Mrbob said:
No, no. I meant from the standpoint of shortage of product within release. And delayed releases. Delays and shortages have gone on for a ridiculous amount of time, on both sides. Quality wise this gen smacks around last gen overall.
Ah, well in that case I have been under the benefit of not giving a fuck about current PC hardware until just very recently. So all that time people were reading about 6800 and X800 releases I was purposefully turning a blind eye to the whole scene. This helps me to happy with my current hardware longer.
However, this trusted cycle was broken when the frequently aforementioned 9800 Pro fell down the Doom stairs. Suddenly I had to care, I fired off some emails to Dark10X, who advised the original 9800 purchase BTW, and the 6800 was suggested, already on the market. And of course that lead to a CPU upgrade and here I am, back on my PC highhorse again, not afraid to run any goddamn demo I want.
It's time for me to turn from hardware news again, until at least Febuary. Please forgive my obnoxious 9800 related posts which evolved from threats of card immolation, to full on rants, to posting pics to embarress the whole line. I can be an emotional person, but only when something is really important.