own lil progress pics. These are from March and June(July pics due this week)...just from home workouts, i've never been to a gym so my results aren't as drastic as that guy.




Ohhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
jeshuh chriisht


teh_pwn said:
I know people that spend hours a day working with their diet. Couting carbs, calories, etc. All these atkins candy that say "don't eat more than one a day." If you eat more, you'll have severe digestion problems.

After all that effort, they get no results.

Just do 35 minutes of cardio 3 days a week and don't eat shit. Drink water, not cola/beer. Eat whole wheat, not white "bread."

Uh, didn't he already say he does basketball 3 times per week?

Despite what people wish to believe, this doesn't work for everyone. I've found that I maintain my weight unless I carve my food down to virtually nothing, regardless of what exactly I eat, or how much exercise I get.
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