So many great quotes from his movies. He's one of the few director / writers that consistently makes movies that are emotionally resonant and have intricate dialogue.
Many movies hit either one or the other for me, but Wes Anderson film's seem to hit on all levels. In particular I enjoy how his characters deal with loss, aging, youthful arrogance, parenting, father figures, death, and family ineractions.
I understand his films won't resonate with a mass audience (for a variety of reasons), but it's been great to see his movies gain a wider audience and critical recognition along the way. Still find it hard to believe he hasn't "sold out" and made a straight up mainstream movie at this point.
On another note, the performances he elicits from some of his acting troupe is refreshing. Bill Murray being quintessential Bill Murray (in pretty much every Wes Anderson movie). Ralph Fiennes in Grand Budapest Hotel. Jeff Goldblum and Willem Defoe in Life Aquatic. Bruce Willis in Moonrise Kingdom. Schwartzman in Rushmore. Adrien Brody in Darjeeling.