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I have some questions.


(1) If SSBM was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 5 million copies worldwide?

(2) Halo has sold over 2 million copies in the US alone on the Xbox. Would it have sold that many copies if it were a PC exclusive title?

(3) If DOA3 was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 700,000 copies?

(4) Has Sega sold more games overall since becoming a 3rd party developer?

(5) Has Sega profited from the console software business since becoming a 3rd party developer?

(6) Do you think that EA should create their own console?

(7) Resident Evil Remake sold well on the Gamecube but the Metal Gear Solid remake didn't. Why?

IMO, question number 2 is the most interesting one. BTW, SSBM is Super Smash Bros. Melee.
1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes
4) ?
5) ?
6) Dear God, No!
7) Twin Snakes sucked. RE franchise has had more time to mature meaning that there were more games and more years in between the original and the remake. MGS3 on PS2 was well known throughout MGS:TTS development. Wasn't handled directly by Hideo.
(2) Halo has sold over 2 million copies in the US alone on the Xbox. Would it have sold that many copies if it were a PC exclusive title?

think it's now over 3 million in US, but there's no danger of it selling those amounts on PC.

I think that Bungie were very shrewd in selling to MS Game studios, especially now that Alex Seropian has founded Wideload (and rumours of a Bungie exodus after Halo2)

Prior to Bungie selling out to MS and all the Halo hype, it was anticipated for the PC (and Mac originally), but i would have been gobsmacked if it did Xbox numbers on the PC.

Other stuff:-
(1) If SSBM was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 5 million copies worldwide?


(3) If DOA3 was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 700,000 copies?


(4) Has Sega sold more games overall since becoming a 3rd party developer?

Big No.

(5) Has Sega profited from the console software business since becoming a 3rd party developer?

Yes. I think...

(6) Do you think that EA should create their own console?

Why would they? They are making a killing as it is - win-win situation.

(7) Resident Evil Remake sold well on the Gamecube but the Metal Gear Solid remake didn't. Why?

Interesting one, have to say my reasoning would be that MGS2 was already released on PS2, and MGS3 was announced, and shown leaving Twin Snakes looking kind of tame. At least REMake had the gobsmacking graphics & the promise that subsequent Resident Evil games would be on the same platform.
Also I think the hype for REMake was far bigger than Twin Snakes.
Twin Snakes also missed Holiday period I think.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
(1) If SSBM was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 5 million copies worldwide?


(2) Halo has sold over 2 million copies in the US alone on the Xbox. Would it have sold that many copies if it were a PC exclusive title?


(3) If DOA3 was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 700,000 copies?


(4) Has Sega sold more games overall since becoming a 3rd party developer?


(5) Has Sega profited from the console software business since becoming a 3rd party developer?


(6) Do you think that EA should create their own console?


(7) Resident Evil Remake sold well on the Gamecube but the Metal Gear Solid remake didn't. Why?

Poor quality port, lack of advertising, RE to GC was a HUGE announcement, etc.


Queen of Denmark
(1) If SSBM was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 5 million copies worldwide?

(2) Halo has sold over 2 million copies in the US alone on the Xbox. Would it have sold that many copies if it were a PC exclusive title?

(3) If DOA3 was a PS2 exclusive game, do you think that it would have sold over 700,000 copies?

(4) Has Sega sold more games overall since becoming a 3rd party developer?

(5) Has Sega profited from the console software business since becoming a 3rd party developer?
Yes, of course.

(6) Do you think that EA should create their own console?
That's a tough one... R&D and other such costs associated with launching a console would be tough, but they've got some hot properties right now.

I will say that as a gamer, I do not want EA -- or anyone else -- to make yet another console.

(7) Resident Evil Remake sold well on the Gamecube but the Metal Gear Solid remake didn't. Why?
Resident Evil looked pretty and didn't have a better, newer installment coming for the PS3 to contend with.


Here is my take:

(1) No. If there was no Gamecube and SSBM went to the PS2, I think it would have bombed.

(2) No. Other first person shooters on the PC would have killed it.

(3) No. Tekken 4 and VF4 would have dampened DOA3's sales. On the Xbox, DOA3 has virtually no competition.

(4) I doubt this. I would be surprised if they did.

(5) Same as 4.

(6) No. But I think that in the long term they will.

(7) RE Remake was a very well made game. MGS:TTS wasn't. Additionally, RE2 made it to the N64 so Nintendo gamers were already familiar with the Resident Evil franchise before the Gamecube was launched.

The success of Halo just goes to show you how important the hardware business is. IMO, on the PC Halo would have been just another first person shooter. On the Xbox, however, it is a phenomenon. This applies to all the hardware manufacturers. It's not always the case that the games sell the hardware. In some cases the hardware helps to sell the games.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Halo would have been much more than "another PC FPS", but it probably would not have achieved the same kind of success it did on XBOX.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
1) yes!

2) No

3) yes

4) No

5) Yes but there reputation has taken a big hit!

6) Yes it would be full of B grade movie franchise games!

7) more effort went into RE!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Leviathan said:
Do you have any proof of this? IIRC, they are still making losses in the console software business. It is in the arcade business that Sega is profitable.

They were in the red during the Dreamcast days...and they managed to pull themselves out of that after they dropped it. Regardless of HOW it occured, they seriously saved their own asses by dropping the system...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
1) Yes it would have sold a large chunk of it in Japan alone

2) No... Pirates would have seen to that.... Plus decent FPS games are not in short on the PC market

3) Yup... see question number 1.... the Japanese market, on the PS2, would have really helped the sale of this game... and the love pillows

4) you know that is a good question... I'd say no... but that's just a hunch... I have no numbers.... or solid data to back it up... just I think they sold well on their own consoles because Sega games were almost the only good games that they had (see Nintendo Gamecube)

5) Yeah....Sammy bought them....

6) Well it would sell well...

7) RE wasn't a hack job by SK....
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