Imagine this coming from this company's Chairman.

He's not Nigerian! And they have a website! What do you think, guys?!

Hello, my name is Jon Driscoll and I work for a
company called Void Computers Inc. I found
your resume on because we are
searching for reliable professionals across the United
States who are interested in a potentially lucrative
partnership with an international firm.
Void Computers Inc. is a leading software company in Latvia
and we are currently expanding our operations in the
United States. But because of various banking and
legal restrictions, we are unable to open commercial
bank accounts in every state. As such, Void Computers Inc. is
recruiting partners to conduct simple banking
transactions on our behalf.
The process is simple. If you were interested in
becoming a US partner of Void Computers Inc., you would sign
an agreement that would make you an official financial
representative of our company, able to accept invoice
payments on our behalf. Instead of asking our
American clients to conduct complicated international
payment transactions (which are especially complex for
Latvian companies), we have them work with our
partners to submit payments. You would then forward
the payments to us, a simple transaction for an individual.
Void Computers Inc. pays its partners a 10% commission on
every transaction. In addition, we will take care of
any incremental tax liability you incur. Depending on
which state you are in, and of course on how good
business is, your monthly commissions could be as high
as $40,000 per month.
If you are interested in working with us, or if you
want more information, you can contact me directly at
my personal email address: I'll need your full
name and mailing address so I can send you the
contract and other paperwork necessary to get started.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jon Driscoll
He's not Nigerian! And they have a website! What do you think, guys?!