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I just finished watching all of Wes Anderson's movies

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Rushmore and The Royal Tenebaums are still my favorites. The rest are lesser movies.


I still say the stupid OR scrubs joke


Id throw Budapest in there, which I dont say lightly as both of those movies are my favorite film ever


I'm surprised people don't think more highly of Moonrise, but I haven't seen a few of his movies so I'll have to get to the rest of them. I LOVE Moonrise.


Darjeeling is the only bad one of the bunch but I was pretty meh on Moonrise Kingdom too...cute, but kinda dull.

Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Life Aquatic are his best. Grand Budapest is just outside of that, then Bottle Rocket and Rushmore, drop down to Moonrise and another drop down to Darjeeling.
i see people can't really provide good reasons as to why the life aquatic is terrible while rushmore is great. i think that's cos there aren't any.


Watch Life Aquatic when you feel your life is turning to shit, and it will be one of the best films you've seen in your life.

It's one of the most relatable movies ever. One reason I like wes anderson is how distills these various aspects of one's life into a film.

It's pretty telling what type a person someone is by how they rank his films. I find them all to be great.


Life Aquatic by a country mile. Such an amazing movie. Can't understand why it wasn't critically and commercially loved.


Didn't like Rushmore or Darjeeling. Liked the rest well enough, with GBH and F2F being the standouts followed by TLA and TRT.

Haven't seen Bottle Rocket.
He's slowly but surely just tried to out weird himself. Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Royal Tenebaums are his best movies because they don't play off as bizarre art showcases with awkward dialogue. I give him props for his set designs and unique story lines, but everything since Life Aquatic has been more or less average.
Good post. I'm a little surprised more people aren't pointing out Anderson's writing collaborators, particularly noting the first three are with Owen Wilson, aka Owen C. Wilson. I still consider the original three movies his best work, would probably rank them in order of release. After, it's a bit hit or miss in my book and I still consider myself a big fan.

Also, I'm I the only person who thought Cousin Ben in Moonrise was great?
You don't fully understand a Wes Anderson movie until you've seen it 3 times. You're opinion on any of his movies literally does not count unless you have seen the movie 3 times. A bunch of people reading this think I'm joking or being pretentious but I'm as serious as cancer. 3 viewings is the golden rule for his films. At this point you will be able to tell if you truly like or dislike the film, and no sooner.

I've been a Anderson diehard since Rushmore came out, and Moonrise took me a few watchings before I loved it.

Darjeeling is the still the worst thing he's made.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The Fantastic Mr. Fox is one of the greatest movies ever made.

Then there's The Darjeeling Limited, The Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom and The Life Aquatic which I rank about the same tier. Which is God-tier.

Then there's Bottle Rocket and Rushmore, neither of which I enjoyed.

Lastly there is The Grand Budapest Hotel which I've yet to see.

Few directors are so consistently genius.
I don't get why people don't like Life Aquatic. Maybe it's because they aren't aware of the cheesy adventure doco genre from the 70's that Life Aquatic gets a lot of inspiration from.

things like Jacques Cousteau docos are obvious

But there's also a hint of macho adventures like Alby Mangels' World Safari

Personally Life Aquatic is my favourite, then Grand Budapest, Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore, Fantastic Mr Fox and way at the back, Darjeeling Ltd and Bottle Rocket.


I love every movie he made except Fantastic Mr Fox (because i have an irrational dislike of stop motion animation), bottle rocket and Darjeeling Limited which is the one i didn't rewatch yet, i expect to appreciate it more then.


I mostly agree wth OP's list except I really loved Moonrise. Totally agree about Rushmore and Life Aquatic though. Funny I just watched LA last night. Such a great flick.
1. The Grand Budapest Hotel
2. The Darjeeling Limited
Any order you want to put the rest is fine, but in my opinion Moonrise Kingdom is his weakest film.


Top tier
The Royal Tenebaums
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Really, really good tier
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Bottle Rocket

Really good tier
Moonrise Kingdom
The Darjeeling Limited


Unconfirmed Member
Hard for me to really pick among Wes Anderson's stuff. Grand Budapest Hotel is far and away his best story. It's definitely up there on my list overall, but I'm not sure if it's at the top. I still have a pretty soft spot for Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and Tenenbaums. Life Aquatic, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Moonrise are all exceptional, too.

The only thing I'm really sure about is that Darjeeling Limited is easily my least favorite of the bunch. The only time I really felt like Wes' indulgence in his aesthetic was actually detrimental to the film. Maybe I need to see it again.


I find his movies great except The Darjeeling Limited, which was horrible. I'll have to rewatch because it felt completely different to the others so it might have been me.

Also, actor Owen Wilson has been writer for some of his movies (Tenembaums, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore).
I think, Ebert's review of Life Aquatic says it best.

My rational mind informs me that this movie doesn't work. Yet I hear a subversive whisper: Since it does so many other things, does it have to work, too? Can't it just exist? "Terminal whimsy," I called it on the TV show. Yes, but isn't that better than half-hearted whimsy, or no whimsy at all? Wes Anderson's "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" is the damnedest film. I can't recommend it, but I would not for one second discourage you from seeing it.


I feel the same way, except I also think it as one of the best films ever.


This Life Aquatic love is like a warm bath.

Easily my favorite film of his and one of my most favorite movies of all times. Just hits so well on so many levels.


"The Life Aquatic" ALL DAY!!!!

Definitely my favorite Wes Anderson movie, and one of my favorite movies ever, period. Grand Budapest comes in right behind it.
The Royal Tenebaums and Rushmore are his two best, by far. The Life Aquatic and Fantastic Mr. Fox are on the second tier for me. Everything else is decent to good.


I've enjoyed them all, but nothing will ever top going to see The Royal Tenenbaums opening night and watching half the patrons in the theater walk out in absolute disgust. No exaggeration here, and everyone who walked out was compelled to audibly damn it as they rose from their seats and made their way up the aisles.

They didn't have a fucking clue. Oh god, my sides burned from the laughter.


Neo Member
I just recently saw Moonrise Kingdom and I still think it's better than most movies getting full release. Wes Anderson is a brilliant director.


OP, Life Aquatic is easily my favorite as well and one of my favorite films ever. Please, please, please go back and rewatch FMF though...I think it's a masterpiece and on second viewing, his cockiness in the face of danger almost becomes endearing.


Life Aquatic is one of my favorite films from Anderson, but it's also probably his weakest in terms of quality storytelling. It's disjointed and whimsical- which is what I liked about it, but so much less coherent than almost anything else he's made.


I'll write a more detailed post later, but...

OP, where are hotel Chevalier, castello cavelcanti, and the American Express advert?

Hotel chevalier is a superior movie to darjeeling, despite being about 1/12 as long.

Also, fuck life aquatic.
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