Other than the repost/cross-post spam, karma farms, and constant posting in subs where a post doesn’t belong but still gets upvoted because people are dumb as fuck, the worse thing about Reddit is the same old tired shit in the comments.
Someone writes a comment, then there’s a reply that is just a link to a subreddit. Not in a useful way, they just want to be included in screenshots. Dozens of Reddits devoted to screenshots of Reddit comments. The worst of them all is “inclusive or”, because it’s a double team of the same tired joke predictably followed by the subreddit link.
>Is it A or B?
Million upvotes, no actual answer to the question. The only time I like a link as a reply is r/yourjokebutworse, because it calls out the commenters that ruin the joke.
There are some useful communities, but they tend to be the niche communities that are a little more educational.
If you follow r/science, make sure you’re using desktop Reddit with Reddit Enhancement Suite and you block the Social Science tag. Some nonsense survey is not science, it’s politics that varies from thinly veiled to not even bothering to mask it. If you ask for alternative science Reddits, the replies get removed.